New Cat Starting To Bite!!!!! Pleeeeease Help!!!!


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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
So here’s a background of my situation: my neighbor’s cat started coming over everyday about 4 months ago. First we put a bed outside for her, then a heated pad, then a litter box, then a bucket of toys, until eventually I cleaned out the garage and made her a “bedroom” if you will. There’s a couch with her favorite blankets, activity tree, scratching posts, little cardboard house with scratching pads, self grooming bristles, and a few more cat toy contraptions along with a few buckets of loose toys. She has a tv that we put on for her at night, her litter box, and we let her go play outside sometimes. I even have a security camera in there that shows the temperature so I can check on her while I’m out or upstairs in my room. I’ll stay in there until 2-3am because we normally fall asleep together watching tv. Her old family doesn’t want her. I’ve texted them a few times when it was raining or snowing asking if they wanted me to walk her home and no answer and she’s been here in her “bedroom” for about 3 weeks minus the few hours a day she plays outside. When she first started coming here, she was thin, scared of little things like plastic bags, didn’t know how to play with cat toys, had scabs covering her ears that she picked at, and bald spots from excessive licking. She’s filled out, her scabs are now small scars, she only has one tiny small bald spot on her upper arm, she’s not scared of things and she can play for hours. She’s 6 years old.

Now for my question!!! When she first started coming over, she would want to be pet nonstop. I’d pet her under the neck to the point that she’d fall asleep in my hand and I’d pet her cheeks and head for awhile. One time (when she wasn’t living inside yet) she nipped me when I was petting her, but she was purring. But that was it. Now that she’s inside, sometimes if I pet her even for only a little bit, she’ll go to bite. In the past 3 weeks, she’s gone to bite me or a family member maybe 6-7 times total, and swatted 2 times. My question is why? Is she unhappy? We leave the garage door cracked for awhile in the morning and then a few times throughout the day and then before bed. I spend as much time as I can with her because whenever I leave and she’s awake, she’ll stand by the door waiting for me all sad. We play with her a 3-4 times a day maybe 15-20 minutes each time and she likes to stand in the driveway looking at this tree with lots of squirrels or out the window when she’s inside. I don’t know why she wasn’t aggressive when she was outside, but now she will be aggressive sometimes. Her hair doesn’t stick up and she doesn’t have any other physics signs of being angry. Is she sad her family abandoned her? Or is she just comfortable with us now and isn’t as needy so when she’s sick of being pet, she’ll nip. Other than that, she’s the sweetest, most playful little bundle of joy. Sometimes, she’ll do it when she looks so happy and relaxed. Someone please help!! I just want her to be happy!!!!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 1, 2017
She might be a love biter. I have a cat that was born here as a rescue and he bites when he's loving. Could be trying to play even. Sounds like she might not really have had the human interaction like she needed. If she bites u hiss at her and she will stop. She doesn' it seem in any way feral so no need to worry. Some cats just don't know how to act and need to be taught. Funny thing is dozer my love biter still lives here with his mom and is 2 weeks from his first birthday. She doesn't do that nor his brothers (1 is here too, and the other 2 are my brothers now) so it couldn't have been learned, and he wasn't taken from his mom to early obviously. Just teach and cats can learn. Is there a reason she isn't just allowed in the house? Perhaps that's what she wants, as some cats get irritated and act in different ways. Maybe she wants to go where u do
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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
I forgot to mention that! We have five (yes, five) mini dachshunds that live inside. We are going to try to slowly bring out one dog out into the garage to get her used to them. Today, I brought one of her blankies with her scent inside by the dogs and one of their blankies out by her. The dogs have accidentally gotten out here and she will usually run out the garage door and jump the fence.. but not before swatting and hissing at the dogs. Only one of the dogs has even showed any type of aggression by barking. The rest are very curious and while we did have a cat years ago, I think they forgot our old cat. She also lived with a dog at her old home. The only issue is there’s so many of them against her. Chances are, I’ll bring her with me when I move out this summer.

