Oscar Is Missing


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 7, 2017
Some of you may remember I wrote in about the feral cat Oscar that had been shot and finally trapped and vetted.
Oscar was doing wonderful. He had adapted to our busy household eating with the other cats and even doing head rubs with one of them. He was letting me brush him and coming when he heard the envelope to the cat treats. He even ate supper next to our German Shepherd without a blink.
Well we had a new hot water tank put in Friday. I saw him come up from the family room and thought he turned the corner to the steps to the upstairs. I never gave it another thought. I did not see the door held open at any time but my SO did. At any rate we searched the house everywhere over and over again but he is gone. We searched outside in -6 degrees and have put food out where he used to eat before trapping but nothing. The only thing I did see is a set of kitty footprints heading in the direction of the woods where he appeared to head after eating in the Summer. I have spoke to neighbors and called and called but again, nothing.
I am just sick about it. I don't understand.... he seemed quite content. I had even remarked several times to SO that he lays right in the dining room and sees the dogs and some of the cats going out in the back (fenced) yard and has seemingly no interest.
Does anyone thing he will be back? Will I ever get him back in the house??


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
He will likely return when he gets hungry. Can you leave a bowl of dry food out on your porch during the daylight hours for the next several days? Are you able to approach him and handle him enough to lure him to yourself with treats and pick him up and bring him inside? Many feral cats who have been trapped in a humane trap will not enter it a second time, so you may need to lure him back to yourself somehow.

It doesn't matter how content a cat is living indoors. For some cats who have once lived outdoors, there remains the desire to run back outdoors when the opportunity presents itself. One of my rescued cats is always trying to run out the front door when I open it, despite the fact that he's happy indoors and I take him for walks on a lead and harness in good weather. Lucky for me, when he does manage to get out, he rolls around in my front yard and waits for me to come pick him up and take him back inside. I always need to take special care whenever I have company, or a workman comes over my house. Once you get Oscar back inside, you'll need to enclose him in a room next time you have a workman coming in and out of your house. It's also possible he may end up being an indoor/outdoor cat, which would be more stressful for you, but less stressful for him.

Since Oscar is neutered, he likely won't stray far from his known food source, which is you. My guess is that you'll see him again within a few days. Good luck and keep us posted.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 7, 2017
Thank you for the reply.
There has been dry food out since we realized he was gone and not just hiding in the house.
It is untouched.
I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to recapture in the trap.
I doubt that I will be able to just pick him up and carry him back indoors.
It was my plan to allow him out in the backyard after he had been here a while possibly in the Spring because
with his leg he wouldn't be able to get over the 5 ft fence. Most of mine are content back there when I'm home.
1/2 acre fenced in with pond and some wooded area to watch.
I'm just hoping he's ok since he was in the warm and spent some of the coldest nights outside plus I worry about whoever shot him doing it again if they see him.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
I know how difficult it is when a beloved cat goes missing. I had an outdoor feral cat I cared for for almost five years, and every time he disappeared for two or three days at a time, I would be an anxious wreck. But he refused to come indoors. Your setup sounds ideal. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way and to Oscar. When you see him around again, if you are not able to lure him back inside, you can always try trapping him again. Some cats will go into a trap a second time if the first time wasn't too traumatic. Feral cats, unlike strays, are very savvy and capable of finding their way back to their home territory. Keep calling out to him, he knows your voice and will return when he's ready.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 7, 2017
It's amazing how quickly you get attached to these guys. He has this great big old teddy bear tom cat head and was actually rolling over and reaching out with a paw when I brushed him and then stopped.
I've been calling and calling him but nothing. I would have thought he would be back for food by now.
I spoke to the vet that worked on him yesterday because he had to stay there for 2 days 2 weeks ago.
Stopped eating for whatever reason. He was a little dehydrated. They did blood work and his one kidney value was a little high but repeat bw showed normal and he was eating fine at home again. We put a water bowl just for him on top of the entertainment center where he liked to hang out and watch the world go by.
We will just wait, nothing else I can do.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Try going out a dusk and dawn. That is when cats are most likely to come out. Since he was living inside and using a litter box, some people suggest sprinkling some of his litter around as they find their own scent comforting.

Have you thought of getting a trail camera or wireless ip camera to see if he is around at night? Since he was trapped once before, I doubt he will go into a trap. Yet, you might have luck with a drop trap. Other people have had good luck with large dog crates. You then tie a string to the door and sit out of sight with the end of the long string. Once the cat is inside and far in the back, you pull the string so the door shuts. You might be able to find a video on youtube of how to do it.
Sending vibes to you that Oscar makes a safe return.
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TCS Member
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Nov 7, 2017
Thank you, I may try the dog crate. We took his down a few weeks ago as he no longer went in there to lay but he was used to it. He would return there and hang out on his blanket after we started leaving the door open.
If I can get close enough I may just risk the bite and try to grab him. I have antibiotics on hand.
I'm in Ohio and the snow is just starting to melt yesterday but we were walking looking for new tracks.
Also none of the dry food is being eaten. There are motion lights all around so I look every time I see the front lights come on. Also the cats are real good indicators that something is outside the windows. I may try the camera I'm pretty sure I can borrow one.
Thank you.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
If you go to grab him, I would try to scruff him and then slip him feet first into a carrier. I have done that once before. I also used a heavy blanket to throw over the cat and then grab the blanket and stuff into carrier.

