Our cat has lost almost all control of rear feet/hind quarters


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 11, 2020
Grasping for any type of help, so far the Vet hasn't offered much help. We have a large, 10 year old male Tuxedo cat who went from being healthy and active to almost losing full control of his rear legs and hind quarters. Basically a paraplegic at this point.

Our's cat's an indoor cat with very limited outdoor exposer without us supervising so no accident such as car's or fall's. We suddenly noticed that he was having trouble walking and would almost collapse while walking any distance. Within a day or so it's gotten to the point that the poor cat can't walk at all because of his rear legs giving out. He'll eat and drink if we bring food to him but as for going to the bathroom we have to carry him outside and he basically goes to bathroom while lying down simply because he can't stand.

We've had a couple of Vet visit's but with the Corona virus we can't go into the office, only drop him off at the front door. Vet took an X-ray and found what he thought was compressed disc issues on his spine which he prescribed an anti-inflammatory medicine for. We haven't noticed any improvement and this medicine can't be given more than a few times because of kidney damage it'll cause. The Vet has also ordered us pain medicine to make him more comfortable although I can't tell whether he's in pain or not, certainly uncomfortable though and of course doesn't understand what's going on.

At this point I don't know what the Vet thinks we can do if he doesn't improve which I don't thinks going to happen. We're at a total loss as to what to do going forward. We certainly can't let him live this way but we have little hope unless we take him to a specialist or a Vet school for help, any of course that would cost thousands of dollars even if we had it.

Anyone else ever have a cat with a sudden loss of the rear leg movement or disc issues with the spine? Thanks for any suggestions you might have.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
We did have a cat who had instant paralysis and when we took her in, they said it was a disc issue. She was 16 and had chronic health issues already, the worst being kidney dis:sniffle:ease, so we let her go.

I did find this thread that may be of help: Back Legs Not Always Working, Lump On Tail

Hoping your boy can make a full recovery :vibes::vibes::vibes:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 11, 2020
Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately now our cat is showing paralysis to one of his front paw area's, now making it almost impossible for our cat to move around. We can think of only one possible reason how he could have injured his spine/disc. Our cat door into the garage is a normal size cat door but our cat is a very large male and he basically needs to squeeze himself through the door, it's possible that years of this could have caused damage.

The other remote possibility is that he drank water from the toilet bowl which happened to have a Clorox type cleaner in it. Like many cat's, we've seen him use the toilet to drink water from so it's possible he could have drank from it during a bathroom cleaning period and poisoned himself causing neurological damage. We'll probably never know.

In the mean time the Vet is suggesting pain medicine to make him more comfortable but of course that's only a short term help. He's no real help and of course any conversation with him has to be made by phone because of this virus issues. Unfortunately I realize what the long term recommendation will be. In the meantime our other 20 year old cat is nearing the time he also needs to be put to sleep. Sad all around for us. Thanks.


TCS Member
May 12, 2020

There are other reasons that your cat may have suddenly lost proper use of his back legs: Feline Aortic Thromboembulism, an epileptic seizure, diabetes, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Here is a decent article that talks about some causes, I hope that you find it helpful:



Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I'd get a second opinion from a cat specialist. I know many vets are only seeing established patients right now so maybe just a different vet at your practice would do.

Sometimes a vet just misses something or doesn't have as much specialization to know. I know I once had one vet tell me my cat likely had FIP, got a second opinion and he was constipated (which was treated and problems stopped).
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 11, 2020
Thanks again. I plan to have a phone consultation with the Vet tomorrow hopefully. The SIP has made it almost impossible to talk to the Vet in person. We now have him on oral pain medicine which has pretty much knocked him out but of course it's only a short term answer.
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 11, 2020
Not that anyone’s following my post but I almost feel like I need to reach out and report the sad ending to our family cat.

I ended up going to see a neurologist today for our beloved family cat and they quickly determined he had some type of serious neurological issue causing his loss of movement in the rear legs.

We agreed to spend the $3,000. on an MRI knowing the outcome probably wouldn’t be good. Sure enough the vet called us back a couple of hours later to report that he had found what appeared to be cancerous growths on several areas on his spine including neck area.

With few options left he said steroids might prolong his life and that waiting a few days to see if it helped might at least give us a month or so with him. We agreed with the plan knowing it was a long shot but unfortunately before he awoke from the sedation his breathing stopped, apparently caused by the pressure of the growth on his cervical spine.

To say it’s devastating to us would be an understatement. He was truly a huge part of our family and we’ll never forget him. Coming days are going to be extremely hard. I guess only cat lovers can relate to the loss.

