Newly Adopted Cat


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Young Cat
Feb 7, 2021
New Jersey
I recently adopted an adult cat from a rescue group. I’ve only ever gotten kittens before. She’s about 4 years old and had been rescued, pregnant, from a kill shelter about to destroy her. She’s been in foster care for about a year. The foster mom was feeding her the cheapest food she could buy, Friskies wet and dry. It took me a couple days to find this out for sure. This poor cat was also taken to the vet for vaccines just prior to bringing her to my house, so you can imagine the stress the poor thing has been under. So of course she’s been having diarrhea. I started off feeding her the Friskies wet, and it’s been very hard to figure out what flavor and texture she likes. Been also trying some better quality foods, mixing them together with the Friskies. I seem to have more luck giving her new food straight. She likes it better than the Friskies. Dry food I started with Nulo LID grain free cat and kitten. She really liked it. When the very smelly diarrhea started after a couple days I went and bought Royal Cannin Sensitive Stomach. She didn’t like it, but I mixed it with the Nulo so she has been eating it. So the diarrhea has been a little more off and on. This morning was a fully formed stool, and for the first time the smell was not nearly as bad, but there was a tinge of red on the end. Should I be extremely concerned? Any further advice on what I can do to stop the diarrhea? I don’t want to drag this poor cat out to the vet again right away. It’s only been a week and she’s still just settling in. We have a quiet home, just 2 retirees and no other cats or dogs so the stress level must be coming down. I use Comfort Zone spray around the house occasionally and I think it’s helped. She seems pretty playful when she gets going but she does sleep a lot...i have no idea how “feral” she was. She does let me pet her but doesn’t want to be picked up or sit on your lap. Unfortunately the vet did not clip her claws during that visit and she’s snagging on everything but we have cat trees and cardboard scratchers. I’m afraid to try and clip her claws yet myself yet. Any advice appreciated.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I second the suggestion to add s boullardi to her wet food. Also, a daily probiotic might be helpful. I'm so glad you adopted this girl and that you're understanding of the situation and seeking help for your new girl. Don't forget to post pictures of her and introduce yourself in the New Cats on the Block forum.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 7, 2021
New Jersey
Someone from the rescue group told me to get her some goat’s milk and I was able to find a good quality raw goat’s milk at a local pet store. At first she didn’t want it but I noticed her drink a little bit this morning. I have human probiotic in the house for myself, in a capsule I could open but don’t want to accidentally cause more harm than good. Probiotics always make me