Need some words of advice, kidney disease.

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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 10, 2015
I can't believe I'm writing this but my little girl is in end stage kidney disease. Her CRE levels shot up to 7 and we took her to the hospital but the IV treatment didnt help and her levels shot up to 11 a week later. At first, the vet said since she was still eating and had some spunk left, maybe dont give up hope. But after her CRE shot up to 11, she started to say maybe think about what to do next. I've lost a cat to kidney disease before and it was completely different. He was way sicker, having seizures and very withdrawn from us. In the past few days, my little girl has started to decline. She's not eating as much, and starting to not be as attached to me as she was, though she still comes to me and sits next to me, rather than on top of me like she usually does. For a moment, I thought there was hope cause she was eating and seemed brighter but yesterday was bad with no eating and being slightly more distant. She's also not walking very well. I know the end is near but I don't know when to pull the plug as they say (i cant even write it.) Part of me is waiting to see if the next day will be better.

I know i rambled but the gist is, if your cat still seems somewhat "with it" would you call it in anyway? Do I wait for her to decline even more or try to save her from that? Of course, I'm sick just thinking about it but I know I can't be selfish.

As for care, we're giving her sub q fluids, kidney support gold, cerenia, calorie supplement


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. So, she is not on any phosphorus binders? What is her phosphorus level? Too high of a level is common with CKD and can cause confusion and weakness due to the toxin buildup. Even a cat that is on low phosphorus foods can get to the point of needing a phosphorus binder added.

My cat's creatinine shot up, not as high as what you are talking about, but enough that it caused her to vomit. Took her to the vet and they wanted to hospitalize her for 2-3 days with IV fluids but were considering her prognosis poor. I just couldn't do it, so I took her home and started sub-Q fluids for the first time - 100ml daily (which she is still getting 5 months later). Her creatinine level came back down, close to where it was almost a year ago. She is considered Stage 3.

In addition to the sub-Q fluids, she gets Phos-Bind, and Mirataz to help with her appetite. She also gets ondansetron - when I can get her to take it. We do monthly B-12 shots as well. She has other health issues, so she also gets high BP meds, and thyroid meds too. I also started giving her Buprenorphine for any pain, including arthritis, that she might be experiencing. Instead of a calorie supplement, I feed Feeby baby food meat to 'boost' her caloric intake. I even add a supplement to it to make it nutritionally complete for a cat.

She is very limited with mobility, and while she can still 'navigate' around, she is very, very slow moving and doesn't go too far without a brief 'rest'. She prefers to spend her time in a single room on a bed, mostly by herself unless we bring her out to the living room at times throughout the day. She gets down from the bed to use her litter box and drink water. I have now placed her food on the bed to ensure she is eating enough, as before she would wait for someone to 'serve' her the food. She still does that but will occasionally eat some herself since she doesn't have to get off the bed.

Despite all that, she seems mostly alert, and I would have a hard time thinking about deciding it is her time to go. I don't know what I am waiting to see, but I need to see more than I am seeing now. She has good days where she eats OK and bad ones when she doesn't - and Mirataz doesn't always make a difference.

I'd ask about giving your girl a phosphorus binder on the assumption her phosphorus has to be pretty high at this point. And you might consider an appetite stimulant too. Maybe it would be enough to give her a rebound for a while.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 10, 2015
@ FeebysOwner FeebysOwner i forgot to mention she is on a phosphorus binder and has been for some time. It was more her CRE and BUN levels that are the problem. We did try Mirataz but she stopped eating after it. We experimented with it on and off and she seems to be better off of it. No matter what, I don't think it helped her appetite at all. Thanks for telling me more about your cat, that helps me frame things. Like your cat, her mobility is limited but she still seems able to get around when she wants. And she's not vomiting. But if not eating persists and gets worse, I think it would be very hard to turn around from that. She did just eat a lickable chicken treat and seems to like the calorie supplement. But baby food is a good idea and will try that.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 16, 2023
So, sorry. I can only tell you what we did. How old is your cat? Mine was 16. Best to read the story under the heading of hyperthyroid //kidney to get the whole story, but will tell you what we did Sunday.


