Non-cat likers drive me crazy!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2004
The Banana Belt of MT
I just have to laugh, because this is one of the chief reasons I got rid of my hubby!

Not really, but I grew up w/cats, and he grew up w/a dog, though he's allergic to both. He IS horribly allergic to cats, though: when he would come to visit me (and my then five cats at my mom's house) he would take a 12-hr allergy tablet before he left home so by the time he arrived at my house 20 minutes later it was already working. After just 4 hours, though, he would have itchy eyes, runny nose, the whole nine yards and he would have to leave. I always thought it was just 'cuz my mom was a horrible housekeeper and didn't vacuum enough (twice a month, maybe - didn't set the greatest example, but I love her anyway) So I married him anyway, thinking eventually we'd find a cat he didn't react so badly to and all would be well. Didn't realize he just wasn't a "cat person" besides being allergic. I tried fostering a cat for a friend once when hubby was deployed overseas for about six weeks, and sent the cat back when I found out he was coming home (I DIDN'T say a word about the cat to him), washed the sheets, dusted and vacuumed like mad, all but behind the furniture. He came home, and inside ten minutes he was sneezing. He looked at me and said, "You had a CAT in here while I was gone, didn't you?"
Just wasn't meant to be I guess, but I'm just as glad to be rid of him for other reasons. My new screening process will be "Love me, Love my cat!!!!"


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 9, 2001
Central New Jersey
I agree - we are a package deal !!! Beside me other theory is that Loki was here before you and he will be here after you leave!!!


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
LOL! I loved the "poop story"! My side of the family consists of pet freaks - everybody has their personal zoo. My husband grew up without pets, but knew he was getting a "package deal" when we married. That was almost 24 years ago, and my father-in-law (who turned 80 today) is absolutely phobic about pets. He refuses to eat in our house because of dog or cat hair, and is petrified of any pet(s), particularly because they sense his fear and terrorize him. So we have BBQs we invite him to, and otherwise don't bother. The funniest thing is that he tells my mother-in-law that I have a "mania for cleaning", and calls my brother-in-law's wife (another pet-hater) a "dirty slob". Go figure - he eats at their house, and complains about the dirt and mess, and thinks our house is "too clean", but won't eat here because we have animals in the house? Nothing like a little bit of logic????

lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
I used to have problems with my parents complaining when they came over. They didn't dislike cats, but they didn't understand them. I think in my parent's case it helped when they spent some time cat sitting for a neighbor who was on vacation, (the cats stayed in the neighbor's house, of course.)

You need to let your family know it's your house and your life. Tell them that if you want to get a fourth cat, it's a decision you alone will make and they don't have anything to say about it. Be firm!!!!!!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 21, 2003
London, Ontario, Canada
My bro is a total cat hater. When I got my cat he made stupid comments about keeping the cat far away from him when he came over and all that. So when I moved back into my parents place and brought the cat he was one bitter borther.

He makes a big deal over little things Emmett does, like sleeping in the sink, or eating from my fork, but every once in awhile I catch him throwing a toy mouse for Em or talking to him.

My dad didn't care for cats when I moved back home, now Em is one of his boys.

About getting another cat....GO FOR IT!!!!! Its your place, if they don't like it only see them when they invite you to their places. Your family is making too much of a big deal over a little thing. If you love the cats (and we know you do) keep them, and get more. Cats are like potato chips, you can't just have one.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 12, 2004
Oh my god!! I can hardly read about these people who think cats are dirty or make our houses dirty.
They make me so angry!! I find people like this are the reason so many poor animals are without homes in shelters because we have so many uncaring/materialistic people in this world.
So sad, but true. Luckily, I'm an only child with a very small family and my parents are not the fussy type. My boyfriend's family are not animal people and rarely come over. If ANYONE ever made those comments though to me they would never be welcome in my house. I think the world of Sash, he's the king here.
I would much rather visit a house with 10 cats or more than dirty kids running around misbehaving or worse yet a cold empty house with no pets. I certainly say get a fourth cat!!
Sorry, I feel very strongly about these things.

Lisa & Sash


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2003
Hehe . . . I had a thought . . . get a cat that kinda looks like one of your three cats you already have (preferably one that's shy, if you have any shy kitties), with one key difference, like a spot on the chest or something, and don't tell your relatives. Chances are they won't see both cats at the same time, if one of them is shy. If they ask you if you got another cat, get a blank look on your face and say, "No, why? That's so-and-so, he/she's always had a white spot." They'll think they're going nuts. It would work on most of my family, anyway, lol.

