New Kitten climbing curtians


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2015
Wilmington, Delaware
HELP, this new kitten we are "watching" (while my granddaughter's mother gets her new place done)  is driving me crazy. I have one cat he is a VERY GOOD CAT! he knows what no means, never climbed curtains, never got into things, even as a kitten. I AM SPOTLESS IN MY HOME , and I know I am going to get a lot of heat for saying this, but I  will not put my beautiful curtains up for this kitten, HE HAS TO LEARN,   I take pride in my home I clean daily, and I need it to look a certain way , I will not make it look "tacky" for this little guy, but I will NOT let them take him to the SPCA either, I want my granddaughter to have him when she gets her new home. Plus I love him I don't want anything to happen to him. I JUST NEED HIM TO STOP!  First it was very hard getting the two cat's to adjust to each other, and now I feel bad leaving him in a safe room all night , he cries about 4 am  to come out, but I hear things falling , knocking things over I can't sleep, Should I keep him in the room all night?  I will not declaw him I heard it's cruel! Can anybody help me? He is fixed, will he EVER out grow this behavior?

Please help



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 3, 2015
play with him multiple times a day for 10 to 15 minutes or until he get tired. playing with him will help more then you may think
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2015
Wilmington, Delaware
Thank You, and I hope I do not sound like a snob, but I really take pride in my home, I have a friend who let her cat's do what ever and it show's shredded furniture, the works, and that makes my skin crawl!  I work to hard for what I have , so for now he is in the room with toy's water, and his litter box, because I am tired, I can't watch him all night, but it hurts my feeling for him he must be lonely,
  but I don't know what else to do . Tomorrow, I will play with him more and try to keep him awake, when he tries to rest to much during the day. Tonight I will pray that he is not to sad and lonely. 

Good night.

Oh my it's been 10 min since I wrote this and he is in the room crying , I am dying inside, I can't make him cry in there !  Poor baby, I feel horrible, but I can't sleep when they are running around knocking things around the house all night either , SO CONFUSED!!!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2015
Wilmington, Delaware
So Many little toys, going to try to trim his nails. He is 6 months old, ALOT OF ENERGY ! 

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Kittens naturally have a LOT of energy, I don't know of one that can resist curtains! The BEST scenario would be to either pin up the curtains so the kitten can't reach them or take them down until it leaves. Or not to let him have access to that room with the curtains. How long are you talking, days, weeks or months? You would probably be going through much of the same with a toddler grandchild, you have to 'childproof' your home if you don't want to lose something. Just remember, it's NOT forever, the kitten will be leaving. He will outgrow that behavior, but usually not until they are two or so. I know what it's like to want a clean home, but I won't be THAT rigid that my grandchildren or my cats can't play and be happy. Grit your teeth, and please try to put up with a little disorder, it would mean a lot to your granddaughter! You'll have the rest of your life to keep a spotless house!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2015
Wilmington, Delaware
THANK YOU, and you are right, I am a work in progress with trying to "let go"  I also make my granddaughter, keep all of her games, and toy's in boxes, and stacked in closet neatly, I was like that with my son, and he is a great young man. Very Clean on himself, and here in our home.( so it's not just this little cat )  I would NEVER TOLERATE A CHILD PLAYING IN A HOME LIKE IT WAS OUT DOORS, NO NEED My son always sat nicely and played , as we did growing up..That's why I spend alot of money on toy's for kids, and Cat's so they leave my stuff alone, as they should, I get them their own things, to have . ( As long as they take good care of their things) Sorry to get off subject.  I always say  children (some) can ruin a home more than ANY PET!   I just have to keep a clean nice home it's very important on my list of priorities.  So last night I did put my curtains up ( NOT GOING TO LIE IT WAS HARD I DID NOT SLEEP WELL FELT LIKE MY HOME LOOKED OUT OF ORDER)  but I kept telling myself it's ONLY either until he leaves or outgrows it. Zazzy does not do, it so I have hope for charlie.  So I am TRYING TO RELAX A BIT, but there are times Charlie has to have a little "time out" or he would have me shaking all day, I need some peace , so does zazzy, so I keep him in the bedroom , with plenty of toy's ,water, and litter box, from about 11 pm. till about 4:30 am , I HOPE THAT IS NOT CRUEL, IT BREAKS MY HEART. BUT I NEED SLEEP.  I really want to go to sleep about 10 but I make myself stay up as late as I can so I don't have to put him in the room , too soon, and I wake up at 4:30 so he can come out and play AND I AM DRAGGING. That 's the best I can do right now. So again, Thank;s , trying to relax a bit,  and your very right life is too short, my mother (God rest her soul) used to say "why do we worry about these homes being so perfect they will be here long after we are gone" and that WONDERFUL WOMAN was so right!       


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 11, 2008
Confining a cat in a room overnight is not cruel.

For comparison. consider all the cats at shelters who have to spend months in tiny cages.