Old Tom Cat smell presence would keep New Male from breeding?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 17, 2013
I have an old intact male, 15 years old, and a new male coming 2 years old. Would just the smell or presence of the old tom, be enough to scare the new male into not breeding? The new male was bought when he was about 9 months old, and as far as I could see there was no fighting , and the old male and new lived happily together.  This summer I did separate the old male, and left the new male with my females, and all summer.... nothing.

I thought when females were in heat, they will accept any male, but maybe they are waiting around for the old male, or the new guy is still intimidated?

Thanks for any thoughts.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
They have perhaps learned they arent supposed to "ignite" on each other.   Which isnt unusual in homes where the stud is living in a happy pack together with the females.  the females probably standing higher in rank than he, and thus, not letting him try any foolish advances, nor even to try and court.

The trick in such cases is have the happy pair in their own mating chamber, so they both recognize the situation is new, something unusual is going on, and they are supposed to do something here.

Essentially any small room is OK, but preferably somewhere its easy to clean,   Have somewhere for the male to fly up - a shelf,  or something - as immediately after the succesfull mating she will usually attack him.   And he does knows this insinctively, so he will fly for life as soon he is done.   :)

Most cats prefer to be alone themselves when they mate for real.  thus, many matings are done in the night when the humans sleep.  sometimes the humans dont even notice anything.

Some are indifferent, as long as the human watching / being there is friendly.

And some few starts firstly when our friendly humans comes in and accompanies them.   :)

their litter (they usually use the same), food, water, a scratching post, perhaps a few toys.   something to lay on.

As they ARE friends, you can let them be in there several days too.  Perhaps let them out now and then to strech on their legs a few minutes.

But not too long: you dont want to risk the kittens are made several days apart.

Make shure they - they - especielly the females - have good all round nourishment.  give them extra e-vitamine; this seems to help up their fertility.

Begin this experiment with some experienced female whom you are sure will be willing and peacefully lay down into postiion - if  young master O´Malley  is really totally inexperienced, it will help much.


Ps.   and if it doesnt work out?   He shall have a new carrier as a happy harmonic neuter, in your family or you find him a good home.    this is not unusual.

And you will buy adopt someone else to be the new young master Thomas O´Malley  junior

Of course, you CAN try and let a vet do a fertility analysis on him.  Pick up a vet who is used to work with breeders. common vet knows hardly much about such things, as its also quite new. 
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
ps. I must add. these breeders I do talk about.  They  let them be together in a harmonius pack pecisely because they know from experience and observation they dont mate, nor the stud is misbehaving.

Most breeders wants exact control whom mates and where, so they can plan both for customers and for exact birth dates...   Also, perhaps above all, they dont want any queen to be pregnant more than maximum thrice in two years - but typically one litter a year.

But if they are all friendly together, do behave, and they are of the same breed - so IF something happens its not good but no catastrophe either - yes, this solution exists.   :)