Seriously, though . . . it's your house, your life, your kitties. Do what you want. I moved out on my own at 16, and ever since my foot was out the door for the last time, my parents, and the rest of my family, have had no illusions about who's in charge of my life and my home. Having outdoor activities when family comes over is a good idea, like someone said earlier. If you live close enough that visits are a day trip, meet out somewhere, like a restaurant. Either that or they'll eventually learn that you aren't going to budge, and just accept your kitties for what they are: an important part of your life. I know it's not easy being at odds with family, but you have to stick up for yourself, or it'll only get worse. (((HUGS)))


TCS Member
Jan 21, 2002
Movin' on up!
Ain't families wonderful?? MY parents have 5 dogs and they don't mind my cats and dogs one bit. Before they come over, I vacuum, dust and scoop the litter boxes. I also move the one out of the bathroom, into the laundry room. We haven't shown Mom the picture of Opie, licking the bacon skillet on the stove.

Christmas, I was worried that Sam might not want the twins crawling on my living room carpet and shampooed it, one week before and vacuumed Christmas Eve AND Christmas morning. I shouldn't have worried - Mark and Sam have two Dalmatians and a bird. The twins pick up spilled birdseed and eat it. I would draw the line there but, Fizzy and Izzy are THEIR kids.

It comes down to: OUR house, OUR pets, OUR rules. Its YOUR house - you can have as many pets, as you can afford to care for.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 1, 2003
Saskatchewan, Canada
Actually, cats are very clean compared to other animals (say for instance dogs

My parents and I lived with my grandparents for awhile when we just had Shadow, who is the shyest cat ever, (she runs and hides when we gt our paper delivered) so she never came up stairs when there was company over, my grandmas cousin is 'severly'(sp) allergic to cats and he and his wife didn't even know there was a cat in the house untill we got Graycie who doesn't have a shy bone in his body
I'm not saying that all people with allergies are lying but well...... experience shows that some are.

I say go for it, get another cat. Its your life not your families, make yourself happy not them. The way I see it is its just like kids (and my cats are my babies
) your family meight say one is enough but that wouldn't stop you from having another if you wanted one.


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
When you're da**ed if you do, and da**ed if you don't -- do what YOU want to do. It's your house and your life, which it seems to me the family didn't share to any great extent even before the cats -- so where do they get off trying to tell you what you should do? Anyway, YOU be the judge of how many kitties you can look after, and GO for it! If being around your place isn't comfortable for them, be thankful that you don't have to prepare for them coming and clean up after they leave.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Jul 23, 2003
You guys are great, thanks! Youve made me feel much better about it! I was seriously thinking about getting another cat that looks just like the ones I have now. Most people usually confuse the 3 of them as it is. Theres a gorgeous baby at the shelter right now that is a ringer for Jayce. A little more tabby on him, but passable for the unexperience cat dis-liker

I think I just need to grow a backbone
Its sad that I feel I would need to be sneaky, but I have hoped that if I got another that DD wouldnt mention it somehow so maybe I could let it sneak by for a while without anyone noticing. I know its no ones business but my own, Im just not used to being my own decision maker for everything yet.
Thanks again you guys


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 2, 2002
Calgary, Alberta. Canada
My mom doesn't like cats. She likes dogs and plants although she has never said she doesn't like cats, you can tell. She freaks out everytime the cats jump near her and pushes them away if they try to cuddle her. She doesn't come around that often basically because she has an anxiety disorder and taking the bus to my place is just too nerve racking. So we see each other every few months. Doesn't bother me, I'm busy. and I'm not the greatest house keeper, and she is, so I don't like her seeing my house.

