Need Advices For My Cats. Thank You Very Much


TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2017
First of all, I want to say that English is not my first language and I live in developed country, especially in poor area where we made about $150 a month.

So, I have 5 cats, 1 cat was abandoned by her owner, 1 cat was a feral kitten that abandoned by its mother and three cats which were the children of the first cat.

I need some advice for my cats. First of all, about spaying. None of them have it yet, and want to do it. At my area, the cost for spaying is $50. So spaying for all them cost almost 2 months of my salary.

But it's okay, I think I can manage it, probably. But that's not the main problem. The problem is the vet. I still can't find any reliable vet in my area yet.

Let's me contribute for more detail. Currently, I knew 2 vet that lives in my town. But after I asked my friends reviews, they strongly against to bring my cat to any of those vet. Why? So, my friend had 7 cats which infected by cat flu. After she brought them to the vet, 6 out of 7 cats died. Not just that, another friend of mine asked for her cat to be dewormed, the vet gave the cat anesthesia instead. His reason because he didn't have dewormed tablet so he administered anesthesia because it seems to made the cat puke the tapeworm. And you know what? He administered too much of it and the cat died didn't wake up ever again.
Another vet also has the same problem. My friend cat was slashed by someone and she brought it to vet for surgery. It looks okay before surgery. Eventhough its wounded, the slashed was not deep enough. But the cat condition become worse after surgery and died after a few hours. And that's not the only problem. My friend who also brought his cat to be spayed lost his cat because a malpractice, the vet accidentaly took the bladder instead.

When I consulted with my brother, he also against my plan to spayed my cats if I didn't want to lose any of them, because by the looks of it, it's very high chance that most of my cats won't make it to the end if I choose to spay them with those vet. In his defense, my brother who works at animal husbandry once has a work together with that vet. But the vet always anxious and he's too scared to do his job with the cows that my brother and his friends did it instead.

tl;dr, Vet cost is too expensive for me. In addition there are no reliable vet at my area where I can confidently spend my hard-earned money either. What should I do for my cats and for the future if they sick or other similar problem arises? I really love all of them and I can't bear to lose any of them. Thanks and sorry for long post.
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Hi, and welcome to TCS :hithere::welcomesign:

Which country are you in? We have members from all over the world, so there might be someone who can help you find a vet.
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TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2017
Hi, and welcome to TCS :hithere::welcomesign:

Which country are you in? We have members from all over the world, so there might be someone who can help you find a vet.
I'm from Indonesia espcially Bengkulu. I know there are many reliable vet at capital city (Jakarta) or other big cities. But all of those city are thousand of miles apart of my city (I live at very rural area. One of the poorest city of my country). That's why I'm very troubled because it's not cheap to go to capital city for surgery ($100 per cat for airplane fare, so the total amount is $500 not included the surgery cost). Like I said, my salary is only $150 a month. My saving in bank is only $1000. So for spaying my cat at other city, it cost all of my fortune and maybe even more.

That's why I felt really down today. In addition, I just heard that my friend cat passed away because of failed surgery (the unreliable vet doing his job, again).


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I'm so sorry the vets you've found are so bad with cats :( I'd entrust be wary of the vets you describe too. Spaying and neutering are different to the issues your friends' cats had though, so it might be worth at least going to meet these vets, and maybe asking if you can talk to other cat owners who've used them for this type of surgery (or if they have any reviews). I do know that cat flu can go bad, especially in kittens and elderly cats, so your friend's losing six of the seven sick cats may not have been the vet's fault. It's always worth getting multiple opinions on a vet before using them, in any vet can save every animal, or make every owner happy. I'd steer clear of the one who removed the cat's bladder instead of her womb though :eek: :cringe:

As far as the vet your brother works with goes - plenty of vets (at least here) are good and confident with small animals, but very nervous when it comes to treating farm animals/livestock. I've seen it many times with horses over the years, and sometimes from vets who I really like for my cats and dogs.

