New baby


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 2, 2015
Hi, we have 2 kittens who will be right around 1 year old when our new son is born. We have a 3 year old daughter too whom they have always known. They do really good with her, we've never had any problems except of course the initial learning how to be soft with them and not picking them up. One is pretty much afraid of everything except me so I only see her during nap time and breakfast/dinner. The other is really sweet and needy. Loves cuddling with all of us. I'm wondering if we should be doing anything to prepare them for a baby? Or does it not matter because they are already used to a child? Is there anyway I can keep them off the baby's stuff? I have heard aluminum foil on baby's things keeps them off? Also they are indoor only and sleep in our rooms (or where ever they want lol) should we not allow them to sleep in our room once baby arrives? His bassinet will be bedside. Lots of questions sorry. When we brought home our little girl we had no animals to worry about.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
My daughter grew up with cats in her bassinette and cats in her crib and cats in her bed and our bed.  All 18 claws were always kept trimmed and cats did not go outside to pick up any diseases.  Daughter is a great artist now, loves cats, and my grandkids love cats.  As for protecting the kittens from her, usually what scares them is the crying because often it can sound like a wounded cat, and then the cat will howl at you to DO SOMETHING.  Cats that have grown up with kids from the time they are babies are usually pretty bomb proof.  If you want the cats to stay off the baby's things, I suggest putting the things in a drawer.  Cats are drawn to all nice new things.  It sounds like it will be just fine if you don't panic or listen to old wives tales about cats sucking babies' breath away.  They dont do that.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 2, 2015
Ha ha no. I don't think they will hurt him. They are the sweetest cats ever. And I didn't like cats until these two found us! Lol one of them sheds a lot and I just don't want her hair on the swing mostly. Unfortunately it looks just like their bed/hammock thing. I love that my kids get to have kitties growing up. (They are my first) I have read that kids who have pets in the first 5 years are way less likely to have allergies. So I'm very pro pets with little kiddos! We have a lab too, but he lives at grandmas now cause she has a real yard. I'm really more worried about the kitties getting stressed and acting out, hopefully that doesn't happen.


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Get a Feliway diffuser plug, which emits cat calming pheromones, apparently it works for the stress of new babies as well as a multitude of other cat stress causing situations.  Both of your cats sound like they'll need plenty of reassurance and fuss when your baby arrives, as they're bound to be a wee bit put out and jealous right at the beginning.  But they'll soon get used to having to share you, and they'll get used to the noise, commotion, and whatnot.  Just be extra aware of them, which you are being already 

As for baby, I was brought up with cats (I sometimes wonder if it was by cats), who all slept in my cot, and who I trailed around after, patting and poking them all day long.  Cats like babies.  Babies like cats.  My mum was a midwife at the time of my birth and a health visitor when I was a child, so presumably she knew that it's ok for your furry & baldy babies to intermingle as one.  

Congratulations on your ever increasing family!  Fun times, enjoy 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 2, 2015
Thank you! I'm going to look into that plug right now!