Nikita scared me half to death the other week...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Mar 2, 2018
Some of you may recall several months back when I was having issues with Nikita tearing a hole in the film covering of the mattress box and crawling around inside.....I ended up duct taping boxes to the bottom of it and throwing a sheet over it.

Well the sheet kept coming off so i threw it out, then the boxes were crumbling a bit, folding enough to reveal the hole. Ended up taking those off figuring the cats would leave it alone.

A couple weeks ago I couldn't find Nikita anywhere at all, then it occurred to me that it was possible she was in the mattress box. I tried feeling around to no avail and nudged the box a bit. I heard a squeak that sounded like her meow and I was terrified she was hurt or worse, so I lifted the box and ripped the film off in full blown panic and tears.

She wasn't even there, she was sitting under the end table she liked to be under, lookung like she was there the entire time. I cradled her forever at that point.

Eh maybe that thing is safer without the covering, she doesn't seem to get up there now that it's gone


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
she was sitting under the end table she liked to be under, lookung like she was there the entire time.
I can't count the many times I've had a cat "hiding" right out in plain sight and I end up looking high and low only to find him right there...

I'm so glad she wasn't in there!

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Yep, our cats do give us panic attacks every now and then. :)

I remember when I thought Bourbon escaped from the house (again) and I was frantically calling my husband who was out at that time and I was accusing him of negligence (again) as Bourbon could not be found. My husband had a history of unintentionally letting Bourbon out one time and she was gone for an hour or more, but it felt like forever at that time.

I was crying and calling out her name in utter sorrow and desperation, for about half an hour or so.

All of a sudden she came out of nowhere, seemingly confused why I was sobbing. I immediately picked her up and hugged her so tight.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 10, 2017
Same... Honeybun pretty much always comes running if i rattle the treat bag, but once in a while she doesnt, and she also likes finding obscure hiding places. A few times now ive casually looked for her-no kitty. Looked a little more in earnest-no kitty. Now panicking, checking places i already checked, wondering if she somehow slipped out even tho i make sure i see where she is before i open the door to leave.... rattling the bag loudly, no kitty....

Then finally i turn around, and she's behind me, blinking and sleepy, having just emerged from god knows where, looking at me like "whats the big deal, why are you going around the apartment shaking the treat bag like a crazy person?"

At which point its hard not to want to shake HER like a crazy person 🤯 i kid, i would never. But cats are confounding creatures.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I spent a half hour once on my stomach, talking into the heat registers after I heard the faint call of my cat Murphy seemingly coming from the duct work. My registers were large I was certain she had found her way into one. I called and called and a couple of times got a soft meow and as I laid there I was thinking about who I could contact and what it would cost to take them apart and rescue her. Then finally I heard another noise, not coming from the heat register but instead from the cabinet next to it. I yanked open the door and there she was, sitting very quietly seemingly enjoying a game of hide and seek with me. She was such a smart little devil.