New(ish) to cats...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 28, 2012
Hi there my name is Kindra. I just adopted my first cat 3 weeks ago. Before I go any further I should say that, first and foremost, I would consider myself an "animal person" having forced my long suffering mother to endure all manner of creepy crawly (for instance: one summer I raised praying mantises) and furry things during my childhood. However, if pressed I would have to admit that I tend to be more of a "dog person" than anything else. Cats are lovely little creatures that I find fun and fascinating, but for the most part they just don't make sense to me. Dogs I get. From the time I was an itty bitty thing I could always interact with dogs...even the ones that others were afraid of. Cats are different and wonderful in so many ways, but I just never felt really drawn to them as a group. I'll play with my friends' cats, but that was enough for me. My mother is a "cat person". They make perfect sense to her and she tolerated my scaly furry menagerie, but she always had a cat by her side. Jack was with her (us) for 18 and half years. So I grew up with cats and have a general understanding of basic husbandry and care. However, the day in, day out nitty-gritty is not as familiar to me as it would be for other animals. As such, I'll probably have lots of stupid questions. Given all this, you're probably asking "Why did she adopt a cat, then?" Simply put, I fell in love!

Jack was PTS 3 years ago (renal failure). My mom took it very hard and vowed never to have another animal. I predicted that this resolve would crumble eventually and about two months ago she expressed interest in perhaps giving an older shelter kitty a home. She asked if I might go with her for support. I learned a long time ago that I CANNOT go to dog shelters. I tried to volunteer at one and quickly realized that my bleeding heart just could not take it, even the no-kill ones, so I donate supplies and money but no longer step a foot into those facilities unless I am intending to adopt a dog. However, I felt that I would be fairly safe in the cattery. I was so wrong!
Needless to say I was in love. Immediately, I rooted out the adoption counselor to find out any and all information that I could. Everything I learned about her told me that she would fit in just fine with my situation. Most importantly that she would tolerate my year old Shepherd mix, Otis, incessantly snuffling her and running around like a 70 lb chicken with its head cut off. She came home later that week and has fit in absolutely perfectly. She is quite fearless of Otis, not to mention everything else, and last night I even discovered Otis and her curled up on the bed next to each other. Otis was even licking her back leg and she was purring and stretching it out to make sure that he got to all the spots she wanted him to get! I have to admit that I was a little worried about the integration process. I knew it would work, they both have really lovely temperaments, but I was so concerned about the length of time it would take. I know I got exceptionally lucky and I am so thankful for that! Both dog and cat are "older" rescues (Adele being two and Otis coming to me at 7 months) from really BAD situations and yet they both have about the best temperaments of any cat/dog I have ever met. I must have done something really good in a former life to wind up with these two.

Anyway, about me, I am 28 years old. About 9 months ago I quit my job, sold my car, canceled my lease and moved across state lines to help my 78 year old grandfather live independently. Last year he was involved in a major motorcycle accident that left him with a very serious TBI (traumatic brain injury). At the time we were told that he wouldn't survive, then that he wouldn't walk or talk, then that he would never be able to come home. Eventually the doctors conceded that his recovery was literally one in a million and that with some ongoing support he could live independently of the facility. Unfortunately, he lives in a rural area where access to resources and just basic necessities is more difficult than in the city or suburbs. He would not have been able to live in his own home. The family talked and there is no way in heck that he would have been happy in an apartment or anywhere but the house he built himself and raised three children in. So, everybody took stock and I jumped at the chance to free myself from the daily grind!  Currently, I am helping him with his daily life and working on a children's series of books. Maybe it's a pipe dream, but I really think it could go somewhere someday!  

Anyway, I've droned on enough for now. I spend the vast majority of my day writing, so long winded is kind of my specialty.

I'm so glad to met all you guys and I, of course, have more pictures that I will share eventually. At some point I will also post Adele's story...or at least what I know of it.

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 28, 2012
Oh, I forgot to add that the day after I adopted Adele, my mom went back and adopted Allie!
We found out that Allie had been waiting for her furever home for 3 long years so it was most certainly meant to be.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 6, 2012
That is a wonderful story. Congratulations on your fur-family, your kitty is beautiful.

Welcome to TCS!  :)


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 24, 2012
Thank you for sharing your story.  I love to read about happy endings.  Adele is lovely!


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
So, which leg is your tripod missing, and how did she lose it?  And have you seen the videos of Anakin, the 2-legged kitten?

I'm with dogs like you were with cats.  I figure if I adopted a dog, I know just about enough about dogs to ensure I would have a terrible one before long.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Welcome!  What a sweet storie about your Adele!  It was obviously meant to be.  And I hear ya on the long winded thing.  It's like I just cant say it any shorter sometimes... lol
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 28, 2012
Thank you everyone for your kind words and warm welcome. I really am looking forward to learning everything I can and, hopefully, contributing something useful!


Adele lost her right hind leg. As far as what happened to her, she was found as a stray March 12th (I think) of this year. Her rear leg was terribly mangled (multiple complex fractures), infected and generally in a very bad way. The rescue vet took a look at it and decided that it was not salvageable. She was an otherwise healthy sweet kitty so they decided that amputation was reasonable and most definitely necessary. While they were examining her they also determined that her top two canine teeth were actually cracked exposing a significant portion of the pulp. So, when she went in for her amputation and spay they also extracted her upper "fangs". Given the injuries to her leg and teeth they suspect she was hit by a car. None of her injuries are consistent with a dog attack, cat fight, animal abuse or any of the other myriad of terrible things that can happen to a little kitty fending for herself. However, they said that without witnesses there is never a way to be sure. Long and short of it...probably hit by a car.

Her amputation was done quite beautifully, my vet had his surgeon look at it and said he hasn't seen a nicer job in all his years of practicing. The sad truth is that at this particular rescue center they average something close to one amputation a week! Mostly car trauma, but the shelter is in a very bad part of town and more often than I even want to think about the amputations are due to overt animal abuse. Probably why they do such excellent work. As a side note, she has a little bit of a nubbin' left and when you rub her chin just right it wiggles uncontrollably!

I have seen that video...Anakin is pretty inspiring. I tried to get Adele to watch it with me. You know, to give her inspiration and let her know that things could always be worse. She wasn't interested and walked off...promptly jumping from my second story loft onto the living room couch and proving once and for all that she needed no outside inspiration.

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Hi Kindra, & welcome to TCS!!!!!!!!  What a wonderful story!! Congratulations on adopting Adel. I look forward to seeing you around the site, & there are no dumb questions here. I grew up with a peek-a poo, so Angel is my first kitty as well. (He adopted me about 3yrs ago).  I have learned SOOO MUCH on here.

There are a lot of knowledgeable people willing to help you figure things out. You came to the right place!!


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Kindra, what a wonderful story and kind person you are.

Ritz is my first pet ever at the ripe old age of 55.  I learned a lot on these Forums, the only dumb question is the one not asked.