No one wants to adop these kittens. What to do?

lady paw paw

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2015
I found two kittens on my porch and no mother came to take them. I took them in and nursed them to health (they were weak) and got them their injections. But sadly, I am unable to adopt them and tried to find them a home. A family took them but then after two weeks brought them back saying they can't keep them. I was very careful before giving them and yet this happened. Now they are 3.5 months old and i cannot find anyone to adopt them. I live in mumbai, india, where there are very few shelters and they are all full so they can't keep them. And I have to leave town for work in 30 days and can't take them with me... the pet sitters are too expensive and no one i know is ready to keep them. what should I do? I can neither not go, nor take them. And leaving them on their own will be too cruel

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handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Can a friend come in and feed them. clean the litter boxes and play with them a couple times a day?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Yes, a friend or relative must either keep them or come in to care for them daily. They cannot just be put on the street.

How long will you be gone for work?

They are absolutely beautiful kittens and very lucky to have you :).
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lady paw paw

TCS Member
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Mar 19, 2015
handsome kitty handsome kitty Sarthur2 Sarthur2

I will have to go for over a month. It's a job i committed to long ago... but i won't leave them alone... i will definitely try and find something for them... but i cannot keep them forever. It kills me to say that but for soem reason i can't. So can you suggest at least how long I must keep them before they can live on their own? This will be the worst case scenario and i will try my best that it doesn't comes to this... but if it does, what's the age?

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Would any of your co-workers be interested in taking the kittens.  It will be hard for them to be on the street after being raised indoors.  Have you asked your vet if you can put up a sign at his office? 


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
They will not survive on the street. Please do not do this!

There is no age to live on their own with no food or shelter. You have already rescued them!

They will get hurt, filthy, starve, fleas, infections, killed. They will not understand why they have been put out.

Can you go to a private school or university and ask for help in the administrative office? Perhaps they can put a sign up asking for a family or individual to foster them for the month you are gone? A student or teacher or professor? Or they can send out a staff email. Or they know of someone!

Then if they wish to adopt them they can. If not, you take them back when you return. You must keep trying!

Have you literally no friend or neighbor or co-worker who can feed them while you are gone?

We must find a solution for you!
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TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
Bless you for rescuing these two beautiful kittens.  I understand you are in a tough situation, but they will die if you put them on the street.  I would plead with my friends and neighbors, offer to babysit or do chores or whatever I needed to do upon my return in order to get them to care for my cats while I was away.  Maybe someone would be willing to look in on them once or twice a day and care for them for a smaller fee than the pet sitters would charge.  Please don't put them out; it would amount to terrible danger and slow starvation. 


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Please try this link for help:

It is called "In Defense of Animals" and you can even sponsor your own kittens when you turn them over while they await adoption. At least they will not be on the street. They have a location in Mumbai. Beautiful website, and it is no-kill and non-profit.

Please call or visit them and let us know if this will work.

Thank you!

lady paw paw lady paw paw
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  • #9

lady paw paw

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2015
Thank you for all your answers. I would most definitely not leave them on the street while they are so young... i won't go if that's the only option... but i was wondering when they are like over a year old, and i still can't find a place for them, then is it possible to slowly turn them into outdoors cats? Like transition slowly... the won't starve as there are many butcher and fish shops and my area is infested with rats... not now... but when they are over 1-1.5 years...

Also, i tried ida and the other organisations... they are helping me find a home but there hasn't been any luck... let's hope for the best. But you guys, be rest assured... i won't leave them on the streets while they are so young... i would either pay whatever it costs or won't go...


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You must turn them over to IDA for them to be adopted. Did you discuss turning them over and sponsoring them until adoption? What are the specifics?

You said earlier you had no choice but to go on this trip. What has changed?

The kittens are much more adoptable as kittens! There is no age that they can be put out. Organizations exist to stop people from turning cats out and to get them off the street.

You cannot still expect them to become stray outdoor cats in a few months' time and beg for scraps from butchers and fish markets. It is not their responsibility either. The kittens will be just as traumatized at a year old at being put out as they would be now. I do not understand why you still believe this to be an option even!

Please take your kittens to IDA and turn them over. You must tell them you will be putting them out otherwise.

I suggest that you try harder to place these animals and do not allow "living outside" to be an option. It's cruel.
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lady paw paw

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2015
IDA isn't ready to take them. No organisation is... i already asked them.. but they just say that they have their hands full. and what i meant about putting them out was for them to be outdoor pets... i am currently living in a studio apartment and it's not possible to keep them in... so if they aren't adopted and no organisation takes them in, then please tell me what should I do?


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I cannot help you with advice but, if I may ask: Why can't you keep them? If you are caring for them now, I would not think it would not be a disadvantage to keep them in your studio. You already have sleeping area, and litter box.....Kittens are more rambunctious when they are adults. It would just require a neutering. 

I know you will be away for a month with you work situation; however, after that, why can you not keep them..It seems as if you want to, but are talking yourself out of it. 

These kitties have grown to love could also keep them until you find a home for them. 

Do not put these babies, no matter what their ages, out on the street. They absolutely will not survive. They have been raised as house cats, indoor cats. They do not have the knowledge, never mind all the hazards which are out their on their own. 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 21, 2014
Where have you been advertising them as being up for adoption? The best thing you can do is spread the word everywhere. No one can adopt them if they don't know they need a home. The more people that know, the better their chances.
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  • #14

lady paw paw

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2015
Okay. Some good news... i found a man who runs a cat park and he is ready to take them in... he has this area where he takes cares of cats and kittens until they are adopted... people can also go there and spend time with the cats. He has around 70-80 cats in the park... is that good for the cats?