our cat stopped eating and drinking and was just sleeping, but would get up to urinate and not defecate.This happened after a vet visit and blood test. Took him to the emergency vet. His number was at an 8 and stage 4 Kidney. She said he could get the IV treatment and be at the hospital for 2 days maybe 3. That would cost between 1800-2400. If that did not work they could do it again and the cost would be double. If it did, we would also have to give him shots a few times a week. That would give him 6 months to 1 year maybe. It took 5 hours there for me to decide. Like your cat, he had some life and it seemed his vitals were good, which I could not understand . He would pop up anytime someone came in but then go back to looking like he was dying.

I finally decided to let him go mainly because he was 16 and it was so advanced that I felt he was in pain because he would cry so much at night.

They brought me to a room with a couch. I have to say it was very peaceful unlike others times I have had to do this. He was cradled in my arms like a baby. He always loved to be held that way . I would have to hold him like that when I was on the toilet. Hahaha. and when he passed he was just staring in my eyes. It gave me some peace.
Hard to tell you what to do when I am not there with you but I feel you will make the right decision.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 10, 2015
@ N Niclovesblueforever thanks for sharing. my cat is 18. So heartbreaking that yours was crying at night :( i know that its going to be very far fetched that she gets better but both me and my husband are taken aback by how much she's still with it and that makes it extra hard. but things could go downhill very fast if she stops eating.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 16, 2023
Yes, he was diagnosed in June and had been doing well until 2 weeks ago, when he started crying at night, so I took him to the vet. Then he cam back from them taking blood and he looked drunk and never recovered and went to stage 4.

it is very hard when you have them for 16 or 18 years. The first day after is horrible because you have routines with them and are still looking for them.

so many get IBD and Kidney. Have to wonder if it is the food, litter , or something . Please get back to me if you need any support

silent meowlook

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Nov 10, 2014
Hi. I am sorry you and your cat are going through this. Ask about an appetite stimulant, but at this point, I don’t know.
You asked about when and it is better a day to soon, than a day to late. It will be better for both of you if it is planned and nota sudden frantic race to a busy emergency hospital.

I am truly sorry about this.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 10, 2015
We lost her a day ago :( she declined quickly. Luckily we were able to get a vet to come over. This is a living nightmare
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 10, 2015
So, sorry to hear that. What did that vet say was causing her decline? Her kidneys?
Thanks ❤ They ran some tests for infection etc but they they think it was just a progression of the kidney disease she already had. She was also having a bout of pancreatitis and her thyroid levels were low, which round have made her levels worse but they vet said they wouldn’t have thought to this degree. Maybe it was a combo of these that made her levels spike that high


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 16, 2023
Thanks ❤ They ran some tests for infection etc but they they think it was just a progression of the kidney disease she already had. She was also having a bout of pancreatitis and her thyroid levels were low, which round have made her levels worse but they vet said they wouldn’t have thought to this degree. Maybe it was a combo of these that made her levels spike that high
my cat had stage 2 kidney in July then stage 3 this month. It happens fast
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 10, 2015
my cat has stage 2 kidney in July then stage 3 this month. It happens fast
So true. I think she had stage 2 for over a year, and kicking myself that we didn’t prepare more. Now I’ve learned it can be a crash rather than a slower progression. I have another cat and definitely will get him on supplements like kidney support gold early


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 16, 2023
You know, my dog had UTIs , so I started those cranberry supplements and thought there is no way they would work, but they have. The Same with bone and joint. She had arthritis in her tail and was missing hair. She started taking them and her hair grew back. I was very surprised. If I get another puppy or kitten, I will start them earlier

at what age can you start that kidney support?


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Once again, I am so sorry for your loss. When a cat passes on, we lock the thread out of respect. If you would like to post a tribute in our Crossing the Bridge forum, you are welcome to do so.
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