Need Help


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Yay on 100% raw

Yes, Call of the Wild has everything in it that Gage needs, therefore by using eggshell powder and freeze dried liver too, he might be getting too much calcium and possibly too much Vit A (probably you're ok on the Vit A.if you're just using the freeze dried liver as a topper).  So...what I would do is simply cut back on the amount of each of the other two a little (if you haven't already).  But if he likes the taste of eggshell powder and freeze dried liver, then an alternative is to use Alnutrin with Eggshell Powder (which is a supplement), and the freeze dried liver. Just use that instead of Call of the Wild.  You would just need to make sure you use enough freeze dried liver with this alternative to equal 5 - 10 % of his overall food intake, rather than just as a topper..
I was using Eggshell powder and Freeze dried Liver as a topper but after I read your post I decided to try just chicken and CoTW.  It worked!!  he ate it all.  He either changed his mind or he got use to CoTW from me sneaking it in the middle of the chicken.

So now everyone is on chicken (meat) and CoTW!!  I am so happy!!
It makes life SO much easier when everyone is on the same page. 
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  • #64


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 5, 2013
Oh that's great! 
  You can just whip out the meals now! 

I so wish I could get Spooky to eat the CoTW. 
Gage wouldn't eat it at first but then I started sneaking it in between layers of chicken and used the Eggshell Powder, Freeze dried Liver as toppers so he would eat it.   Then last night I left the toppers off and he gobbled it up!  

But, yeah it is so easy.  I have chicken (not really ground-partially ground so they have to chew it) ready in containers.  One container for all 5 per meal, they each get 2 scoops which equals approx 1.5 oz.  Whip out container, sprinkle CoTW....done!  Really cool!!  
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  • #65


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 5, 2013
     Everything was going good here until a couple days ago....Zoe has only been taking one or two bites of her chicken breast w/CoTW sprinkled on top.  I tried different toppers, she just eats the topper and leaves the chicken.  ( I even pushed the topper into the chicken  a little so she couldn't just lick it off but that didn't work either)

I also tried introducing a new protein, but that didn't go so good....All of them wouldn't finish their meals.  

So I have some new questions:

1.  Should I go back to canned for Zoe or do 1/2 canned 1/2 raw?  I am worried that she is not getting enough food, nutrients, water, etc.

2.  I was wondering about feeding mice to them because any mouse that got into our house, they would catch, play with, then eat.  If i ordered them some mice would that be one meal or just a treat?  (Thinking this would be different and a change. ) Taking a chance that they would eat it even though the mouse would not be alive.  I was thinking that i would lay one on the floor and let them find it so they would think they found it all on their own! 

3.  I have been finding hairballs around that they have spit up, so I was wondering if I shouldn't give them 1 egg yoke/week?  

I really appreciate everyones input and don't know how much it helps!!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Is Zoe the only one not eating the raw?  If so, that would indicate there is nothing wrong with the meat itself.  So, yes, I think I would go back to mixing it with canned and see if she will take to it again.  You might even try using something other than chicken in the canned food.  She may just be tired of chicken. 

I probably would NOT do the mice, because it's the chase that they probably like, not a dead thing lying on the floor
.   I think most people have found they actually have to cut the dead mice in half to get them started
, and even then I'm not sure your kids, being so new to raw, would take to it.  You just never know.

Yes, absolutely give them 1 egg yoke per week.  They may not like that either, so you may need to break it up and give them 1/4 at a time.  I actually have to mix the egg yolk into CANNED food when I give it to my guys.  In the beginning they liked them, but not now.  And once I could tempt them to eat them with toppers, but no longer.  It's a struggle.  But I also give them egg yolk lecithin every single day to help flush out the hairballs (out the back end rather than have them upchuck them).  Seems to work very well
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  • #67


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 5, 2013
Well...I had another one refuse to eat tonight.  I really think they are getting sick of eating chicken because Zoe was the first so I mixed 1/2 canned, 1/2 raw.  She ate it for Dinner and Snack tonight.  Then tonight Shelby refused it tonight.  Everyone else ate it.

I ordered from Hare-Today, tonight.  I ordered Lamb, Venison, rabbit, beef - ground meat, organs, bone and Alnutrin to go with it.  

Hopefully they will like something different. 

I have been wanting to give them different proteins (so they are not eating the same thing all the time) but they were doing so good on the chicken and CoTW I didn't want to mess anyone up.  