I'm in the UK, so I'm afraid I can't be of much help myself. The best I can come up with is this site (which you've most likely found already). I know we do have other members in your part of the world, so hopefully someone will be able to come up with something more helpful :crossfingers::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 21, 2017
I'm so sorry the vets you've found are so bad with cats :( I'd entrust be wary of the vets you describe too. Spaying and neutering are different to the issues your friends' cats had though, so it might be worth at least going to meet these vets, and maybe asking if you can talk to other cat owners who've used them for this type of surgery (or if they have any reviews). I do know that cat flu can go bad, especially in kittens and elderly cats, so your friend's losing six of the seven sick cats may not have been the vet's fault. It's always worth getting multiple opinions on a vet before using them, in any vet can save every animal, or make every owner happy. I'd steer clear of the one who removed the cat's bladder instead of her womb though :eek: :cringe:

I'm in the UK, so I'm afraid I can't be of much help myself. The best I can come up with is this site (which you've most likely found already). I know we do have other members in your part of the world, so hopefully someone will be able to come up with something more helpful :crossfingers::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
There are one vet that seemed reliable according to my friend. But he works at the same clinic at the unreliable vet. That's why I'm afraid my cat will be handled by that vet instead.

As far as the vet your brother works with goes - plenty of vets (at least here) are good and confident with small animals, but very nervous when it comes to treating farm animals/livestock. I've seen it many times with horses over the years, and sometimes from vets who I really like for my cats and dogs.
I see. I never know about this. Thanks for the heads up. I thought vet wouldn't have any problem with any kinds of animal they've encountered. I guess I was wrong about this.

Well, these options aren't the best, but they are, perhaps, better than nothing: Cat Birth Control Options Beyond Spaying and Neutering Maybe your brother, being in Animal Husbandry, could help you with any prescriptions, if needs be?
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, he has a solution. Some prescription, but it made the cat going through abortion or even worse, the kitten will born defective. I just can't bear watching those kitten if that really happened. And I think it would bad for the mother too, because if the fetus died in her womb and she can't get it out, I'm afraid of the side effect of it.
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TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2017
Sorry for double post. I can't edit the previous post because of spam indication (don't know why). About the site that shared by mrsgreenjeens, I checked if any of the prescription available in my city. The site talking about magestrol acetate. They only sold the prescription for human and none for animal. Will it also safe for cat to if I perhaps reduce it's dosage?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Sorry for double post. I can't edit the previous post because of spam indication (don't know why). About the site that shared by mrsgreenjeens, I checked if any of the prescription available in my city. The site talking about magestrol acetate. They only sold the prescription for human and none for animal. Will it also safe for cat to if I perhaps reduce it's dosage?
I'm guessing it would be, as safe as possible, but the question much to reduce it? That is something a "professional" would need to determine.
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TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2017
I'm guessing it would be, as safe as possible, but the question much to reduce it? That is something a "professional" would need to determine.
Yeah that's true. However, when I'm googling about the prescription in my language, there's no article that talked about magestrol acetate and cat. All of the article linked it with breast cancer treatment. When I asked my other brother (which a doctor by the way, not a vet), he also don't know about the uses of magestrol on animal. So I guess the vet on my city too won't know about this treatment (I haven't met with him again yet, but remembering the time when I asked for praziquantel and he offer anesthesia... I'm pretty sure he won't know about magestrol either).

This matter really stressed me out currently because my kittens are almost 3 months old, so it will not long until their mom will go into heat again. Sometimes I wish I lived in another country. Even another city other than my current city is fine. I just want to met a vet that can be trusted to handle my cats :'(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Do you keep your cats inside? What about just neutering the males for now? It is a far more simple procedure and could buy you some time.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Do you keep your cats inside? What about just neutering the males for now? It is a far more simple procedure and could buy you some time.
I was thinking the same thing. It won't help with what the females have to go thru during the heat cycle, but will at least prevent pregnancies.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 21, 2017
Thanks for the reply. Do you mean to neuter stray male? Because there are only 1 male out of 5 cats of mine. And it's only 2 months old (almost 3 months) so he still not a problem for now, but I also planning to neuter it first because it's the safest among all of my cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Do your cats stay inside all of the time? Or do they have access to the stray males?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Yes, you can use the megestrol for humans, here's a site that explains how to use it for cats: Obtaining Feline Birth Control That should at least buy some time until you can find a better vet.

The Merck Vet Manual is also very useful for people who don't have access to reliable local vet care. It gives dosages and treatment protocols for just about anything. So even if the medication is only available from the vet, at least you can bring the web page to the vet to show them what needs to be done: Merck Veterinary Manual

Also, here's a thought---there are a lot of videos about how to do a cat spay available online. Perhaps the local vets would be willing to watch them to get a better understanding on how to do a good spay? If you make friends with the vet and show them the info they might get better at cat care.