New Foster is incredibly aggressive help?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2014
Hello all I'm searching for some serious advice. I have fostered before, but I have never had this big of an issue with a new cat. I could really use some advice. 

We are fostering a 5 year old, fixed, female, about 15 lbs. We were told she was a loving affectionate 2 year old cat who was being beat up and picked on by the other cats in the cat room and needed to be fostered. We have a 6 month old cat at home. We have a "new cat" room just for the foster, plus a tall cat cage with 3 levels, that she came with so it is all familiar to her in there at least. 

Well, we get to the shelter, and she comes to the side of the cage (since she had to be removed from the cat room, she was living in this cage), we rubbed her for a minute or so and then she backed up and wouldn't come near us again. We talked to the rescue who gave us her REAL age, and then we found out no one really knew what she was like in a home setting, but they assumed she was affectionate. Now I was concerned, but we continued. Then, it was time to go. The rescue ended up having to use two thick towels to put her in the carrier.... hissing and biting and spitting all the way. He said the cat didnt like him because he administered all the medications and such. Once in the carrier she was calm, in the car she purred, I get home, set up her cage put her old blankets back in and took the carrier into the room. we could not go NEAR the carrier door (although we managed to get it open). We couldnt get her out of the carrier but that was fine, we decided to sit on the floor away from her and let her come out on her own. She never did. We went and ate dinner, came back, still in the carrier. She hisses and swats at us if we get within 5 feet of her. we left the room completely until morning. Cat cam shows she did a quick sprint into her home cage and then stayed there. 

Now, 4 days later, we cant even go IN the room without her attacking us and biting. We had to change her litter and give her food and water, so when we saw she was in the cage, we went in and shut the doors to it. Now we have a huge problem. We can't unlock the cage. She bites and claws and spits and hisses. I have had to make a shorter litter pan and put food and water in the bottom access panel with an oven mitt on. The rescue says she needs time, and I agree, so we dont push her, we dont pet her, we dont look at her in the eye, we just try and keep her clean fed and watered. She wont take treats even from the long end of a wand, or a spoon set down and left there. There has been zero improvement, the rescue confessed she is normally pretty ornery since being teamed up on by the other cats and will put her down if i take her back, way to make me feel like a cat killing failure. 

I want to help her, I want to re-socialize her, I want someone to love her and I want her to love someone. No interested person would adopt her as she is, and worse, if she gets sick im going to need welding gloves or something to get her into a carrier. since she is now in her cage, we go in and sit on the floor and let her be above us and we talk quietly or read out loud. there has been zero improvement. Our cat obviously has no contact with her and we wash our hands and even put on fresh shirts now when we go into her room. 

My husband is demanding we take her back, I don't want to fail her, but shes not happy here, she wasnt happy at the rescue, she is not leading a healthy life. I need help. 


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
We took in some older cats when a friend died and one of them had real aggression problems.  I have scars on my arms that I will probably always have from the first time he attacked.  Awful. 

Anyway, it's a long story but we got a prescription of acepromazine from our vet.  At that point, I was so afraid of him I wasn't about to try to give him meds, so I dissolved it in some tuna water and pushed it into reach, which fortunately he lapped up.  He was on it for 2-3 days to calm him down and then we were able to re-introduce him to the cats he'd come with. It really worked a miracle for him.

It's been a year and a half.  We've never been able to integrate him with our original resident cats but he gets along just fine with his original tribe, and is a sweet, affectionate cat--just not with other cats.  

Perhaps you can talk to your vet about prescribing something like that to calm her down.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2014
Thank you, I will be calling tomorrow. It just really hurts because I feel deceived by the rescue, and my cat is getting stressed when she hears the growling and hissing when one of us hours in there to try and feed her. I hope something helps, she deserves a good home like she had before her owner left her (don't know the details). At this rate though I'm feeling very defeated. I'll keep trying though, she's just so scared.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I don't blame you for being upset.  It's so good of you to want to keep trying--with a case that tough, many might not try, especially with a spouse and resident cat being so upset.  

Our house was in turmoil for awhile too, but in our case it worked out.  I'm not sure what we would have done if we hadn't been able to calm Jake down.  

Once he was off the acepromazine, we got a Feliway diffuser for the room, and a calming collar for him.  The calming collar was great but you have to be able to get close enough to get it on them!  The ace. really helped take the edge off of him initially, and then we could work with other, more long-term help for his anxiety and aggression.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2014
Thank you for the suggestions and encouragement. If they were a no kill shelter or another foster could take her, maybe, but I'd like to keep trying. It is having adverse affects on my cat and household, but for now, I will keep at it. The vet said she would be okay with an rx, we just have to officially clear it with the shelter.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2014
Well, no prescription, but idk if it's the feliway or if she just decided to give us a chance... she came out of her cage today, she rubbed her face all over me, purring, she allowed me to pet her for a minute until she decided she was done with me and ran back up into the highest level of the cave and started growling. No idea what brought this on but it is a HUGE deal to me!!! Now I just hope she keeps going, I don't mind if it's slow I'm just so incredibly happy she's made any kind of progress!!!


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
She probably had a 'goodness, what have I just done??' moment that made her jump back and growl.  But her loving/being loved instincts sound like they're kicking in. Slowly and surely.... 

I'm so pleased you've had this breakthrough


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 14, 2014
Virginia Beach
Adelebeth, you probably outlasted the time frame when everyone else gave up on her. If the shelter is talking about putting her down, it sounds like they have already mentally written her off, and a cat can tell stuff like that through body language. She feels more defeated than you do.

She was probably counting the days until you kicked her out. I'm not any sort of expert, but my advice would be to limit your exposure a little, don't overstimulate her with toys and treats, and just wait for her to chill. YMMV


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Well, no prescription, but idk if it's the feliway or if she just decided to give us a chance... she came out of her cage today, she rubbed her face all over me, purring, she allowed me to pet her for a minute until she decided she was done with me and ran back up into the highest level of the cave and started growling. No idea what brought this on but it is a HUGE deal to me!!! Now I just hope she keeps going, I don't mind if it's slow I'm just so incredibly happy she's made any kind of progress!!!
Oh that's great news!  
  I'm very happy for you.  Hopefully that kind of small progress will continue.