I could definitely see her getting mad about not being able to come in, but even when she was outside in the front yard she would try to come in the front door. She clearly lacked human interaction and when she bites or tries to, I don’t yell or get angry, I just put on a “cool down” where I’ll just leave her alone and go inside. But it doesn’t seem vicious so I feel badly about leaving her. I’ve never tried the hissing thing that’s interesting!!! Thanks for the advice!!

She might be a love biter. I have a cat that was born here as a rescue and he bites when he's loving. Could be trying to play even. Sounds like she might not really have had the human interaction like she needed. If she bites u hiss at her and she will stop. She doesn' it seem in any way feral so no need to worry. Some cats just don't know how to act and need to be taught. Funny thing is dozer my love biter still lives here with his mom and is 2 weeks from his first birthday. She doesn't do that nor his brothers (1 is here too, and the other 2 are my brothers now) so it couldn't have been learned, and he wasn't taken from his mom to early obviously. Just teach and cats can learn. Is there a reason she isn't just allowed in the house? Perhaps that's what she wants, as some cats get irritated and act in different ways. Maybe she wants to go where u do


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 20, 2016
How would you feel if people just came and started rubbing you whenever they wanted?!?
If you want to gauge whether a cat wants to interact present the back of your hand about 3 inches from her nose. If she turns or backs away, that's cat for "piss off". If she leans forward and smells your hand or as mine does leans towards your hand then that's permission to interact.
As for other family or friends, not all cats are people person cats. Cat people persons'? People cat person'? So learn the hand thing and teach it to family friends. You don't know what those neighbours were like and what this cat has experienced so be patient. Good luck
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  • #5


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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
I’ve been doing that with the hand. I put it a few inches from her face and wait for her to rub up against it then I’ll pet for maybe 30 seconds and put my hand there again and if she engages again I’ll pet again and so on and so forth. I just found it strange how she went from never nipping to now she does a lot. The only thing I can think of is that when she was outside, she was very lonely and just wanted any type of love and affection. Now that she’s inside and feels safe and secure, she is more comfortable and doesn’t feel the need to get so much affection. It’s just hard learning to read her. We had cats growing up but I was a kid and when they would bite, I just stayed away lol but I just adore her and I want her to be happy so I want to be able to understand her better especially since I can tell she’s not biting to hurt or be vicious but bc she has no voice or way or communicating.
How would you feel if people just came and started rubbing you whenever they wanted?!?
If you want to gauge whether a cat wants to interact present the back of your hand about 3 inches from her nose. If she turns or backs away, that's cat for "piss off". If she leans forward and smells your hand or as mine does leans towards your hand then that's permission to interact.
As for other family or friends, not all cats are people person cats. Cat people persons'? People cat person'? So learn the hand thing and teach it to family friends. You don't know what those neighbours were like and what this cat has experienced so be patient. Good luck


