Oh no! Another "Is my cat pregnant?" post?!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 13, 2013
Hello everyone. I currently have a kitty that may or may not be pregnant. I've been reading tons of posts on this forum and I can't find many pictures out there or detailed enough info about cats in mid pregnancy (which is where she would be if she is indeed pregnant). First I will give you a back story.

I have two cats, Nimbus (Nim for short) who will be 2 this summer. He is a neutered male that I've had since he was around 12 weeks old. He's a beautiful kitty and I love him very much. Sky is the new kitty.

I moved in December and unfortunately had to re-home my dog who was Nim's BFF. Therefore, Nim started to be pretty needy and was constantly crying and bugging me for attention and play (since he no longer had anyone to play with). So I decided to get him a buddy. I did a lot of looking and visiting shelters and called a woman who had posted an ad for a 1.5 year old cat that was a Ragdoll/Siamese mix. I'm not someone who will go for a specific breed of cat but I have always wanted a cat with blue eyes. Anyway, I called her and knew after talking to her that I needed to get this cat. Here's why, I asked her if she was spayed she said no and that she had already had a litter of kittens (in a way that made it sound like she only used the cat for breeding); I then asked her if she was friendly and she said "I think so, she will paw at the dogs and stuff if they walk by her carrier." When I asked her what she meant she said she's been keeping her in a carrier most of the time because she didn't want her to escape and "get hit by a car". She had supposedly had her for a couple of months and also supposedly had her shots. Anyway, the whole story didn't sit well with me and I knew this cat was not in a good situation.

After getting Sky, I realized that even though the woman made it sound like she was in a carrier all the time, it was possible that she could be pregnant since she's not yet spayed. Once I got home I looked at her nipples which were enlarged and a bit pink. She was also dirty, had a bit of a cold, and smelled like urine. I gave her a bath and also noticed that she was very skinny.

Although she was freaked out by moving and being in a new place, she was very friendly. Then I noticed the signs of her being in heat - rolling on the floor, calling (though not as loud or frequent as other cats I've seen), butt in the air, etc. Nim even took advantage of this time to try to play with her and she did nothing. This seemed to last about 3 or 4 days. So I dismissed the idea of her being pregnant and assumed her nipples were enlarged because of her being in heat.

This was all 5 1/2 weeks ago (I got her on the 1st of February). She has always eaten well but definitely has a preference for wet food. I feed Nim high quality dry food which she'll eat some of and have been also giving her canned Wellness. In the previous weeks, I've only had to add food to their food bowl once every couple of days and I'd give her one serving of wet food a day. A few days ago I noticed how much larger just her belly felt. Her body elsewhere (spine, shoulder blades, hips) still feels to have little fat. I've also had to fill the food bowl once a day and she's been crying for wet food twice a day. Her nipples are also still enlarged and she's extremely affectionate. She follows me everywhere, loves being on the lap, sleeps a lot (I've only seen her play a couple of times since I got her), and has lately been a bit aggressive towards Nim (swatting at him when he gets close to her) when before she seemed to not really care about his presence.

Now the reason I'm confused as to if she's indeed pregnant or not is that at the least she would be 41 days pregnant (how many days I've had her) and although her belly is bigger and feels firm, it's not at a point where it's obvious that she's pregnant (could just be weight gain). It's also harder to tell just how big her belly is since she is pretty furry. She does let me feel her tummy and doesn't seem bothered by it and I don't feel any obvious masses or lumps (don't worry, I was gentle). The roundness/growth in her belly seems to be in the right place consistent with pregnancy - it's mostly where her ribs end (those even feel like they've expanded towards her midsection) and down to about halfway between her ribs and her legs (if that makes sense). As I said, she still feels pretty thin everywhere else - her neck, spine, shoulder blades, and hips. I have been occasionally giving her food grade diatomaceous earth to take care of any worms. Which also reminds me that she randomly threw up one night after eating about 2 weeks ago. Anyway, sorry this is so long. Hopefully this is enough information for some informed opinions. Thanks and here are some pics of Sky and Nim.

Her nipples are probably about 2 or 3 mm in length, some are more pink than others

This looks like I'm squeezing her but I was just lightly holding her under her arms around her upper ribs - you can see how thin she is there in comparison to her belly.

Sky from above. This angle and the shadows make her look a bit weird

My boy Nim


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 21, 2013
There are a lot of experts on here and I'm not one of them, but to me I'm not sure she looks pregnant. Especially that shot from above. My cat is about 45 days pregnant at the moment and looks much larger and it's very obvious that she's pregnant.

It sounds like Sky had a tough life before you got her. She might just be filling out now that she's getting all the food she needs.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Difficult to say.  The best if you do it properly and go to the vet with her for an overall check up.  I think you should do it at once when she come, with that horrible background, and for planning the spaying.

I think it is still good to do it, pregnant or not. It MAY also be some sort of false pregnancy.

Dont let vet do x-ray if it isnt necessary. Ultra sound or palpation is good enough for looking for pregnancy.  X-ray good only if it is sometihing else than pregnancy, say a tumor.

If she come already pregnant, she should be hig preg now.  I am almost wondering if she got pregnant at your place.  Are you sure she wasnt outside at any moment? Even 10 minutes is more than enough if a tom is there outside.  And if he is, she will do her outmost to come out...

Beautiful girl. Very good she could leave this horrible place and come to a normal, decent home.

I will say she sounds as surprisingly undamaged...  Take care of her!

Welcome to our Forums!

Good luck!
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TCS Member
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Mar 13, 2013
No, she has not been outside. I have never owned outdoor cats and never will.

