New Feature - Cat Pages!


Site Owner
Thread starter
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
Note - the cat pages should be viewable to all, but only young cats and above cat create cat pages. New members who are still ranked as kittens can only view cat pages for now.

Look at the top navigation bar of the forums and you should see a new menu item there - "Your Cats". Click on that and a drop-down menu unfolds and gives you three options -

1. View Your Cats - from which you can manage existing cat pages that you have.

2. Add New Cat Page

3. Cat Central - where you can view cat pages created by other members (currently you can view recently added/updated pages, and a random display of more pages at the bottom).

When you create a cat page, the system creates a thumbnail of your cat picture, which later shows up along your username above your posts.
Tip - choosing square images showing your kitty's face should work best as thumbnails

Right now there is no limit to the number of cat pages you can create and they should all be accessible from your profile. Please limit yourself to creating pages for your own cats (not other pets, and not just pretty cat pictures you found on the internet). The thumbnails along your username are limited by number to avoid over-cluttering post headers.

Interacting with the cat pages!

The cat pages are a tool for even more social interaction on the boards! You can comment on other members' cat pages and you can invite a cat to be a "friend" of you own cat.

Thank you and have fun!
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