New Cat Owner Seeking Help


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 7, 2018
Hello everyone! I am new/first time cat owner that has recently adopted a furry feline. It's been about a week now and I have a ton of questions about my new friend's behavior.

1) He is extremely chatty, " yowls " and meows a TON while roaming around the house. Is this standard behavior for a newly adopted cat, or does it mean something else?

2) He does not like going into my room. I work from home and ideally I'd like him to hang out in my room so we can spend time together. His main stomping grounds is the living room which I make some time throughout the day to play and spend time with him. He'll come in for a few minutes, snoop around and then leave.

3) Aggression. He hasn't hissed at me or fluffed up his tail, but sometimes when I'm walking he will attempt to pounce on my legs and claw me up pretty good, I give him a stern No and snap my fingers and he usually backs off. I've been told he's trying to instigate play but I am not sure.

4) Bored of toys. When I do spend time with him, I try to get in some play time, all of the current toys I bought for him.. he's bored of, plays with for a second and then walks away or simply won't chase.

5) Sometimes he'll be sweet and push his head under my hand for a few ear scratches, but shortly after he'll try to latch onto my arm with his paws and bite me. Most of the time when he walks around me his back is arched as well, I thought this was a sign of aggression in cats?

Thanks for any advice! I love the little guy and would like more knowledge so I can treat him better.



Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
A week is a very short time in the life of an adult cat in a brand new environment. He is still likely a bit on edge and is probably telling you about it. Some cats only talk when they have something to say but there are some cats that just talk and talk and talk. You will know in a few weeks what kind he is.

Don’t worry if he doesn’t want to spend much time in the room you are in. Many cats are still hiding under the bed at this point so your guy is doing great. As he relaxes and gets more attached to you he will spend more time where you are.

The grabbing your ankles isn’t aggression, it is play and you are doing the absolutely right thing to let him know ankle attacking isn’t okay. Same for the arm biting. It is trying to play with you but not the way you want him to.

I also wouldn’t worry about him not playing with his toys much. Again, he is still adjusting and just may not be relaxed enough to feel like playing. Just make sure he had a variety of toys from balls to mousies plus some catnip toys.

As I said, your very handsome guy is doing great. I think within a few weeks his full personality will blossom and he will be a great pet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 22, 2017
When he does something you don't like, such as biting your hand or arm, move hand/arm out of reach and hiss at him.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 7, 2018
A week is a very short time in the life of an adult cat in a brand new environment. He is still likely a bit on edge and is probably telling you about it. Some cats only talk when they have something to say but there are some cats that just talk and talk and talk. You will know in a few weeks what kind he is.

Don’t worry if he doesn’t want to spend much time in the room you are in. Many cats are still hiding under the bed at this point so your guy is doing great. As he relaxes and gets more attached to you he will spend more time where you are.

The grabbing your ankles isn’t aggression, it is play and you are doing the absolutely right thing to let him know ankle attacking isn’t okay. Same for the arm biting. It is trying to play with you but not the way you want him to.

I also wouldn’t worry about him not playing with his toys much. Again, he is still adjusting and just may not be relaxed enough to feel like playing. Just make sure he had a variety of toys from balls to mousies plus some catnip toys.

As I said, your very handsome guy is doing great. I think within a few weeks his full personality will blossom and he will be a great pet.
He has actually made great progress from what I've been told. He uses his liter box fairly often and as far as I know hasn't messed anywhere else. He eats healthily and has been drinking A LOT of water, which I'm proud of. He was back to using the liter box and eating normal after the first few days - According to his previous owners I am the first human that he's ever come into contact with too!

He currently has a catnip ball or " cosmic catnip " as its called, 2 balls and a chaser toy. He's started headbutting boxes as well. Generally when its time for me to go back to my room for some work he stays under me and tries to get me to stop by raising his paw like he's ready to strike but quickly backs off. I figured this was just more playfulness?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 7, 2018
When he does something you don't like, such as biting your hand or arm, move hand/arm out of reach and hiss at him.
he wouldn't see this as a sign of aggression would he? Since he will surely think he's king of the house