I also think she could just be filling out. The only reason I'm questioning is because her belly is very firm (all the time - even after using the kitty box) and seems like it's getting bigger every night. She also hasn't gone into heat again and it's been about 4 weeks. Although unlikely, is it possible that she's only carrying one or two kittens?

Btw, I have an appointment for her on Saturday. I didn't get her spayed right away when I got her because she was so thin and unhealthy. I'm waiting for her to bulk up a bit before planning that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
She doesn't look 40+ days pregnant, no. Which is no guarantee, because some cats don't show it as much as others, but I lean towards not pregnant. I took in one stray I was sure would pop at any moment! Waited 6 weeks and no kittens, and no movement. . .took her to the vet, it was just worms. Ick. Maybe the DE isn't strong enough for however many worms she has. I'd recommend a vet visit.

And, well, if you've had her around Nim already it's a bit late, but it would be a good idea to have her tested for FeLV/FIV while you're there.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
is it possible that she's only carrying one or two kittens?

Btw, I have an appointment for her on Saturday. I didn't get her spayed right away when I got her because she was so thin and unhealthy. I'm waiting for her to bulk up a bit before planning that.
 Yeah, I do sympathize with your though to let her land first, and gain some weigh and overall health.

Good you are going to the vets now on Saturday.

Yes, one or two kittens entirely possible.   

Although, has she been properly dewormed?  If not, I would almost suspect worms, like the case Willowy mentions.  Anyway, let the vet check her up.

Good luck!
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TCS Member
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Mar 13, 2013
I've only given her DE for worming so far. I'm waiting on Revolution Blue to come in the mail. Btw, I didn't mention in the previous posts about how much she's been grooming herself. The following behavioral changes have only happened in the last week - if she's not sleeping she's either grooming herself or eating. She's also been sleeping right by me or on me and if I get up she'll follow me where ever I go. I was also just lightly feeling her belly and I did feel a couple of knobby things coming from under her ribs on the sides lower than her kidneys, and also another about mid-tummy. It was right after she pooped so I know it wasn't that. I know nobody can tell me if she is or isn't, it's just bugging me that I don't know for sure! Anyway, I'll update after the Vet visit. Thanks everyone!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Well, USUALLY, a pregnant cat will lose all the hair around her nipples by this point in the pregnancy. But, like I said, not all girls show it the same way or at the same time. But, yeah, let us know what the vet says!

bombay momma

TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 22, 2013
It does sound almost like worms to me. If the woman was starving her/not feeding her properly or much, possibly the worms hadn't been very far along, and after she started eating regularly and fully the worms have progressed/grown? no way to know for sure what is going on with her until the vet visit.

She is an absolutely beautiful girl though! 


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
How is the grooming herself looking?  The classical  overall cleaning almost all healthy cats do (when they feel well), or is it mostly the lady parts?

Them licking off hairs at the lady parts is quite typical when high preg... Both taking away the hairs coming to be a hindrance, and also massaging these parts.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 28, 2013
Oregon USA
What is nagging me about this is you said she has broken her heat cycle. Would worms do that? I only care for pregnant cats so I don't know enough about it....she is an amazing beauty!!
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TCS Member
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Mar 13, 2013
Yes that's what is also making me wonder. I would think that it being March she would have entered heat again. I keep expecting her to but she just hasn't. I guess another possibility is that she could be older than the woman told me.

As far as her grooming, I'll have to watch her to see if it's concentrated on certain spots.

I can still feel knobs in her tummy, I keep checking because it could just be her bowls but they are consistently there and not where I've generally felt firm bowls in a cat before (I used to work as a Vet Assistant). I really hate not knowing. I do feel like she should be bigger if she were indeed pregnant but she does have a longer than average torso (compared to my other cat who is big himself). I keep trying to get better pictures of her but it's tough. I'll post them if I do.


TCS Member
Apr 14, 2012
You have gotten really good advice so far. I agree, there really is just no way to know without going to the vet's (which I know you already have planned). 

That's the problem with feline pregnancy- it's too inconsistent! I had one foster that looked like she was about to pop hold her legs for 4 more weeks, and another that the vet didn't even think was pregnant go less than a day later. Right now it seems it's a toss up between babies and worms. Either way I think you will be getting something out of her! 

Really, I just wanted to post to comment on how stunningly gorgeous she is! She is so lucky that you saved her from what sounds like a very unhealthy situation. 

In addition to a general checkup, palpitation, and probably a stool sample I would spend the money to have the FIV/FeLV test done as Willowy recommended just so you know. It sounds like this woman wasn't entirely honest with you about Sky's background so I would have the vet double check everything. They can also probably give you a more realistic estimate of her age. 

Also, you can save yourself an extra trip by taking a stool sample with you on Saturday. You can keep it in the fridge up to 12 hours before you go. 

Good luck and let us know what the vet says! 
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TCS Member
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Mar 13, 2013
I'm happy to report that Sky is fiv/felv negative :) She is also not pregnant. We skipped the fecal and just went ahead and dewormed her and she'll be getting spayed in the next couple of weeks. Thanks everyone!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 23, 2012
You have gotten really good advice so far. I agree, there really is just no way to know without going to the vet's (which I know you already have planned). 

And the vets are often not that accurate in their pregnancy dates.


TCS Member
Apr 14, 2012
And the vets are often not that accurate in their pregnancy dates.
No, definitely not accurate in telling you how far along they are. But, they can at least confirm if she is indeed pregnant or has a belly full of worms. It's both happy and sad that that's the case here. I know it can be a little disappointing once you have in your head that kittens are coming but it's ssssoooo good for Sky that she doesn't have to go through that. Hopefully the dewormer will fix up her belly and she can be spayed with no problems when the time comes. 

I'm glad you took her and that it's all working out! 