New Kittens Only Hours Old!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
Such precious kittens :) Without wanting to sound critical, I do agree with those who have suggested spaying if you can afford it and to foster the kittens yourself. Good luck!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Yes, aliceneko aliceneko -- you are so right! And there are links to possible assistance; I get cross-eyed posting them, not knowing to whom I've posted and to whom I haven't, but do check which has lots of links to all things "cat" including for possible financial assistance.
Here's another link:
Low cost or free spay-neuter programs in U.S. for pet and feral cats listed by state and area code . Love That Cat Store
and another:
Financial Resources for Cats
Input your ZIP code for links here:
and there's these:
Are you having trouble affording your pet?
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  • #23

Goofball Ivy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 24, 2019
Thank you all for your input. Things are being dealt with the best they can be in this situation, and for reference (since I noticed some links and such) we do not live in the US, but in Canada. So some things are not the same when it comes to getting cats spayed and neutred. For example, in my town, we only have one clinic, and they will not spay a cat until they are 6 months old, so the kittens will already be in their new homes by that point and it will be out of our hands to deal with that.

Also, my grandma is currently doing some baby sitting to help save money to get Toots spayed. Please also keep in mind, that I'm not sharing all personal information as to how things are in my family's life as I do not wish to post something that they would not be comfortable with me sharing. I can assure you all however, that the cats are well looked after and in good health, including mother cat.

One of the kittens will be coming to live with me once he is old enough, so for him, I can give a hundred percent assurance he will be neutered as soon as I am able to get him in to the clinic. I myself, would do the fostering situation you guys suggested, however I already have an almost 2 year old female cat and things would not go well to have her and a mother cat in the same house, as I've seen in the past, that Toots is rather aggressive towards other cats that she doesn't know.

General cat update:

Kittens are now 4 days old, and are growing chubby! The little white kitten's ears are already turning a light shade of grey-ish brown like her mothers and her fur is taking on a more creamy look.

The grey kitten is also becoming a lighter shade of grey as she gets older since she looked nearly black when first born. She also is currently looking like the chubbiest one of them all lol.

Lastly, the little tabby is becoming a tad lighter as well. His stripes are still very much dark and take up most of his body, but the grey underneath is getting a tad lighter. His fur also still feels the thickest and longest of all the kits, so I'm wondering if he's going to end up being long furred, as that gene does run in the mother's genes and she's given birth to long haired kittens in the past.

Here's some pictures of the little family I took today. I couldn't get anything better since I was late for work, but I'm hoping to get better pictures over the weekend so you can see the little white one's transformation of colors.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Thank you all for your input. Things are being dealt with the best they can be in this situation, and for reference (since I noticed some links and such) we do not live in the US, but in Canada. So some things are not the same when it comes to getting cats spayed and neutred. For example, in my town, we only have one clinic, and they will not spay a cat until they are 6 months old, so the kittens will already be in their new homes by that point and it will be out of our hands to deal with that.

Also, my grandma is currently doing some baby sitting to help save money to get Toots spayed. Please also keep in mind, that I'm not sharing all personal information as to how things are in my family's life as I do not wish to post something that they would not be comfortable with me sharing. I can assure you all however, that the cats are well looked after and in good health, including mother cat.

One of the kittens will be coming to live with me once he is old enough, so for him, I can give a hundred percent assurance he will be neutered as soon as I am able to get him in to the clinic. I myself, would do the fostering situation you guys suggested, however I already have an almost 2 year old female cat and things would not go well to have her and a mother cat in the same house, as I've seen in the past, that Toots is rather aggressive towards other cats that she doesn't know.

General cat update:

Kittens are now 4 days old, and are growing chubby! The little white kitten's ears are already turning a light shade of grey-ish brown like her mothers and her fur is taking on a more creamy look.

The grey kitten is also becoming a lighter shade of grey as she gets older since she looked nearly black when first born. She also is currently looking like the chubbiest one of them all lol.

Lastly, the little tabby is becoming a tad lighter as well. His stripes are still very much dark and take up most of his body, but the grey underneath is getting a tad lighter. His fur also still feels the thickest and longest of all the kits, so I'm wondering if he's going to end up being long furred, as that gene does run in the mother's genes and she's given birth to long haired kittens in the past.

Here's some pictures of the little family I took today. I couldn't get anything better since I was late for work, but I'm hoping to get better pictures over the weekend so you can see the little white one's transformation of colors.

What an adorable little family!!! You may be able to use your search engine and or facebook's search engine if you're on there, to find links for Canada. Thank you so very much for the information and of course I'm sure we all understand a family's wish for privacy on some levels but it is heartening to read your post.
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  • #28

Goofball Ivy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 24, 2019
The little family is doing great. They're growing quickly and the tabby kitten is the largest out of the three of them so far, and his fur is the longest so we think he really is going to be long furred once he's an adult. The little siamese looking kitten is the smallest still but is still continuing to look more and more like her mom. I was also told yesterday that she was the first one to open her eyes. I'm planning on going to see the kittens again tomorrow, but I have some pictures of the kittens I took about 3 days ago. And Monster still seems a bit interested in them, but she also doesn't care a whole lot since she can't exactly play with them yet since they're too young.
We are having a bit of trouble telling the gender with them though. I've never tried to figure that out with cats before, and my grandma is getting older so she's having a bit of trouble telling for sure. We are pretty much 90% sure the siamese one is female, but the other two are a little harder to tell. So I guess it's a wait and see.