PS: i cannot keep the kittens because I work as an assistant director in hindi films and am travelling most of the time in shoots. I would take them to my home where my family is but we already have cats there and they are older cats who don't like the company of other cats... we've tried it but it makes the older ones very stressed being with any new cat...


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
How do the cats live in this "park"?

Outdoors? Any shelter?

Who feeds 70-80 cats? Is he licensed? Staffed? Financially supported?

Are your cats spayed or neutered?

What is the name of this park?

Right off the top it does not sound so great.
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lady paw paw

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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2015
I've seen the place and the cats look healthy. It might not be licensed but They have a farm like place with a big home where the cats live along with a large barn like area where the cats can roam. They have a tall wall so the cats cant wander out of the area. They feed the cats and also run a help facility for injured and sick cats. And frankly, they are helpful... more helpful than any licensed organisation has been here. Most organisations didn't even listen to me fully before saying no. And unlike those shelters, the cats won't be in a cage... IDA said they will put up the kitten's info on their facebook page but haven't. At least these people are helping. They don't do publicity or take donations. It's a rich couple just wanting to help cats. In fact, i found out about them through a friend. He said he had found a very sick kitten who would have died. Most agencies said they couldn't do anything and some said they will "let him know". It was then that he found out about this cat park. They sent someone to take the kitten and healed the kitten.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 6, 2013
Okay. Some good news... i found a man who runs a cat park and he is ready to take them in... he has this area where he takes cares of cats and kittens until they are adopted... people can also go there and spend time with the cats. He has around 70-80 cats in the park... is that good for the cats?

PS: i cannot keep the kittens because I work as an assistant director in hindi films and am travelling most of the time in shoots. I would take them to my home where my family is but we already have cats there and they are older cats who don't like the company of other cats... we've tried it but it makes the older ones very stressed being with any new cat...
I have mixed feelings about this. If there is no other way you can get anyone to take care of your cats, this is better than nothing. I'm sure they mean the best for all the cats that they have. However, 70-80 cats all together has great risks.

Firstly, there is the infection risk. If he just puts your cats with it, you can be assured he will put random cats in his group without second thinking. They might look healthy at first, but cats can carry stuff and if it is contagious, the entire group can get it and I'm sure it won't end good. I might be a breeder and extra careful when it comes to health and introducing new cats to my group, but to me every cat deserves the same treatment and safety. 

Secondly, stress and fightrisk. Again, 80 cats on one piece of land is a lot. As from what I understand they just roam freely, and I doubt there aren't any fighters within the group (cats are territorial and protective), or stressed out cats because they just don't like big groups like that or the tension that flows between some of the cats. They can't really go anywhere else as they are enclosed, so they have to live like that until they are adopted. Which are small chances, because for people there's like 80 cats to pick from.

Those things combined to me sounds worrisome. But if I have to choose between them on the streets, or in the catpark, I would still go with the park. Because they will be taken care of as well as those people can. They will get medical care and food and probably some love too. Ultimately, it would be best if you find someone to take care of them for a month at your own place or at their place, and then keep them until you can find someone to adopt.

Also, just as friendly advice; I saw you said your family have cats that don't like new cats in the house. How bad is this? It's natural behavior for cats to attack new kittens or the other way around. It takes them some time to get used to the new cats in the house (it can take months) and to accept them. It's not ideal, but they'll be okay most of the times. If not, how can anyone get a second cat when they have an older first cat? If you want, I can help you with the introduction, give tips no how to start and proceed, and you can even make me videos/describe to me what's happening etc and I can help you decide whether it's really not going to work out, or if it's naturally and what is best to do next. I have helped people before with introducing new cats in the house when there was already a cat, and there are several ways that you can use/try that can make things go more smooth and less stressful for both parties.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I have concerns about a park with 70-80 cats, but it would be an alternative to the streets.

I still feel like you could reach out to schools and other organzations in an effort to find private homes for the kittens. It seems you just want them off your hands quickly without trying.

Have you gotten back with IDA and provided them with photos? Sometimes you have to be persistent.

I see in another of your threads that you have an adopted cat as well. What do you do with her when you travel?
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lady paw paw

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2015
The other cat is at my home. She is quiet old and we tried to adopt a rescued kitten and at first our cat was fine but as the kitten grew older our cat got really stresses and the ver adviced us to give away the kitten. So i can't take these kittens home.

Secondly, i have been worred sick about these kittens for over 3 months now... fist their health and then adoption... so i am not trying to get rid of them. I don't know how the condition where you all stay is for animals but here, every organisation is either already too full or just wants your donation... people wither want to adopt a tiny one month old kitten or a purebred Persian. I have called the IDA literally everyday for the last two weeks and they just say they will help but haven't even found the time to put the pictures of these kittens on their facebook page. The licensed shelter also have 70-80 cats... because there are so few shelters and so many animals that need help. The pet sitters charge at least 600 rs (10$) a day which makes it 600$ a month for two kittens which i cannot afford... this cat park does spays and neuters the cats... if you are sending a cat there for whatever reason, you have to pay for their spaying/neutering. And they have a 24 hours medical fecility to make sure cats can get attention. As far as cats not getting along with other cats are concerned, i wish i can find a home for them... but if i can't do that before i leave, i will have no other option... and if shelters, these kittens will be in a cage with 5 other cats like chicken in a poultry farm. Here, they at leave roam free, so they can go to a cat house or a corner if they want to be alone... they even have saperate cat houses made for different cats...