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 20, 2016
What's her body language? If the furs is not spiked up, her tail not puffed or not growling then it's not aggression. My cat will sometimes bite when petting but it usually is soft and seems to be just over excitement from enjoying herself.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 20, 2017
Tacoma, Wa
overstimulation is the reason that I've always thought my cats will end up biting when being pet. one of my cats has a def con system before biting. another cat likes to nip for attention. if you're not petting her she'll nip at you.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It sounds like overstimulation to me, I've had several cats that have had it and it varies in intensity from cat to cat. Overstimulation Syndrome is a condition where a cat will accept and enjoy so many strokes, or stimulation, and then reacts often seemingly aggressive, with any more then that. Stroke your cat one time and then leave her alone. In a bit go back and stroke her twice, etc., soon you will discover where her threshold is. MANY female cats get this, I have had very few males with it. I really think it is because the females are the limit teachers to their kittens, they teach limits and manners. So even though they have never had kittens it is still ingrained in them and more an instinct. The stroking turns into an annoyance and she strikes out, teaching you limits. She loves you very much, it is her personality. Once you learn her limits everyone will be happier. Warn people coming over about this, many won't believe you and will get bit or scratched, but they were warned. Usually it is known she will do this by a dilating of the pupils, but that happens so quickly before the strike it is not a good forewarning. Look for a swishing of the tail, that is a good indicator of coming bites, ot hair raised along the back, growling and meowing in annoyance. My soulmate in life had this the worst I had ever seen, but I would give anything to have her scratches now that she is gone. Just love and accept her for who she is, this in no way indicates she doesn't love and need you, she is just easily annoyed. Good luck and tell us how it goes! PS Yes she is more comfortable in your presence now, that is why it seems like she changed, but not really, she is just comfortable enough to show her personality. I'm sure the sounds and smells of five little whirlwinds hidden from her are not helping, she may be on edge. Eventually she will learn to accept them, it may take up to a year but I bet on it happening. one good thing to do is give her a bed or a perch high out of their reach and let her observe them, it would start the process.DON'T go near her at all in the beginning of this, she may attack out of fear! Just tell her it's all right band talk soothingly from a distance. Don't let the dogs get too yappy or start jumping at her either, they will be easier to train than a cat!
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
Thanks for the great advice! I’m trying very hard to check for warning signs but she’ll have her eyes closed or be purring then go to bite and usually doesn’t even get me and if she does it’s so light so I’m trying to find out if it’s overstimulation like I thought or if it’s that she’s nipping me like moms and kittens nip each other bc she feels so close to me like my moms friend with 24 cats said. She’s so complex and she has some issues but she’s the sweetest thing and before her, I didn’t really like cats! They bit me and were “boring” when I was little but when I fell in love with her, I started really doing my research and they are such interesting animals!!! She started coming over a few days after my older sister passed away, and she needed me as much as I needed her so we’re still trying to figure each other out. Thanks everyone for the great and quick input!!!

It sounds like overstimulation to me, I've had several cats that have had it and it varies in intensity from cat to cat. Overstimulation Syndrome is a condition where a cat will accept and enjoy so many strokes, or stimulation, and then reacts often seemingly aggressive, with any more then that. Stroke your cat one time and then leave her alone. In a bit go back and stroke her twice, etc., soon you will discover where her threshold is. MANY female cats get this, I have had very few males with it. I really think it is because the females are the limit teachers to their kittens, they teach limits and manners. So even though they have never had kittens it is still ingrained in them and more an instinct. The stroking turns into an annoyance and she strikes out, teaching you limits. She loves you very much, it is her personality. Once you learn her limits everyone will be happier. Warn people coming over about this, many won't believe you and will get bit or scratched, but they were warned. Usually it is known she will do this by a dilating of the pupils, but that happens so quickly before the strike it is not a good forewarning. Look for a swishing of the tail, that is a good indicator of coming bites, ot hair raised along the back, growling and meowing in annoyance. My soulmate in life had this the worst I had ever seen, but I would give anything to have her scratches now that she is gone. Just love and accept her for who she is, this in no way indicates she doesn't love and need you, she is just easily annoyed. Good luck and tell us how it goes! PS Yes she is more comfortable in your presence now, that is why it seems like she changed, but not really, she is just comfortable enough to show her personality. I'm sure the sounds and smells of five little whirlwinds hidden from her are not helping, she may be on edge. Eventually she will learn to accept them, it may take up to a year but I bet on it happening. one good thing to do is give her a bed or a perch high out of their reach and let her observe them, it would start the process.DON'T go near her at all in the beginning of this, she may attack out of fear! Just tell her it's all right band talk soothingly from a distance. Don't let the dogs get too yappy or start jumping at her either, they will be easier to train than a cat!
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  • #10


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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
She will look like she’s loving it!! Her tail will be normal her, her hair won’t be up, and she’ll even be purring sometimes. My moms friend who has 24 cats told me that she may do it to model a mother/kitten relationship because she feels such an intense bond with me. It’s not fast and I can almost always get my hand out of there before she does it but as soon as I see the mouth open and her lean towards my hand, I remove my hand and stop petting her. There was only one time she seemed to do it in an aggressive way and that was when I kissed her head when she was on the couch and her back turned to me right after I had woken her up. But she didn’t get me it was more of a warning. And then after she looked at me and did the slow blinking that they say cats do as their way of saying “I love you” so I think she was just startled. She loves kisses on the head thought I’ll ask her if I can have a kiss and she’ll push her head up against my lips and wait for me to kiss her. That’s why I don’t really think these slow light bites are done out of aggression. So hard to read these furry little lovers!!

