Odd Behavior After Returning from Vacation ~ Help


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 5, 2006
I'm with you GBW, you sound like a wonderful mom to me!
What a ridiculous notion that pets "aren't capable of looking after themselves". One of the reasons I am a cat person is because they are so independent and self reliant. They are perfectly capable of entertaining themselves for a short time, KitKat just had some old issues come up and needed a little reassurance after you returned. Please don't be afraid to provide the same kind of care for her the next time you have to leave, I'm sure each time it happens she will be less and less affected by it, and will learn to trust that you are coming back!
Now, take some deep breaths and feel better!
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 29, 2006
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Thanks Tick-n-Thistle!
I am a good mom to KitKat and I ADORE her. I appreciate your kind words!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 8, 2006
Hollywood, FL
I aggree...I got a cat (instead of a dog) b/c I wanted a pet who was self sufficient enough for me to work full time, etc and still be a good pet mommy.

One thing that might help...my Mom adopted two lap dogs from a rescue after her two dogs were killed by her neighbors dogs (pit bulls) who got loose and broke into her fenced in yard. Anyway, she chose Molly and Tiny b/c they both had that, "And now where are we going" forlorn look when she went to see them, and she felt the same way herself. Anyway(I'm getting there, promise), the first time she had to board them when she went out of town (and a very nice place, lots of play time, friend of the family), she had the very same thing happen.

When she went to pick them up, they looked broken hearted and I really think they thought she had left them for good. They cried the first night all through the night and my Mom was racked with guilt.

Her next trip, she was prepaired for the worst. BUT, when she came to pick them up at the kennel, they were all waggy-happy to see her and looking for her when they came through into the lobby--they had figured out that when she wasn't around, she would come back.

They had learned that she wouldn't abandom them--and they aren't the brightest dogs (God love em). Maybe your kitty thought you had left her for good, and now that she sees you came back, she will get in the swing of things.

Ok, congrats if you read that novel.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
It was not my intention for my post to be "rude" and if it came across that way I extend my apologies. The problem with message boards is that even the best intentions can be misunderstood and taken differently than in the manner they were meant.

For the record, I have read all of the posts in this thread and had done so prior to replying earlier. I was simply answering the OP's question "do people just stop leading their normal lives once they have a pet?"

She asked if people stop leading normal lives, and I answered that pets are like small children etc.

When you have kids your lives change. You lose freedom to just up and do what you want when you want to because you have a child you have to take into consideration. The same goes for pets. Adding a pet to a household changes things. That was the intent behind my earlier reply.

I never said she was a bad cat parent and don't see how my post was harsh, rude or attacking to the OP.
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  • #26


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 29, 2006
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Natalie_ca ~ While I appreciate the apology, the reason that I feel insulted is because you have taken only a PORTION of what I've posted and I feel my overall point is missed when you take my question out of context. My entire post was:

Originally Posted by GBW

P.S. What does everyone do with their cats then when they go out of town??? Now I have no idea what is best for KitKat if we go on vacation again. We don't leave a lot - maybe one or two weeks out of the year total. I thought I spent a lot of time researching my options (over a month of research) and I thought leaving her at home with daily visits would be best for her. We may be going away again in January for a week. Now I have NO idea what to do and I'm already stressing out over it! I don't want to put her through this again... But do people just stop leading their normal lives once they have a pet?

Sorry for all of the questions and posts. I'm just new to all of this and I worry a lot.
I want to make sure she is happy and healthy, but I also want to be happy and healthy too. I feel like my stress levels are through the roof!
I am MORE than aware that pets are like children and you have to plan for their care if you are leaving for whatever reason.

So, for the record on MY part... Again, I appreciate your message and I also appreciate your point of view and the information that you've shared with me. I am a part of this community because I appreciate ALL of the advice that I am given. I just wanted to be sure that, for anyone who reads this, they see my post in its ENTIRETY. My question about people not leading normal lives was more rhetorical than serious. I didn't expect that I would be able to just gallivant around and leave my cat to fend for herself.

