New Here. 13yr Old Cat Diagnosed With Lymphoma

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2018
I'm so sorry it's Large Cell vs Small :hugs:. I suspected that, based on everything you said, but confirmation still hurts :frown:.

Hoping the Pred and pain meds make him feel better and you get a little more quality time together.
Thanks. We really appreciate it ! He has been eating some which is a great sign. I got some stuff called "Pet Wellbeing - Life Gold For Cats - Natural Cancer Support For Felines" after much reading. Here's the link Cat Cancer - Life Gold: Feline Cancer Treatment - Going to give this to him as well to see if it helps any. it's jus 0.25ml twice a day. I've read some really positive results. I know nothing is a cure. Just trying to make him comfortable. :)
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2018
I was going to suggest something similar. We gave Kitty something called Petabis, it is hemp oil:

CBD HEMP OIL 75 mg. SMALL BREED DOGS & CATS* - 75 mg. USDA Organic CBD Oil for Cats & Dogs*

It is sold in organic Petstores like Chuck & Don's.
It is supposed to ease pain and make them comfortable, I think it helped Kitty a lot during his last weeks.
Ok thanks ! I read someone was using that and it really helped. Cos came out of hiding and seemed like he wanted to stay out but he didn't know what to do with himself. I think the Prednisone is helping. Gave him the first dose of Life Gold we'll see what it does. *fingers crossed*
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2018
Hi - in the meantime, here are some ideas for food; tuna, tuna juice, goat milk, sardines, kitten food, kitten milk replacer homemade or bought, no sodium/garlic/onion broth, baby food with no onion or garlic.
felinecrf . org --while the specific disease is different, some of the nutrition information that is provided could prove to be useful.
I'm so glad you found this site. I'm so very very sorry you're going through this, but as you've noticed above, there are incredible people here who will be able to answer your questions. I can't ease your heart but I'm sending LOADS of supportive thoughts your way.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I just wanted to reply. Cos is still in hiding. He comes out sometimes but not for long. I give him pain meds and some Prednisone as well as Life Gold. He is eating some but he acts like it's difficult for him. Sometimes I read the comments and forget to reply so my bad there. I've really been in a daze since he's been sick and the diagnosis. I have him on my mind all day and can't wait to get home to see him. I've been sleeping on the couch just to be near him. I wake up and tell him I love him all night. He may think I'm nuts but that's okay. :)
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2018
I'm so sorry it's Large Cell vs Small :hugs:. I suspected that, based on everything you said, but confirmation still hurts :frown:.

Hoping the Pred and pain meds make him feel better and you get a little more quality time together.
Thanks. That is what I am hoping. He's been such a part of the family and into everything. Always keeping us company and interrupting when we try to talk with his meowing like he wants in on the conversation. He always would give me an escort everywhere and lay down right with me. He stays in hiding at the moment. He does come out occasionally and eat a bit and drink some and use the litter box. But then he goes right back into the book case cabinet. If I call him or tak to him he will will stand still and turn and look at me, but he turns and disappears into hiding. You can still feel his bones through his fur though when I pet him. It's really sad. I hate this is happening to him. I am hoping he starts responding more the Prednisone and Life Gold. He doesn't look like he's in pain, he just seems lethargic. If it gets worse I may have to do what I have been dredding.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Sometimes I read the comments and forget to reply so my bad there. I've really been in a daze since he's been sick and the diagnosis. I have him on my mind all day and can't wait to get home to see him. I've been sleeping on the couch just to be near him. I wake up and tell him I love him all night. He may think I'm nuts but that's okay.
No worries whatsoever, we totally understand, and thank you so much for the updates!
He knows, he can feel your love all over him. :redheartpump:
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2018
An update on Cos. He is still with us. I am trying to get him to eat, but he will lap some of the juice of the can food and drink some water but not much. He will drink some tuna juice. I put some Nutri Cal on his paw and he licks it off. I've tried everything but he just sniffs it and turns his head. My daughter gets him to eat pices of shredded ham and chicken sometimes. It makes my day when he does ! He purrs when I pet him but then he turns his head toward the wall. It's really sad. I am giving him his pain medication along with some prednisone and Life Gold for his health. He is skin and bones. I have been okay with doing what I think needs to be done, but my wife and daughter think otherwise which has caused some disagreements to put it mildly. I was hoping to have some better news but as I read over the many situations on here, I know I am not alone. I get up all through the night and tell him I love him and lay with him. Just wanted to say you all on here are really some great support and just great people. God bless you all for the support you've given myself and everyone on here. I will post updates when I can or there has been some changes. Thanks again and God bless.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Bless your heart for taking the time to update. Our prayers are with all of you!!
Try and tell everybody that even if they disagree, do it softly :sigh: :grouphug2:
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  • #29