What's her body language? If the furs is not spiked up, her tail not puffed or not growling then it's not aggression. My cat will sometimes bite when petting but it usually is soft and seems to be just over excitement from enjoying herself.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 1, 2017
Sounds like a love biter like dozer. He's far from mean but he bites when I love on him, or when I stop to tell me to start. He's an odd guy but I just more expect it and divert it beforehand. I move him around when I love on him so he doesn't get the chance really. He's always been here though so idk if that would work for her. If she's not making the signs then it's more just her. Try the moving around and even a one finger tap (no I did not say hit the kitty by any means, tap means lightly and non aggressive) on the nose. I've had some luck with him on that but usually he still has his mouth on me and looks at me like what I didn't do anything.

I know the weiner dogs can be a trick as I have a mix and he's a brat. If u have a room she can go into, or as was suggested just try cat trees and high places for awhile and see if she can't just come in. Seems like she's ready to be home and it's a bit stressful her not being able to go with u. If there's a chance let her in and try.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
Yeah she’s not aggresive when she does it and same thing! When I pull away or say OUCH, she’ll just look at me like what’d I do??? I’m going to cat proof my bedroom tomorrow since I’m on break from school and work and let her sleep with me some nights. I’m in the garage with her a looooot or the time to the point that my family makes fun of me and tells me I need to stop worrying so much. When I’m not home, I’ll check the cameras and have my mom or sister check on her or go play with her. I come down in the morning (I get to work from home and then on weekend nights mostly) and have breakfast with her, bring her outside to play and watch some tv. If I have work to do, I’ll bring it in there and do it while she watches tv or naps. I play with her 15-20 minutes a few times a day and sometimes she’ll go outside. I’m not crazy about her going out but she’s been doing it her whole life and when I ring the bell and call her name, she almost always comes running home. I’ll check in on her as much as I can then at night, I’ll stay in the garage and watch tv with her and we have our bedtime snacks then fall asleep and I’ll wake up in the middle of the night, quickly get up and go up to my room and then check on her on the security camera throughout the night. Then my mom comes and checks on her in the morning and let’s her out around 7am. But I think she’d do well going up to my room sometimes to sleep. She gets to see the house and get comfortable, spend time in a different room and atmosphere, and get to sleep with me. I hope all these things eventually get her better adjusted. Once I move out next fall and she has her own place with me, I think it’ll be much better. And yes the hot dogs are so bratty and I get nervous because they can be very very nasty. They used to growl at her and go nuts and then she hissed a few times and swatted and now they’re better but I’m worried about the one attacking her or her scratching their eyes.

Sounds like a love biter like dozer. He's far from mean but he bites when I love on him, or when I stop to tell me to start. He's an odd guy but I just more expect it and divert it beforehand. I move him around when I love on him so he doesn't get the chance really. He's always been here though so idk if that would work for her. If she's not making the signs then it's more just her. Try the moving around and even a one finger tap (no I did not say hit the kitty by any means, tap means lightly and non aggressive) on the nose. I've had some luck with him on that but usually he still has his mouth on me and looks at me like what I didn't do anything.

I know the weiner dogs can be a trick as I have a mix and he's a brat. If u have a room she can go into, or as was suggested just try cat trees and high places for awhile and see if she can't just come in. Seems like she's ready to be home and it's a bit stressful her not being able to go with u. If there's a chance let her in and try.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
In regards to the dogs, teaching them obedience now will help speed the introductions along. Also giving her lots of cat shelves/high places should give her a place to be. I would also give her a dog free room in the house where she can go for some space of her own. If you are really handy you can create a cat secret passage from her garage room to the house, using a cat door & cat shelves. Just make sure your little dogs can't jump up there first :)
The love bites? I find saying OW works in teaching your cat to be gentle. The over stimulation? Watching your cat's body language and stopping at the first sign of annoyance.
Introducing Cats To Dogs
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
Unfortunately, the dogs are very very very badly behaved. One dog will bark at the wind blowing and then the others join in and before you know it there’s pure chaos. They also really wanna play with her and she’s just not interested in any way. They used to chase the cat we had a few years ago around the house and he would swat at them but he was declawed so it wasn’t a problem. The other big issue is since she adopted us and wasn’t our cat to begin with, I sent have her medical and shot records to bring her to get her claws trimmed and she’s never going to let me do it. Her owner used to answer my texts when I would ask if she wanted me to walk the cat home at night but now she won’t answer me. During a snow storm, I texted her asking if she wanted me to bring her home and she read it but didn’t answer. She clearly doesn’t want her back but I’m scared if I ask for her medical record she may get mad and try to take the cat back. Her husband is a cop too so I don’t want the cops and animal control showing up at my door one day.