And for anyone who is truly interested... KitKat is currently undergoing surgery this morning. She had several more VERY bad days and our vet suspects that when she was originally spayed (before we found her), whoever performed the operation may have missed some ovarian tissue. They thought that she may be in heat again and that is why she isn't sleeping and has been meowing/yowling for days. So rather than become upset over posts with strangers, I'd rather focus my positive energy and thoughts on a safe surgery and quick recovery for my little KitKat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Golden, Colorado
Poor little thing - I hope her surgery goes well. When we had our Elsa spayed, she had lots and lots of cysts on her ovaries, and was going into heat every week, and would nip at us if we touched her sides.
poor thing, she tried to tell us...
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 29, 2006
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Hi kluchetta. KitKat is done with surgery... I'm at work and I will be picking her up on my way home. The vet said that no tissue was remaining, so they now believe that whatever is bothering KitKat is most likely a behavioral problem. They are recommending that she take serotonin for awhile and then we can slowly try to wean her off of it. I hope that helps, but I just don't know... I'm pretty new at owning a cat and this is all a learning experience for me. I am just heartbroken. I feel so sad for her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Golden, Colorado
Well I'm glad surgery went ok - too bad they didn't find anything. Has her thyroid been checked? Many vocal cats have a thyroid problem....
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 29, 2006
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
You know, they didn't even mention that to me at all. I think I will check with the vet about that too then. Her first night home last night was challenging. Not only was she still a little sedated (they told me she'd be lethargic and that she would rest all night), but she was pacing all over the place for hours again and I could see she was trying to meow, but nothing was coming out. She got her voice back this morning though, so I'm sure our little "Meow Machine" will be in full force when we get home from work. We are so determined to help her. I hope this will all work out eventually...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Golden, Colorado
Oh my gosh - the poor thing lost her voice. Aw...

If you look up hyperthyroid and cat, I think you will find "night time meowing" as a symptom. Now Tigger was a meower, and they thought it was because she was lonely, or because she had high thyroid (because she was SOOOO skinny), but really, she's just a meower. She lived with 9 other cats and I guess that was her way of getting attention. I've got her on a really high quality canned food now, and she's much happier.

Oh, one other thing - how is her hearing? I work with a guy at work whos cat is losing its hearing, and has increasingly getting louder and louder - because he doesn't know he's loud, you know?

And Elsa is GREAT! After being a stray in the winter, having 8 kittens, having an intestinal blockage, and ovarian cysts, she has turned into a wonder cat. I should've named her Velvet because she's SOOOO soft!
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  • #33


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 29, 2006
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
I'm glad to hear Elsa is doing well!

I'll have to start looking into hyperthyroidism in cats - also, I never even thought about KitKat's hearing. I think it's fine. She always comes when we call her... Last night was the first night of peace and quiet we've had in quite some time. I feel bad though because I think the only reason she was so quiet is because of the pain medication she is taking from the surgery.
She slept all night, so maybe she got some much needed rest too. Poor thing...

How long does it usually take a cat to recover from being spayed?


TCS Member
Jun 4, 2015
cats can smell thousands of times better than a bloodhound. Get a tub just full of sudsy water that is safe for cats full enough so she can stand, put the little cat in the scented bath. Keep her head above water, hold her and prepare for the hop as she gets close or in the water and manage to wash the kennel or vets office stench off her. Protect your hands,  forearms and eyes, just in case. Apparently it is working for my recently boarded never the same after being boarded cat, I just gave her a bath using my shampoo, rinsed well, kept it out of her eyes and mouth,  the shower on also helped it go quicker. I didn't get bitten or scratched, but my cat is, well, my cat. I don't know what yours is gonna do. Mine is chilling out. My husband's is nicer, lol, with the kennel stench on her. I hope it helps.


TCS Member
Aug 19, 2015
Mine too i came back yesterday after a 3 month vacation all he does is meow and not do whatche used to do i came here to find answers too if anyone can help please


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Mine too i came back yesterday after a 3 month vacation all he does is meow and not do whatche used to do i came here to find answers too if anyone can help please
Hi and welcome to TCS! 

This thread was started in 2006; so many of the original posters may not be around anymore.  Please feel free to start a new thread and tell us more about your kitty and what he is doing. 