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  • #31

Goofball Ivy

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 24, 2019
They're adorable, and getting along so well. Can you get a picture of their fannies? We have a whole crew here who will be happy to guess their genders.
I'll try to do that the next time I see them. Kind of hard to do since they like to squirm a lot lol.

Here ya go, Goofball Ivy Goofball Ivy -- How to Tell a Cat/Kitten's Gender Easily
They are doing so well! May they continue to thrive! and be safe and loved.
Thanks, I'll take a look at that a bit later :)
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  • #32

Goofball Ivy

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 24, 2019

Kittens are thriving and doing great! They all have their eyes open now and their personalities are starting to shine through which is really cute and fun to watch.

The little white/siamese kitten is the calmest and most mellow out of the three of them so far. Not much seems to faze her yet, though all she has to deal with at this point is her siblings walking over her, or getting picked up and held from time to time.

The solid grey kitten is barely opening its eyes and seems pretty average, though is also the clumsiest of the three of them. His fur seems to be getting thicker too so I'm think he's going to be long furred as well.

And my precious little tabby is a force to be reckoned with lol. He has his wide open and stares around at everything with curiosity and loves to explore. He also loves to do surprise attacks on his siblings when he isn't falling over since their motor skills aren't too good yet. It was really funny watching him plow over his siblings and pretend to be all calm one second, and then launch an attack in the next xD

And of course, more pics of the adorable family.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Awwwww the cute gremlin stage! Adorable! Take tons of pictures and videos! You can never take to many!

(Also be sure you contain them in a safe room because they will get in and on everything ...... doing things that will stop your heart! Like climb a high shelf or in a couch or worse inside a dangerous lazy boy, did i mention in car engines? Or under stoves or dishwashers?!?!?) Their Mom might appreciate short breaks from the kitten room.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
south Georgia
They are so darling, looks like they are out growing that box when momma is in it with them. Can your grandma make a bed in a bigger nest, maybe a low basket that is bigger in area than that box? They would all be more comfortable, no doubt.;)
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  • #35

Goofball Ivy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 24, 2019
Awwwww the cute gremlin stage! Adorable! Take tons of pictures and videos! You can never take to many!

(Also be sure you contain them in a safe room because they will get in and on everything ...... doing things that will stop your heart! Like climb a high shelf or in a couch or worse inside a dangerous lazy boy, did i mention in car engines? Or under stoves or dishwashers?!?!?) Their Mom might appreciate short breaks from the kitten room.
I plan on having many pictures and videos of these cuties! I'll probably opt for videos when they can walk properly since they no doubt won't hold still enough for proper pictures at that point lol.
And they aren't stuck in a room so mama cat regularly roams the house for breaks since the kittens can't walk properly yet so there's no worry of them wandering off just yet.

They are so darling, looks like they are out growing that box when momma is in it with them. Can your grandma make a bed in a bigger nest, maybe a low basket that is bigger in area than that box? They would all be more comfortable, no doubt.;)
If we take the kittens out of that box, mama cat just picks them up and drags them back into the original box lol. My grandma is planning on cutting a decent sized hole in the side of the box once the kittens can walk better so they can go in and out as they please.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
You might want to put some washable towels down, baby kittens start going poop on their own pretty soon before they learn to go in boxes.
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  • #37

Goofball Ivy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 24, 2019
So I heard a fun little story about the kittens today. Apparently the little tabby decided to hiss at my grandma earlier today lol. He's been pretty bold in exploring and playing with his siblings with his surprise attacks, and trying to get out of the box. It's rather amusing to hear he's starting to hiss too.

I actually stopped by and when I went to greet them, there were no hisses. Though I did make another observation. When I held the tabby kitten, he was totally content as long as he had his feet on something solid. And if put on the floor, he was all for exploring and checking out new things. However, with the other two, they cry out while you're holding them regardless and don't want anything to do with exploring. So I'm really looking forward to what the tabby's personality is going to be as he continues to grow up since he seems to be a confident little guy already.

Also, my grandma and I are starting to wonder if the solid gray kitten has a little something wrong mentally. His eyes are still only partially open, but the thing we notice the most is that he gets stuck on his back way more often than the other two and doesn't seem to understand rolling over to get onto his stomach again unlike his siblings. Along with that, just the way he walks around and acts, it just seems like he has something wrong mentally. He's still adorable and will be loved and cared for regardless, it's just something we've noticed.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Please google wobbly kitten syndrome! Best case ear infection, worst case cancer. Either way you need to know.

I would take him to the vet for a check up now! So many things can go wrong with kittens that to me it would be worth 40-50$ just for peace of mind..... especially after reading a bit about wobbly kitten syndrome!!!