New Cat... Litter Box Issues...


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2010
Hi everyone,

A month ago, a stray tabby cat found me and made her home with me.
She is clearly a cat that is used to humans. Very loveable and happy to stay inside. She has no desire to leave my place, asks rarely to go outside (I've stopped letting her) and despite me posting "found" notices both in my area and online, she appears to have no one looking for her. Vet checked her out and says she's about 3 years old and appears healthy overall.

She's gotten a lot plumper since being with me, and surface wounds have healed up nicely.
She has a voracious appetite, which I attribute to her homeless experience.

Here's the issue I'm trying to navigate now.

When she first came to me, I picked up clumping litter at the corner store last minute (only kind available - not my fave type of litter). At first she had no litter box problems. Then after a few days, she peed in my laundry basket (a few feet away from her box). Her box was on the full side, in that there were a few clumps of pee I should have cleared away already. She went back to peeing in her box. A day or two later I bought my preferred litter (pine pellets), and started mixing it with the clumping to adjust her to it. At first she was hesitant to pee in it, but with some coaxing she did. Come home the next day to find poop in her box and pee in the laundry basket again (gahhh... at least its somewhat contained!?!). I suspected she's one of those "clean" kitties that needs a poop box and a pee box.

About this time, I'm going away on a trip, and the boarding kennel where I kept her (lovely place!) uses pine pellets. Perfect! She'll get used to using pellets there. The kennel lady said she had no pee issues except for purposely peeing on a toy after she decided herself to "move" to a kennel she preferred better. Haha. (Side note: this kennel was awesome... there were about 4 kennels to a room, and the lady let the cats mingle together in the common area during the day if they did so peaceably.)

After a week away, we get back and I immediately get rid of all the clumping litter and fix up her box with just pine pellets. We had a day or so of being okay, and then surprise! - I find poop in the box and pee in the laundry basket again. Then poop in the box and pee on a blanket in my bedroom close by. I'm being pretty fastidious about cleaning the poop, so it's not like it's a dirty box. So yesterday, I buy a second litter box and put it in a different room and show her. It's a tinier box and in a tight corner between toilet and bathtub, but I really don't have any space for a second box, so I don't have much choice. Came home today to pee on the blanket again.

She doesn't seem to be in pain when she's peeing, and I don't think she's peeing too frequently. I suppose I could take her to the vet to check for a UTI. But I feel like it's behavioural?

Tomorrow I'm moving the second box into the hallway just to see if an easier access helps. I'm scared to remove the spot where I was keeping the blanket in case she decides she wants to search out a 3rd place to pee. She clearly likes "locations". Just not her box. Any pee that got on the carpet was treated with an enzyme cleaner.

Sorry this is so wordy. Any ideas on how I can address this concern?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It sounds like she really does not like peeing on the pine pellets.

Can you put clumping litter in one of the boxes and see if she will pee there?

Also, where is the laundry basket located?
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 7, 2016
My cat just decided he liked my carpet material more than the litterbox material, so we removed the carpet and now have no issues. Maybe just make the laundry box not accessible to your cat so it's just not an option.
My cat is also sort of anxious so we put a feliway diffuser in the room with the litterbox and that has seemed to help a lot too.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2010
It sounds like she really does not like peeing on the pine pellets.

Can you put clumping litter in one of the boxes and see if she will pee there?

Also, where is the laundry basket located?
I don't know this for sure. It did start before the pine pellets were introduced. And she didn't have any issues in the kennel, which was pellets. I can certainly try going back to the clumping just to see, but I don't know if it will make a difference.

Litter box is located in the ensuite bathroom. Laundry basket is in the closet walk-through from the bedroom to the ensuite bathroom. It's about 5 feet away.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2010
My cat just decided he liked my carpet material more than the litterbox material, so we removed the carpet and now have no issues. Maybe just make the laundry box not accessible to your cat so it's just not an option.
My cat is also sort of anxious so we put a feliway diffuser in the room with the litterbox and that has seemed to help a lot too.
She's not peeing on carpet. She's peed in my plastic laundry basket (which is kind of like an oversized-shaped litter box, I guess) and on a folded blanket that's sitting on my floor. For the past few days, she hasn't been peeing in the basket, and has only peed just on the blanket. Both locations are "substitute" boxes it would seem to me - she's not just peeing recklessly. She's finding an appropriate alternate. However, the second litter box I have in the hall is being ignored.
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Try putting the second litter box where the folded blanket is now. Launder the blanket and put it away.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2010
Try putting the second litter box where the folded blanket is now. Launder the blanket and put it away.
I am trying this. I heard her checking it out at some point but after that she ignored it.

I noticed that the pellets in her litter box are breaking down, so I think she IS peeing in her box, but also peeing in these other places.

This morning she peed on the clothes I left on my floor last night, in a different spot. I should have put them away, but I feel like if they weren't there she would have searched out something else to pee on. This is so frustrating!
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2010
Tonight, I came home after being out this afternoon. With the excitement of seeing me and finally getting her dinner, I could see she was thinking about peeing. She walked to her primary litter box, gave it a sniff, and then walked away. She started to suss out her "other" spots to pee.... laundry basket... blanket/2nd box area... all around. She was definitely not interested in box #2. I had cleared away all the clothes, blankets, etc. on the floor. So it's just carpet now. No items in the laundry basket. She considered my shoe area. I kept calling her back to her box. She kept coming back, thinking about it, and walking away again. But I'd call her again, and she'd come back again. Finally she peed in her box. Yay! Gave her lots of praise. ;) But I don't know if this is something that with time I can fix so she goes independently. I wish I could understand what is causing the behaviour.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Have you tried a plug-in Felliway diffuser? It emits pheromones that go a long way towards calming cats.

