New Cat Using Bathtub As Litter Box - Help!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 11, 2018
Hello! We recently adopted a shelter cat, who has a chronic URI. He has been on antibiotics for 30 days. We have integrated him into our home and he gets along well with our other cat. One problem- he keeps pooping (and peeing) in the bathtub. We have 4 litterboxes - two in basement, one on main floor and one upstairs. We scoop them all twice a day. He uses the litterboxes no problem, and hasn't pooped or peed anywhere else in the house. Since he's been visiting the vet on a weekly basis I can't imagine it's illness related as he is full of energy and is constantly playing. He is 2.5 and was just neutered about a month ago - he was a stray before he was brought to the humane society where we adopted him. Any ideas as to why he is doing this and what else we can do to discourage it? We can't keep the bathroom door closed as we have three kids to groggily stumble in at night to use the bathroom. Even if it started closed the kids would surely leave it open. Please help!!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I'm keying on you saying he was a stray - could you add some unfertilized potting soil to one or two of the litterboxes, and also try some Cat Attract litter in another box?

Regarding why he's doing it, by chance is there an odor (however faint/light)coming from the tub drain? Can you cover the drain and see if that makes a difference?

Also, for his URI, if you aren't already, try and eventually get him on no-dust litter, if possible something like littermaid's walnut or Dr elseys respiratory relief crystals.

In addition, have you tried putting a litterbox in the bathtub that he uses, get him (hopefully) using that, then put that box just outside the tub and somehow block access into the tub (again hopefully only for a brief time), then gradually, incrementally move that litterbox out to where you'd prefer to have it?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 11, 2018
Thank you for the reply - these are all great suggestions! We actually did buy the litter attractant but were going to return it as he went a whole week without using the tub so we thought it was a flukey thing - until it happened again today! We will use it now to be safe. I wondered about the litter. We are currently using unscented arm and hammer multicat, but it seems these issues started after we bought this kind. I have a feeling he may not like it. I'm in Canada and have not heard of those brands but will look into a dust free kind. We cant seem to get him to shake this URI and because the humane society is still treating him (we are technically fostering until hes well enough to oficially adopt - basically so they can cover the cost of his medications) im not getting any real answers to why he's still sick (although you'd never know by looking at him) other than that some cats just have a harder time shaking it. Could the recent neuter have something to do with it? There definitely could be some smell in the drain, although we just draino'd a few weeks ago? So puzzling! Thank you for the suggestions I will look into them All!


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Oh, gosh, does this ever sound familiar. I once adopted a cat who had been surrendered to the shelter for this problem and, being completely full of myself, I was certain I'd get her to stop using the tub in no time. Ha ha. That didn't happen. She did eventually stop doing it, though I'm not sure what actually did the job.

In your case, the UTI may have something to do with it. Many cats reject their litter boxes entirely because they associate the pain of urinating with the box itself. You then have to lure them back to the litter box by making the chosen spot less attractive and the litter box more so.

Is there anyway you can cut off his access to the tub, without closing the bathroom door? You could try a barrier, e.g. a gate extended across the length of the tub that he can't jump over. Some people have had success by putting a couple of chairs in the tub sideways. It's an utter pain in the neck to have to take things in and out of the tub, plus store them when not in use, but this does often work.

Another option is to put something across the bottom of the tub that's made of material he doesn't like. Something sticky would be ideal. You could try cutting out pieces of cardboard and covering them with double sided tape or tape pieces of adhesive shelf paper upside down so the entire piece of cardboard is covered.

While you're doing this, you need to work on making the litter box more attractive to him. There is a product called Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract Litter that was developed to address the problem of litter box avoidance. It's widely available so you should be able to find it easily but to give you a start, Chewy and Amazon are two on-line sources and PetCo or PetsMart are two stores that sell it. (EDIT: I see now that didn't work).

You may also have to experiment with different types of litter or litter boxes. He may want his own litter box which may be difficult when you have multiple cats.

There is another approach you may want to try, although it may not be practical with several cats and kids around. Try putting a box in the tub at first to get him accustomed to using one again and then move it next to the tub while cutting off access. Eventually, move the box to the desired spot.

You may find this article very helpful: How To Solve Litterbox Problems In Cats: The Ultimate Guide

Good luck!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Could the recent neuter have something to do with it?
I don't know, I wouldn't think so, but every cat is different, most certainly.
Hopefully the antibiotics help him to kick that :)
You-all don't have any plug-in or spray fragrances or air fresheners, or spray cleaners that you use in the bathroom? maybe hold off using those kinds of things for a while.
Hang in there, I think you're doing an awesome job and he's VERY lucky to have you :heartshape:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 15, 2018
British Columbia, CA
Is there anyway you can cut off his access to the tub, without closing the bathroom door? You could try a barrier, e.g. a gate extended across the length of the tub that he can't jump over. Some people have had success by putting a couple of chairs in the tub sideways. It's an utter pain in the neck to have to take things in and out of the tub, plus store them when not in use, but this does often work.

Another option is to put something across the bottom of the tub that's made of material he doesn't like. Something sticky would be ideal. You could try cutting out pieces of cardboard and covering them with double sided tape or tape pieces of adhesive shelf paper upside down so the entire piece of cardboard is covered.
If your cat hates water, you can try to fill the tub up by a few centimetre of water.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 11, 2018
Thank you all so much for your helpful responses! I wanted to update - since Mr. Jax was using his litter box nearly 99% of the time we decided to leave a few inches of water in the bathtub with a few sprinkles of orange oil in the water and while I haven't heard any splashes he hasn't tried to get in there either! It's been about a week so fingers crossed lol
Thanks so much for all the advice!!
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TCS Member
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Aug 11, 2018
Apparently I spoke too soon. My hubby forgot to leave water in the tub and we came home to a nice present in the tub lol of course the day I post about being in the clear there would be a set back! We will keep trying to remember the water in the tub and hope eventually he will forget about it lol