Definitely do what you want to do. Sometimes people just need to be told "shut up!" Or "that was very inconsiderate of you to say" They will be shocked but will, in time, respect you more for not being such a push-over. Plus, just think, what's the worst they could say?

mom of franz

TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2004
NYC The Town so Nice, They Named it Twice!
Originally Posted by MamaKat

You guys are great, thanks! Youve made me feel much better about it! I was seriously thinking about getting another cat that looks just like the ones I have now. Most people usually confuse the 3 of them as it is. Theres a gorgeous baby at the shelter right now that is a ringer for Jayce. A little more tabby on him, but passable for the unexperience cat dis-liker

I think I just need to grow a backbone
Its sad that I feel I would need to be sneaky, but I have hoped that if I got another that DD wouldnt mention it somehow so maybe I could let it sneak by for a while without anyone noticing. I know its no ones business but my own, Im just not used to being my own decision maker for everything yet.
Thanks again you guys

Your family has figured out your weakness (unconsiously) that you can be manipulated and harrassed. Kind of how a toddler does the same thing over and over again to get you's a power/control ploy. In my opinion people who try to usurp power and conrol over someone, have very little control and power in their owns lifes and situations. It's really easy for us to say, "Hey tell them too bad...go to hell" and so forth, when you probably have been giving in to them all your life. One little trick I've used is this. Write a little play starring you and your family members...REMEMBER YOU ARE THE PLAYWRIGHT. The play should have you acting very independent and winning the battle. It really helps. One more thing, if you really like the look-a-like kitty, get her, however I would find a cat that that looks totally different. Purple dots, or pink stripes, perhaps?
You would be asserting you independence
(I know NOT easy.) I wonder if you did the look-a-like thing all along (unconsciously) to avoid problems. Maybe you should name the cat after one of you family that would be a kick!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2004
The Banana Belt of MT
Cats are like potato chips, you can't just have one.
Creepyowl, mind if I borrow this for my siggy??

I'm becoming a firm believer in this statement, as Bella wanders aimlessly thru the house at all hours, mewing disconsolately and refusing to approach me to be petted (she'll let me pet her, but only if I come to her. She NEEDS a friend, but it was so hard to talk my landlords into letting me have ONE, how can I convince them two are necessary? (their cat is quiet as a church-mouse, but she also has an 80-lb. yellow lab to keep her company)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 6, 2003
Georgia USA
MamaKat : Then the worst possible scenario happened. Its never happened before or since but Im embarrassed about it and now both my dad and stepmom are avoiding my house. They finally came by for a very nice visit. We were in the living room (far away from any litter boxes, that I had scrubbed totally clean so they smelled fresh for the visit) and DD looked under the couch for some reason. Makes me wonder if she did this since it seems so coincidental. But she pulled out a cat turd! EWWWW! Yes, I was grossed out by it because even though I adore my cats Im really finicky about their litter box stuff and touching their poop, etc. It was not fresh. I dont know how it got there, but when I told DD to drop it she threw it at my stepmom (by accident) and made it all worse. Ive never seen an adult woman jump so far

OMG this is just to funny
I got tears in my eyes from laughing

But don't feel bad about your family . When I still were living in Germany my grandma always complaint about my 2 cats in the house . I was raised by my grandma . One time she come to visit and got a bite out in the yard ( mosquito bite ) and after that she said my hause is so filthy and it was flea investet
. She also show me the bite the next day and said it was my fleas in my appartment and she could not see how I can stay with 2 cats all the time in the house there . Well , she had a cat too but he was a more outsite cat and only come to eat and sleep there . Then summer come around and one day I visit her and she said I wonder what is biting me in here all the time . I don't see any mosquitos in here
No need to say she had a real flea problem in her house . Talking about what goes around come around here
So I said it looks to me your house is flea infestet and not mine . My grandma was bit up , it was really bad . But ever since she never said a bad word about my cats in the house
Hmmmmm I wonder why

Then there are many people I know who think I am crazzy having so many cats . Most people stay away from me b/c of that . But to tell you the truth , I have a few friend I can count on one hand and I know I always can count on them for help if I need too and they don't mind my cats at all . If some one love you , they love you no matter what and that's IMO .


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Originally Posted by Mom of Franz

Maybe you should name the cat after one of you family that would be a kick!
Oh, what a SPLENDID idea!!!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 21, 2004
My mother didn't agree to keep cat at first.
I just clean the litter box and sweep the floor twice a day. Open the window all day long to let the fresh air come in. Now it's my daily routine work to clean my room and I have two cats kept in my room that is only twenty square meters big.


TCS Member
Dec 3, 2003
I was having a night out with a few people from work a few weeks ago, when a girl i used to work with was there.

She said in a tone as if she was looking down to me " Do you not get cat hairs everywhere though Susan?!".

I replied "Yes, but they get cleaned up just as good as you would do when Amy(Her 2 year old daughter) crushes her biscuits into your carpet, and spills her drinks everywhere!!".

Nuff said!