In regards to the dogs, teaching them obedience now will help speed the introductions along. Also giving her lots of cat shelves/high places should give her a place to be. I would also give her a dog free room in the house where she can go for some space of her own. If you are really handy you can create a cat secret passage from her garage room to the house, using a cat door & cat shelves. Just make sure your little dogs can't jump up there first :)
The love bites? I find saying OW works in teaching your cat to be gentle. The over stimulation? Watching your cat's body language and stopping at the first sign of annoyance.
Introducing Cats To Dogs


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 1, 2017
I feel like u should probably just ask if u can keep her. Then u will know where things r at least. If they say no, keep doing what u r doing and then next year just accidentally pack her when u move (if she isn't chipped then I would likely say no worries) if u feel like they will say no, then just take her yourself to a vaccination clinic and I forget but I believe she is spayed right? (Been a very long day). If she is, get her the rabies for sure, and 3 in 1 from the feed store will do if u know how to use it. Petco does the rabies for $19 here and there's another clinic in my area that does vaccines as well cheap. Call around! U seem younger so use those technology skills! As far as the dogs u r going to have to really be on it unless u can get her high places at all times. I suggest not letting her around the dogs for awhile and just trying your room first. Keeping her inside 100% is ideal even if in the garage bcz bad things happen outside. Try to not let her out if u can. If u can do that and the neighbors don't ask about her then I would say let sleeping dogs lie and do everything yourself. I don't condone stealing pets but they know where she is and if they want her they can ask. The biting try the hissing or just push her away. Dozer still does it sometimes but I find (and this is odd)if I let my female put bull on the bed he us infatuated with her and humps her (very creepy) he was neutered at 9 weeks old so i would say he's being a teenager. She got stolen and he tried it with me a few times and that's when his biting got worse. Since i found her (he was a terror while she was gone) he's very much more relaxed and does it way way less. O, is she young? Maybe she's just hormonal like I believe humpy cat here is. If not I know it may sound gross but try a really soft blanket or stuffed toy even and maybe that will help. Didn't even think of that til just now sorry sometimes I'm slow to the punch lol.
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
I’ve texted her old family a few times without a response. At first, she would answer and I’d walk Ari home and she would say i can bring her inside but i had the dogs so I couldn’t. Then we cleaned out the heated garage and made her a bedroom/playroom, which thank goodness bc her owners don’t answer ever anymore. She was a very nice lady but she has young children and a dog and I believe they just got a new cat and Ari really isn’t thrilled about other pets and I can’t see her being great with kids. I know the little boy called her “scratchie,” which is weird bc she’s only scratched one of us once right after she was playing and wound up and swatted my dad. I have a feeling the lady wants me to take her because this cat was outside all day everyday when she first started coming around and she looked homeless. I think sometimes a cat just doesn’t connect with the family. When I was younger, we had a cat we saved as a kitten in a dumpster and he wound up finding a new family and came back sometimes to visit but my mom could tell he was happy so we let him go even though she was devastated. Maybe it’s the same situation with Ari’s old family. I just wish I could talk to her old family and know once and for all and be able to get her kitten pictures and medical records. My mom thinks I should wait a little bit longer. She hasn’t slept home in weeks and today she was gone for a few hours and I was waiting by the door for her frantic because she really never ever leaves for very long so I’m thinking she may have gone back to her old home to visit. She’s just so happy here and she is doing really well minus her occasional nips. I posted pics of her from the first week we saw her back in September and then from the past few weeks.