It sounds to me like she is fighting her own natural instincts to mark her territory.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2014
Tico, that was a great thing you were able to do, follow her and then help her figure it out. Praise is good, but why not keep some treats reachable so you can treat her right after she goes in the litter as well? That may help it become a habit.

My male loves to pee in my laundry basket. I dont have trouble with him anywhere else, but if I leave my basket out or a cardboard box for several days, he pees in them.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2010
Thanks guys :)

I bought a feliway diffuser today. Man, those things are pricey! Soon after I got home this evening, she started looking like she was going to pee... Checking out her box, then checking out her "other" spots.. of course, nothing there besides carpet now... Ha. I called her back to her box a few times, and she finally did her business in there soon. So I think this is day 3 without accident, but not independent yet... Treats are a good idea!

Feliway is plugged in. I bought a pet enzyme cleaner to apply, and also a litter attractant? I think I just sprinkle it on overtop the litter box? I haven't done that yet.

On a related note, she went poop right after peeing, and this is the second time in a row she's had awful smelling poop. It didn't even smell like poo.. it smells sour, or pungent like body odor. Solid looking, except the last bit was a bit mushy/soft. I wonder if it could be due to worms? I've had her on a diet of elegant medley and grain free kibble since I got her. Although she did lick my plate of finished eggs yesterday morning... I'll wait and see what happens in the next deposit or two....


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Just sprinkle the cat attract on top of the litter.

Hopefully, her system is just adjusting to her new diet. But if the smelly poops persist, she'll need de-worming and possibly treatment for parasites.

It's awesome that she is using her litter box only now! Hopefully it will continue. :)
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2010
Ugh... I'm at the end of my rope. :(
Yesterday was another day of her thinking about where to pee, and me convincing her to pee in her box.

I took her to the vet this morning. The vet did a urine sample which came back alright, except that her pee was quite concentrated. She also gave her deworming meds. She wasn't sure what is causing the putrid smelling poo.

I came back home this evening, after being out this afternoon, to find she drenched my decorative bed pillows in urine. :bawling: I've grown quite attached to her, but I never planned on getting another cat. And now suddenly I have a cat that has these kinds of issues... I'm back to these elimination problems just like I had with my other kitty. It's stressful. I've probably spent close to $300 on her in the past 4 weeks. I don't know what to do. The vet wants to do a blood sample to do a full work-up which is another $160. I want her to be happy and healthy, but it feels a bit hopeless.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I'm sorry. Try not to feel hopeless. It can take longer than a month for a stray cat to adjust.

The concentrated urine usually means dehydration. Smelly poop can be from parasites or adjusting to a new diet.

Rather than the expensive blood panel just yet, try grain free food, such as Blue Wilderness dry and wet.

I would also suggest a round of metronidazole for parasites and gastro-intestinal problems in general. She may have bacteria in her gut that needs treating. The vet will need to prescribe this.

I'm betting that when she feels better she will stop peeing inappropriately.

When I took my pregnant stray in, she had smelly poop for quite awhile. Worming, meds, and diet resolved it over time.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 12, 2017
Are you still using the pellet litter you perfer?

I'd switch back to the clumping litter and give it a few days/week. Since you tried it before and then went back to the's a lot of change for her. Cats don't like change so it may take some time. It honestly sounds like she does NOT like the pellet stuff. especially if an infection is ruled out, they do perfer to eliminate in their box..not all over the house so I'm thinking she isn't liking the litter. Also, do you have a big enough box for her?
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2010
Are you still using the pellet litter you perfer?

I'd switch back to the clumping litter and give it a few days/week. Since you tried it before and then went back to the's a lot of change for her. Cats don't like change so it may take some time. It honestly sounds like she does NOT like the pellet stuff. especially if an infection is ruled out, they do perfer to eliminate in their box..not all over the house so I'm thinking she isn't liking the litter. Also, do you have a big enough box for her?
I am. I really don't like the gritty sand under my feet in my bathroom, that she inevitably kicks up. I know about the mats, but my bathroom isn't big and somehow the grit ends up everywhere. I much prefer the soft sawdust that I can easily sweep up.

You may be right, but just to be clear she did start peeing in the laundry basket before I even introduced the pellets. But she did pee in the box as well.

Her box isn't a fancy one, but its a standard size, and the one I used with my old kitty (well washed out). Maybe 2'x1.5'? I'm just guessing 'cause I'm not looking at it right now.

You really think I should switch back? It was the Purina basic clumping kind....
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2010
I'm sorry. Try not to feel hopeless. It can take longer than a month for a stray cat to adjust.

The concentrated urine usually means dehydration. Smelly poop can be from parasites or adjusting to a new diet.

Rather than the expensive blood panel just yet, try grain free food, such as Blue Wilderness dry and wet.

I would also suggest a round of metronidazole for parasites and gastro-intestinal problems in general. She may have bacteria in her gut that needs treating. The vet will need to prescribe this.

I'm betting that when she feels better she will stop peeing inappropriately.

When I took my pregnant stray in, she had smelly poop for quite awhile. Worming, meds, and diet resolved it over time.

Yes, she's on grain-free kibble. But I have given her a few different samples, as well as feeding her a medium-sized bag of something I bought. That might be part of the reason for the stink.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Has she been treated for worms or parasites?

Stray cats tend to have both, and both are easy to treat.