No Sound When Meowing?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 10, 2018
I’ve noticed that my kitten Yuki doesn’t meow as much as his mom Blacky. He likes to chirp when excited but sometimes when he open his mouth nothing comes out! The only time he meows is when he wants something (like food) or when he’s going to the vet.

Blacky on the other hand meows like crazy. She’s always purring and loves pets. She also has this problem but only when she’s resting. She opens her mouth but nothing comes out!

Blacky was born outside and it was a process getting her to even come inside. We believe that since we helped her with her pregnancy that she can now come inside without worry (as opposed to her brother who is still an outdoor only cat). Is it because they were originally outdoor cats that they can’t meow as well as other cats?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 25, 2016
Alberta, Canada
One of my cats silently meows most of the time, she is my little cuddle bug :hugs:. I'm not sure if it's the same, but she kind of meows, but it's more like her mouth opens, then a moment later a tiny noise comes out like the last half of a meow. My husband keeps calling her a mute, and when she does kind of meow it's like her voice is poorly dubbed (like in some movies where you see the guy's lips move a lot, then says one word). She definitely can meow though, when she wants to, she was caught outside in a rain storm once and was screaming.

She was born and raised inside, she does go out sometimes now though, so it has nothing to do with being born inside or outside. If the cat is otherwise healthy, it's normally a good sign that they love you and are thanking you. All her sisters meow like normal, same with her mother and father, it's just her.