Thanks for the earlier comments and for listening to me.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I'm so sorry that you didn't get good news and you lost your boy. When you're ready, please post a tribute to you kitty in the Crossing the Bridge forum. Big hugs to you.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 9, 2017
So sorry for the devastating news. Our hearts truly go out to you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Clorox! Don’t give up! My friends cat licked Clorox and lost all control. It wasn’t immediately clear. She mopped with Clorox and did not know the cat was licking it. The cat slowly recovered but the event was repeated. This time she saw the cat licking the wet floor. In time the cat did recover all use of his body. The odd thing is that she had two cats do this. Only one was affected that way. The other one threw up. Perhaps an empty stomach on one? There were no real answers about anything. Her seriously affected cat was treated for the toxins he ingested. I am sorry I don’t remember all the details but I know he got fluids. I believe the thought was to clean his system. He totally recovered but for awhile he exhibited the symptoms you describe and even what appeared to be seizure, semi conscious. He would try to walk and stumble, finally unable to walk. Don’t give up. Keep the cat from smelling the Clorox as well as possibly ingesting it.
Some veterinary schools may help.
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 11, 2017
Colfax, CA
I just saw your post. I'm so so sorry. I wish I could take the pain away, my heart really goes out to you. It's very heartbreaking and yes, as a cat lover, for me, it's one of the worst kinds of emotional pain. Please don't feel guilty either, it's so natural to blame ourselves. We just aren't perfect and we make mistakes at times. Everytime, a cat of mine has died, I think of how I could've done something different.

I really don't think he drank from the toilet with the Clorox though. One wiff of chemicals even mixed with water (especially bleach types) will cause a cat to not want to drink. Even if he did, he probably wouldn't have wanted to eat at all. As far as the cat door, we just often don't think of things like that. And it really may have had nothing to do with that because I think you would have seen gradual issues up until now.

I'm Sending out prayers and love to you and yours♥, I'm so sorry.


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
Clorox! Don’t give up! My friends cat licked Clorox and lost all control. It wasn’t immediately clear. She mopped with Clorox and did not know the cat was licking it. The cat slowly recovered but the event was repeated. This time she saw the cat licking the wet floor. In time the cat did recover all use of his body. The odd thing is that she had two cats do this. Only one was affected that way. The other one threw up. Perhaps an empty stomach on one? There were no real answers about anything. Her seriously affected cat was treated for the toxins he ingested. I am sorry I don’t remember all the details but I know he got fluids. I believe the thought was to clean his system. He totally recovered but for awhile he exhibited the symptoms you describe and even what appeared to be seizure, semi conscious. He would try to walk and stumble, finally unable to walk. Don’t give up. Keep the cat from smelling the Clorox as well as possibly ingesting it.
Some veterinary schools may help

Her kitty sadly passed away, he had tumors on his spine. :(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I wanted to add something else too. If it isn’t the Clorox, (cats do surprising things that we never imagine they might do, ) there is other hope out there. I was paralyzed myself from spinal cord being partially cut. I was told it was permanent. It wasn’t. I have full function now. I went to find the following thread because physical therapy, love and patience can change everything. Please click on this link and read about feten the kitty. Also, please keep us updated. Sending lots of healing hope and vibes! :vibes::redheartpump: Paralyzed Stray Black Kitten
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 11, 2020
Clorox! Don’t give up! My friends cat licked Clorox and lost all control. It wasn’t immediately clear. She mopped with Clorox and did not know the cat was licking it. The cat slowly recovered but the event was repeated. This time she saw the cat licking the wet floor. In time the cat did recover all use of his body. The odd thing is that she had two cats do this. Only one was affected that way. The other one threw up. Perhaps an empty stomach on one? There were no real answers about anything. Her seriously affected cat was treated for the toxins he ingested. I am sorry I don’t remember all the details but I know he got fluids. I believe the thought was to clean his system. He totally recovered but for awhile he exhibited the symptoms you describe and even what appeared to be seizure, semi conscious. He would try to walk and stumble, finally unable to walk. Don’t give up. Keep the cat from smelling the Clorox as well as possibly ingesting it.
Some veterinary schools may help.
Luckily the Vet said it wasn't the Clorox after all, simply the cancerous growths on his spine which the MRI confirmed. I know my wife is at least happy to hear that part, I had warned her about leaving it in the toilet bowl knowing our cat sometimes drinks out of it when it's left open. At least now she know's that wasn't the case.


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty. It's so hard when it comes on like that then not knowing what it is for a period of time. He was certainly well loved.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I’m sure that about the bleach is a relief for her but she should know that no matter what, there is never fault in these things. We love our babies and do everything we can to give them happy lives. You are both to be commended for doing so much to help him in the face of such a hard issue. :grouphug2: We have all faced loss and you have our greatest sympathy.