Need some advice rescue siamese


TCS Member
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Jan 13, 2015
This may be long, sorry in advance! About a week ago I rescued a seal point siamese who was deemed un-adoptable because of his timidness, and was out of time(he had been given extra time in hopes he would come around because of his "highly adoptable breed"). His name is neopolian and he is two yrs old, and has lived his entire life in the shelter. I saw his plight online and fell in love with his pictures.

I went to meet him the next day, and was warned he would probably hiss and bite as my sister and I approached. He didn't and even to the workers' disbelief let us pet him. I took him home and opened the carrier near the food and water and liter so he he would know where it was, and about 2 mins later he took off running and has been under my recliner ever since. He will let me reach under and pet him, and even seems to enjoy it, but he won't come out and I'm worried about him eating and drinking enough since I can only fit small amounts under there to him.

Today he did make a little progress. I've found if I sit in the recliner and reach my hand in the side closest and hidden by the wall, he will come out and let me pet him and play but he will not come out any further. I'm encouraged that he isn't scared of humans as there is more to this story.

About 3 months ago I adopted two females, one is a Lynx point siamese and the other is her baby which is half Persian. They are 6 and 5 yrs old. The woman who I adopted them from was overwhelmed and didn't have the time to deal with baby's shyness. She had ads placed for months and since I only was looking for one cat (she wanted mama and baby together to make it easier for baby) I was gonna pass until I learned they we're going to going the shelter and my heart broke. So I took them in and mama was my new best friend in about one minute while baby stayed across the room panicked. Unfortunately, I went to take a drink and dropped my coffee cup on the hard floor making a ton of noise, which sent baby running to Her new home of under my bed. I tried everything to get her out but she would only come out at night when everyone was asleep to eat and use the litter. She was literally terrified if she seen or heard any movement or noise when she would venture out and wanted nothing to do with any of us. I kept trying and after three months she has finally started living out in the open on most days and jumps in my lap to petted all the time, although she will not tolerate being picked up at all. She wont go to anyone else but she isn't running anymore either, she's just very much on guard. Some days she will be out here all the time and then she will go back to hide for a day or two, but she's not the same cat she used to be. I sent her former owner update pics and she couldn't believe she was on my lap as she barely had ever been able to touch her in five years.

Anyways the girls seem to be quiet curious of neopolian, and he wants nothing to do with them and swats and hisses. He scared baby back to her hiding spot for about 12 hours yesterday, and I'm worried about them both. I don't want to take steps backwards with baby, and I do hope neopolian starts to come out to at least eat and drink.

I know it's not an ideal situation to take in another cat while I had two still adjusting, especially one so scared of people. But I couldn't let him be put to sleep and I've fallen in love with all of them. Do you have any ideas of how I can get them used to each other without scaring the daylights out of the two timid ones? Or any ideas on how to help neopolian cope with being in a home for the first time in his life and getting him at least comfortable enough to come out and eat and drink? Mama has had the run of the house and LOVES attention constantly and shown some jealousy even with her baby so I'm really worried of her scaring him (even though she is so very loving.

I went from wanting just to get one family cat to now having three and two who are timid lol, so I'm looking for any info j can get. I do have experience with Siameses and their very special personalities so I know what to expect on that front. Thanks again!
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 16, 2014
Just give it time. Separate them for now. Have mama and baby living in one room, and Napolean living in another room. With timid cats, always start with a small space, and then slowly increase it so they have time to get used to their surroundings and gain the confidence that no nasty surprises are hidden around the corner.

Here's an idea: Cats learn from one another, so right now focus on letting baby learn from mama in their room. Spend lots of time interacting with mama and offering treats to whoever comes to you. Hopefully baby will learn from seeing you and mama that you = happy funtimes for kitties. Give baby time to get used to you and her room, while Napolean gets time to get used to just you and his room. When baby is better, put mama in Napolean's room. Now baby can learn to interact with you independently, while Napolean can watch mama interact with you and learn from her, while getting used to just mama instead of feeling cornered by two cats at once.
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TCS Member
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Jan 13, 2015
Thank you for your reply. Well since I wrote that things have changed drastically. I am so confused, as I've only ever had fixed animals and he is supposedly fixed. I made a post earlier about trying to integrate a new male rescue with my fairly new female cats, and how he was very timid and deemed un-adoptable because of the timidness. Well tonight everything is going crazy! He is supposedly nutered (been a shelter cat his whole 2 yr life) one of the first things we noticed is he has very noticeable testicles when he lifts his tail. He is seal point siamese so they are very dark and they are very large. My radiated females do not get spayed for another month and a half, one is ver shy and scared of him and people but the other, a Lynx point siamese went into heat about 2 days after I brought him home. All night he has followed her (and her constant moaning) around and I keep catching him mounting her and her tolerating it then attacking and chasing him bug then rolling in front of him trying to get him to come back. Is this all normal if he is neutered like the shelter said? I have to sleep at some point (been up all night trying to stop them) and my apartment is very small so there's really no way to seperate them. I haven't senn or smelt him spraying but tonight is the first night in a week he has been out of hiding. Is this normal?
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TCS Member
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Jan 13, 2015
Just updating that I had a friend who works at a shelter check him out as best as she could with him hiding and she is pretty sure at least one testical feels un-nutured. So I have them seperated and hoping she didn't get pregnant. I really do not want kittens but most importantly I don't want her put at any risk, I love her so much, we have truly bonded so closely (even though I'm sure they would be beautiful babies). I guess we will just see what happens and see what the vet says. If she didn't get pregnant I'm moving up her spay to get done as soon as possible. The shelter was closed today but I'm pretty sure they will nutur him for me since they said he was done and his records said so too. Otherwise I will just pay tk get it done myself.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Jan 13, 2015
I just wanted to update that I unfortunately had to give neopolian to a friend as he had started spraying as well, and the after mama went out of heat her and baby became horribly mean and awful to him, and she (more like my aunt) works in a cat shelter and wanted him for herself. So at least I know he is in a great loving home. The vet had found that although he was nutured he was cryptoidic (?spelling?) and his teaticles are in his stomach. He will require extensive surgery as it can cause cancer as well as the un-nutured behavior. Took mama to the vet last week for a pregnancy check and the vet said "she doesn't feel not pregnant but don't feel any babies, some bloating though, maybe intestines". So I guess we just keep watching and waiting. eirher way she is being spayed as soon as we know for sure she's not pregnant. Sad I couldn't keep him but glad he went to a great home. Really hoping for no kittens.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
@jjposh22 I'm really glad things worked out.

I think you mean cryptotic (ingrown) with Neopolian's condition?  I'm thinking your friend/aunt will have that seen to and hopefully all will be well with your girl.

Thank you for the update.
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TCS Member
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Jan 13, 2015
Yes I think so, it was so much information at once. I'm hoping so, I guess if they are really high it's less likely she got pregnant but they won't know that till either surgery or We can confirm not pregnant in her.