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 22, 2017
No, It's what moms cat would to discipline a kitten at say 8 to 12 weeks of age.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I would get a few more toys - sparkle balls, crinkle balls, cat springs, tiny furry mice and balls of all kinds from tiny ones to golf balls. It’s funny how a cat can be totally disinterested in one and go crazy after another, so you need a variety to figure out what your cat loves. Then there are twist ties, bottle caps, q tips and drinking straws as homemade toys.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Don't forget those feather wand toys ... cats love them :) Congratulations on your new friend/room mate. He is still going through an adjustment period so I would say give him time. Given that I can't even pee in peace if I close the door... I think in a short amount of time you will be complaining about him interrupting your work. :geekcat: How old is he? If he is a teenager (6 months to 2 years) expect him to be extra hyper. He will want to play more. As he ages he will play less & cuddle more. :petcat:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 7, 2018
No, It's what moms cat would to discipline a kitten at say 8 to 12 weeks of age.
Okay got it!

I would get a few more toys - sparkle balls, crinkle balls, cat springs, tiny furry mice and balls of all kinds from tiny ones to golf balls. It’s funny how a cat can be totally disinterested in one and go crazy after another, so you need a variety to figure out what your cat loves. Then there are twist ties, bottle caps, q tips and drinking straws as homemade toys.
I plan to order him an assortment of stuff. I heard recommendations of cat trees for new cats since they feel safe being higher up. Have worries that he might not use it at all though

Don't forget those feather wand toys ... cats love them :) Congratulations on your new friend/room mate. He is still going through an adjustment period so I would say give him time. Given that I can't even pee in peace if I close the door... I think in a short amount of time you will be complaining about him interrupting your work. :geekcat: How old is he? If he is a teenager (6 months to 2 years) expect him to be extra hyper. He will want to play more. As he ages he will play less & cuddle more. :petcat:
Thank you!! I actually have one of those! He loved it at first but has gotten kinda bored of it, doesn't chase it as much :( The original owners told me he was 14 months, so he's definitely in his rebellious teenager phase right now.

I am un-sure on whether or not I should get him fixed since it can alleviate some of the future aggression he might experience as well as eliminate a lot of his vocalness ( I've asked around and some think he senses a local cat in heat, which is why he yowls so much ) and of course the "spraying "


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 20, 2016
1) some cats are talkers, some aren't. Pay attention to the talking. My cat made an unusual rowr once. I got up to investigate, just in time to watch her spew all over the carpet.
2) enjoy the alone time. I'm sure in 12 months time you'll be sick of your cat lying across your computer (cat for pay attention to me).
3) I'm pretty sure that's cat for play with me. If if to rough react and let them know it too much.
4) I divide my tots into mice, balls, strings and treats. I rotate between them to mix it up. I also try to mix up how I use the toys. I might throw the mice one day and bounce them on another. I also once a month maybe not play for a couple of days. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
I also sue my hands. Everyone else poo-poo this but may cat will stalk and attack my hands but I have fought her not play rough.
One of her favourite games is the hand under the dooner, pillow or clothing. I don't know what it is but the eyes dilate in a split second
5) you guys may not have bonded fully yet. Give it time. My cat sometimes walks around me lowered with her tail down. And I'll say "whatcha doing" and her tail involuntarily goes up.

Good luck


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 2, 2018
Washington, DC
I am a new first time kitty owner as well and I've been experiencing some of the same things! I've had her for 8 days and I see progress every day and it sounds like you are too :)

My girl can be chatty too.. at first I was worried she was trying to tell me something, but I think she is just saying hello!

As for toys, she really only likes the laser pointer. Have you tried one of those? She goes CRAZY for it and it's a great way to bond and tire her out before bed. I got it at petco for only a few dollars. She also likes catnip mice a little bit, but it helps if I start playing with them with her to get her interested.

I think it's great that he's head-butting you - my cat does this too! - and showing affection. When he comes into your room where you work, try talking softly to him and staying still- I've noticed that my cat can get alarmed if I get all excited when she approaches me. I am sure his affection for you will just continue to grow!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Yes, have him neutered ASAP. Many of the overarousal behaviors you've described (like biting, howling, and ankle attacking) are those of a hormonal teenage boy cat. At his age you absolutely want to get it done as soon as possible so he doesn't start any really bad habits like spraying. I would have that done as soon as the vet can get you in. Then a lot of his behaviors should mellow and you can work on building a good relationship.