Not sure if I'm losing my Mind


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 30, 2017
My beautiful girl Poppy had to be put to sleep three weeks ago, I have her ashes at home now they are in a little carved box. Since I have had her ashes at home I have heard a clicking noise coming from inside the box, I got in contact with the pet crematorium and they told me that its most probably the little sealed bag Poppy's ashes are in that is making the noise, she also told me i could open the box just to put my mind at rest as i am still feeling raw about losing Poppy.

I opened the box and its not the bag moving it seems to be coming from the lid of the box. Everyone in my family has heard the noise and so has my friend. I thought i was going mad and it is really upsetting to hear the noises I just don't know what to make of it? 

Maybe its a insect inside I just don't know but it is really annoying. I just wondered if anyone esle has experienced this?
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di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It could be the wood curing, it sometimes makes cracking or popping sounds as the wood shrinks  as it dries. or it could be coming from the finish that was applied. and it is shrinking. No matter what, I would be very emotional and upset to hear this too, as ANYONE would hearing something like this. You have to remember that your sweet baby has no need of her earthly body now, the 'essence' of her, the 'life' that made up her personality and spirit has left. That is why many times that whoever we loved does not look the same at all to us when they have passed.  The love and life you shared is now spiritual, you will hold that sweet girl forever, you are both bound together for evermore. The ashes you hold are her earthly remains, a reminder of what she meant to you, something to hold on to. But what you shared will never be far from your side because it is a part of your very soul.  Poppy loved you and is thankful for you and that will never change. And who knows? It could be her way of letting you know she is all right, I found the distinctive ringed hairs of my little  one for months afterwards, one hair, always on the front of my vanity where I would see it first thing in the morning.Or how can the sideways shooting star be explained when I cried out to the heavens the night she died?  They may be a coincidence, but some things can never be fully explained. I believe it was her way of letting me know she was still there and always will be. Open your heart and ask Poppy, you may be surprised on what you find. Keep us posted! 
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 30, 2017
I have been thinking maybe it is the wood contracting or maybe you are right maybe it is Poppy's way of telling me she's okay. I miss her so much and sometimes when I hear the noises coming from the box and take the box and put it on my lap, Poppy always loved to sit on my lap and at times I think i see her out of the corner of my eye.

I know she is at peace now and hope we can be together again someday, she was my best friend and I loved so much. Thank you so much for your kind words x
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Love is powerful. Love changes minds to the point absence of beloved pushes our minds and inner self to understand what cannot be understood ever, but one can only feel. Since Love never ends, our feelings have no ends, too. And feelings keep telling us "I am here!", in unexpected and not understandable ways, even after body turns to ash.  In time, the feelings may fade, but could never be wiped out.

Since the sentiments between humans and cats belong to Nature, as it is, and not to society, they may express sometime in a way that only our primal mind can feel. And therefore the logic and science has no power in that realm. If in time you will hear the Voice of other cat calling you, in a way it will touch your inner mind, the Nature would have follow its never-ending journey.

Head bow

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
There is so much we don't understand in this world, I wouldn't discount the thought that it is your Poppy telling you she is ok and will now be looking after you until that one day you meet again.  


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 28, 2006
I have been thinking maybe it is the wood contracting or maybe you are right maybe it is Poppy's way of telling me she's okay. I miss her so much and sometimes when I hear the noises coming from the box and take the box and put it on my lap, Poppy always loved to sit on my lap and at times I think i see her out of the corner of my eye.

I know she is at peace now and hope we can be together again someday, she was my best friend and I loved so much. Thank you so much for your kind words x
If it were me and it were upsetting me, I might considering loosening the screws to the hinges and either take the lid off, or let it rest naturally on the box. Maybe transfer the ashes into another bag if you plan on keeping them. 

I suddenly lost my cat about six weeks ago. I'm one of those people that's very, very grounded to the earth, but a few days after he passed when I was still grieving deeply, I had a fleeting "otherworld" experience that assured me that he was on the other side. I am not one that would be comforted by frequent views into that world, but the one time did give me comfort. Now everytime I see his picture I just tell him "I'll see you on the other side."  

Hugs to you. 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2013
My beautiful girl Poppy had to be put to sleep three weeks ago, I have her ashes at home now they are in a little carved box. Since I have had her ashes at home I have heard a clicking noise coming from inside the box, I got in contact with the pet crematorium and they told me that its most probably the little sealed bag Poppy's ashes are in that is making the noise, she also told me i could open the box just to put my mind at rest as i am still feeling raw about losing Poppy.

I opened the box and its not the bag moving it seems to be coming from the lid of the box. Everyone in my family has heard the noise and so has my friend. I thought i was going mad and it is really upsetting to hear the noises I just don't know what to make of it? 

Maybe its a insect inside I just don't know but it is really annoying. I just wondered if anyone esle has experienced this?
I'm very sorry for your loss
 what we experienced just after the loss of our girl Ziggy  was sightings of her about the house her sister crying at night and we could feel her walking over us in bed at night it went on for months. I had a very close bond with her she died very young  .  thing is I'm one of the biggest sceptical people on the planet.