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2018
An update on Cos. It's with the heaviest of hearts I tell you he has gone to be with my Mom and other loved ones in heaven. I don't have the right words to express how much Cos meant to me. My chest has been hurting for days. It will be a long time before I get any sleep. I miss him so much. I will always love him and he will always be with myself and our family in our hearts. Please God take good care of my buddy until we meet again. Thank you so much for all the kind words here. I read somewhere "His last breath here, was his first breath in heaven"


Cat butler, cook and custodian.
Feb 26, 2018
Saint Marys County, MD
I'm new to the site and just saw this. You have my sympathy and empathy, lost 2 of our cat girls to aggressive intestinal lymphoma. Silver Kestrel in June 2012 at a little over 12 and her younger 1/2 sister, Hildiekatt Halfshadow, in June 2014 at a little under 13. It is a rough way to see them go.

I hope the happy memories you have of Cosmo ease the sadness a bit.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
I'm new to the site and just saw this. You have my sympathy and empathy, lost 2 of our cat girls to aggressive intestinal lymphoma. Silver Kestrel in June 2012 at a little over 12 and her younger 1/2 sister, Hildiekatt Halfshadow, in June 2014 at a little under 13. It is a rough way to see them go.

I hope the happy memories you have of Cosmo ease the sadness a bit.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
An update on Cos. It's with the heaviest of hearts I tell you he has gone to be with my Mom and other loved ones in heaven. I don't have the right words to express how much Cos meant to me. My chest has been hurting for days. It will be a long time before I get any sleep. I miss him so much. I will always love him and he will always be with myself and our family in our hearts. Please God take good care of my buddy until we meet again. Thank you so much for all the kind words here. I read somewhere "His last breath here, was his first breath in heaven"
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Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA

New here and was looking around on the web about info on chemo for cats. We have 2 tabby cats (brothers) that are rescues and recently (about 2 weeks ago) noticed one of our cats Cosmo hiding in different places. He doesn't have much of an appetite. We noticed he is getting thinner. So we took him to the vet and after an xray first, then an untrasound, he has a mass near his kidney and after a biopsy it is Lymphoma. The vet said it had spread to his lymph nodes. I have read good and bad. Some folks say make him comfortable until he passes. Some say find out what kind of Lymphoma? Small cell GI or large cell? If it's small cell and even if it's advanced, chemo could really help. Today has been a really good interesting day . He is acting more active and he came in the room where I am and he's been rubbing on me and purring. He even ate a little. He's been meowing. He's even been grooming himself. I have mixed emotions on what is my next move. The vet is checking on chemo treatment. So thought I would ask here and get some opinions. Here's a picture of him from a couple days ago.
View attachment 218055
I am so sorry I didn't see this sooner so I could have been offering my support all along with my fellow TCS'rs. I am brokenhearted for you and your family. How is your other kitty doing?
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  • #34


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2018
I am so sorry I didn't see this sooner so I could have been offering my support all along with my fellow TCS'rs. I am brokenhearted for you and your family. How is your other kitty doing?
Thanks so much I appreciate it. The other cat (Apollo) is doing fine. He's fat and happy. He has such a different personality than Cos But I love him just the same. It's been really hard yesterday and today. There is a big empty hole where Cos used to be. He was with me from the moment I was home until I had to go to work. Words can't describe how much I miss him.

Thanks for the kind words. It means allot.
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  • #35


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2018
I'm new to the site and just saw this. You have my sympathy and empathy, lost 2 of our cat girls to aggressive intestinal lymphoma. Silver Kestrel in June 2012 at a little over 12 and her younger 1/2 sister, Hildiekatt Halfshadow, in June 2014 at a little under 13. It is a rough way to see them go.

I hope the happy memories you have of Cosmo ease the sadness a bit.
Thank you. I appreciate it. I miss him so much. I still talk to him like he's here.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm so sorry kc1_cat1 kc1_cat1

I'm glad you and Apollo have each other, I'm sure you both miss Cosmo a lot. We always lock the threads when a cat has passed, so I'll lock this one now.

When you feel ready you might like to start a memorial thread for Cosmo in our Crossing The Bridge forum.

Crossing the Bridge

Rest in Peace Cosmo.

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