New Adopted Cat Hissing When We Enter Room


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 9, 2018
Hi everyone -

My fiancé and I just adopted (I mean just - today is Friday and we brought her home Monday) a 4-month-old kitten from a shelter. I’ve searched through the forums for other posts like mine, so I have some theories on what our issue might be, but I wanted some more experienced opinions than mine if I could get them.

We’ve noticed that she has been hissing softly and doing small growls when we first enter her room, but then if we bring out her toys she comes right over and is playful and very affectionate.

We’ve designated a spare bedroom as her “sanctuary” room. Inside is her carrier lined with one of my t-shirts, a scratching post, a few toys, her litter box, and food/water. All things considered, she actually seems to be warming up to her new home really fast - it’s only been a few days that she’s been here.

However, we haven’t let her out of the room yet. Aside from maybe scaring her when we walk in, could we be making her territorial at all? Should we be leaving the door open while we’re home to encourage her to explore if she wants to? The hissing makes me nervous, even though she hasn’t shown any other signs of aggression.

- AL


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to The Cat Site. :wave2: And congrats on being a new cat "parent". :bouquet:

Here are a few TCS articles that may be helpful:
First-time Cat Owner's Guide
Bringing Home A New Cat - The Complete Guide
Care Of Cats - The Responsible Way

Friends of mine adopted a kitten last summer. He was about the same age as your kitten, and they gave him full range of the house whenever they were home. He did have his "sanctuary" room for when they were at work, or not home.

So if your house is cat proofed, try letting her out of her room, when you're home, so she can spend more time with you. :petcat:

What is her name? Perhaps you might like to tell us all about her in our New Cats on the Block. :catlove: We love pictures, BTW. :camera:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
She is very, very new to the space right now, and doesn't really have that sense of territory that all cats need to feel confident. SO, everything and everyone is a possible danger in her fuzzy little kitty brain. That said, you also said that when you bring out her toys, she comes right over. I'm guessing that you are probably seated at that point? She may not be making the connection between you seated and you standing quite yet. I mean, a standing human adult LOOMS over a kitten, and I imagine looks quite intimidating. She'll get to know you and accept you either way in a short time.