I am in Ohio too. Our snow is melting as well, but I heard we may get more by Fri/Sat.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 7, 2017
I am beyond happy to report that Oscar has been found!
There was also work being done on the bathtub and a panel had been removed and replaced and somehow he was sealed in there. We heard scratching and immediately cut the panel back off. He was scared and hissing but came out for a bowl of food.....and another bowl of food. Got on his blanket on top of the entertainment center where we petted and cooed over him and he rolled around, ate some treats and rolled around some more.
I feel terrible, ....stupid humans!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
Oh my goodness, poor kitty, what an ordeal for him! Give him lots of extra hugs and food treats!

I thought one of my newly adopted ferals had gotten outside when I couldn't find him anywhere on Easter day 4 years ago. There was another cat across the road who looked exactly like him, and I thought that was him. Several of my neighbors and I spent over an hour searching for him on my block, in the woods on my block, and driving all over the neighborhood. After we gave up, I was sitting forlornly on my porch. I looked through the sunroom window into my sunroom and there he was! He had gotten so scared from my company that he had dug a hole under the bottom of the box spring in my bed and was inside my box spring all the time. So it happens :)


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Great news about Oscar! Cats really love small, dark, confined spaces. He is apparently one of those guys you have to watch constantly if you have any wall panels open!

We have one rescue,molly, who is our UPS cat. The UPS was delivering a package and opened his door to get it. Out popped the cutest yellow tabby who crab walked right to us when called. She is now an inside cat with our others. Never offers to go out when the door is opened BUT any cubby hole, container, or carton is fair game!

Glad you an Oscar are reunited!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Yay, I'm glad he was found!

I have a similar story. I have 2 kittens, around 6 and 7 months now. Back in October, when they were 3 and 4 months, I was collecting some stuff to take to Goodwill. The kittens were of course very nosy and interested in what I was doing. At one point I stuffed some old blankets into a trash bag and took the bag out to the car, which was completely full with recycling and stuff for Goodwill. I was in and out of the house for the next couple of hours, and after a while I realized I hadn't seen the female kitten for a while, even though she's super active and nosy and is always around if I'm doing anything. I looked everywhere for her. EVERYWHERE. In the fridge, in the washer, just everywhere. I even looked in the car, for whatever reason (remember the car was full of stuff). Nothing.

I thought that if she got out she'd come back soon because she was scared, and put some food out just in case. Nothing. Kept looking. Went to bed that night thinking she must have gotten out and eaten by an eagle or something. Looked all over the house the next morning. Then I had to go somewhere and got in the car. And there she was! Looking rather put out about spending the night in a chilly car, lol. She must have been in the pile of blankets I stuffed into the bag, wiggled out of the bag, and went exploring among the other stuff in the car, so that she was too busy nosing around or sleeping in a pile of cardboard when I looked in the car earlier.

Never underestimate the places a cat can end up! They'll find a way to get in there!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 7, 2017
Thank you all very much. We are so relieved but I'm sure we don't compare to Oscar.
Why he never cried or made any noise when being called until yesterday I don't understand but it is what it is.
I didn't see him in any of his cubby holes this morning when I got up so of course I called him and for the first time in the two months that he has been with us inside he came and laid in the dining room. No offense to men but I kept telling SO I am tempted to cut that bathtub panel back off to make sure he didn't get in there. In SO's defense we wouldn't have seen Oscar if he were hiding on the backside of the tub against the wall which he must have been when the front panel was sealed back on.
Whew! so glad this is over and he is safe and sound and in good shape.
Thank you all again for being here.
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  • #15


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 7, 2017
So here are some photos of our man Oscar.
He has quickly learned that there is food on the kitchen table up away from the dogs.
The first time I saw him there I'm not sure who was more surprised, me or him but it did tell me that he was
obviously finding his way around more than I was aware.
Also another photo of him on the entertainment center station we set up for him.
He can come and go through the spindles and watch all that goes on.
I'm hoping he eventually loses the "grumpy guy" look.
Love him anyway.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Awwwww He is so sweet. He may very well learn to lose the grumpy look. Yet he has endured so much. You have given him a wonderful loving home and he is safe! Thanks for sharing the picture.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
Cats are funny when it comes to people sticking either a camera or a cell phone camera in their faces. Some of my cats hate it, and make a stink face when I take their pictures, and some pose rather nicely. Your kitty may just be one of the camera shy cats lol.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 22, 2013
So here are some photos of our man Oscar.
He has quickly learned that there is food on the kitchen table up away from the dogs.
The first time I saw him there I'm not sure who was more surprised, me or him but it did tell me that he was
obviously finding his way around more than I was aware.
Also another photo of him on the entertainment center station we set up for him.
He can come and go through the spindles and watch all that goes on.
I'm hoping he eventually loses the "grumpy guy" look.
Love him anyway.
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Franki, I am so glad Oscar is okay! What a relief for you. =)