Neutered cat still humping away

hersheys mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Sep 28, 2012
Graham, WA
I was watching My Cat From Hell last week, and there was a cat that had the same nasty habit as my mom's cat. And all this time I thought Smokey was just nuts! But there it was, on camera, another cat doing the horizontal mambo with a stuffed animal.  As it turns out, Jackson could find no explanation for the cat's behavior (cat was tested for testosterone levels and they were normal), and said he had never seen anything like it before. Jackson has never been to my mom's house or he would be seeing it daily. So, just for fun, I will explain what Smokey is doing, and would love to hear back from anyone who has a male cat with similar behavior issues.

Smokey is a Maine Coon mix, and perfectly normal (except for his love of anything extremely spicy like Kung Pao chicken, hot wings, red hot chilli, etc). He is also quite beautiful. Smokey was neutered when he was a kitten. However, after several months he started to grab one of his stuffed toys by the back of the neck and mount it. After a while he would get off the thing and walk away mad. We thought he wanted a playmate, but mom can only have one cat (park rules) so I made him a larger animal toy. It took him about a month to get the hang of it, but finally he succeeded in making himself happy. Every morning he drags this toy out by the neck, walking with it between his legs. He will plop himself in front of someone nearby (as if to show off) and mounts the toy. Then he starts thrusting his hips against it until he climaxes! Yes, he actually satisfies himself (as seen by evidence left behind). I have never seen anything like it. He does not spray, never misses the kitty litter box, and is a very clean cat. But when mom has company, it gets very embarrassing seeing him drag this thing out and demonstrate his manhood in front of everyone.

We tried taking the toy away, but he cries for it constantly and mom ends up giving it back. We have tried substituting other toys for him to play with but he still wants his partner. Smokey is very persistent and you have to live with him a while to see what a problem this can be. I showed mom how to teach him how to talk (my cat had a vocabulary of about six words before she passed), so when he wants to go for a walk he sits by the door and says 'Out." Constantly. Non-stop. Until he gets his way. One day when I was visiting her I counted him saying "Out" 52 times before mom threw a slipper over his head to get him away from the door. He was back in less than an minute, saying "Out" again until we gave in and took him for a walk. So you can imagine how long he cries, non-stop, when he can't find his partner. The longest mom lasted was 3 days before his crying made her crazy and she gave him back his "Humpy" doll. The worst part of it was I crocheted a cover for it, and eventually it has to be replaced. I wear latex gloves just to pick the thing up. So if anyone has a solution, please let me know!




di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I have to laugh, it sounds like my 12 year old neutered male! I know it's embarassing, but thank goodness, mine is too shy to do it in front of company!
 I used to tell him to knock it off, now I just ignore him, it's not really hurting anything. But WHY in a neutered male? I hope you find out so i'll know too!


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
My neutered male doesn't do this with toys but he does it with my other cat who is girl.  I think it's just a dominance thing when it's another cat.  Sometimes she fights it and he backs right off other times she just takes it.  It's funny because he does this little excited chirping thing first then he mounts her.  I told him neither one of them can make kittens so I don't know what he thinks he's doing.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
OMG we were laughing so hard here :)

My BF says, you should let him have his humpy doll, but, only give it to him in a back room. Far, far away from where anyone can see him using it. Kind of how you explain to young children that it's ok to touch yourself, but not in front of people lol. This way, he gets to use it, and nobody has to witness it happening 


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
OMG we were laughing so hard here :)

My BF says, you should let him have his humpy doll, but, only give it to him in a back room. Far, far away from where anyone can see him using it. Kind of how you explain to young children that it's ok to touch yourself, but not in front of people lol. This way, he gets to use it, and nobody has to witness it happening 
Adult section in the back room?
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hersheys mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Sep 28, 2012
Graham, WA
Thank you everyone! Now at least my mom will know her cat is not the only one out there that keeps on ticking after taking a licking (neutering that is!)