Need advice for feral kitten


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm glad to hear the whole family are doing well. Taro is so pretty, she has such a sweet little face.

It's funny that you call one of the other kittens Yamaimo. I've named one of the strays I feed Jagaimo.

Maybe they could be friends, the Potato Buddies. 
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TCS Member
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Jun 19, 2013
Need a bit more advice for Ms Taro (we ended up changing her name to Ume. She seems to like it better.) But before that some updates. All 3 are very happy and running around the house. They come when we call them for dinner and are just amazing little babies.


So, Taro, I mean, Ume. After she has been out with her brothers we realized she(*)  peed on the bed in the room where the litter boxes are. There was a huge pile of clothes on that bed the 3 of them loved to play in. She did it a few times behind one of the littler boxes as well. We have one litter box in the bathroom where they were first kept. That bathroom is attached to the room where we feed them. Our other cats have 2 big litter boxes (now 4) in another room. There are 2 out in the room and 2 in the bathroom that is attached to that room. So we locked her for a few days back into her room while we cleaned things up. We feed them in that room so she got visits from her brothers twice a day. No incidents those days.

We let her out yesterday and today there was some pee behind the same littler box. We moved it a bit and put some towels and stuff under it so the carpet doesn't take a beating. Any advice? Ordered up some of those[font=arial, sans-serif]  Feliway diffusers from Amzon. They should be here Tues, maybe they will help?[/font]

(*) We are pretty sure it is her even though not caught red pawed ....


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2008
You guys are great! I loved reading this and seeing the pictures! It sounds like mom cat also goes elsewhere since she has been TNR'd. Maybe you could join forces with the people who trapped her to get remaining kittens. What are the plans for them? They are certainly a gorgeous bunch!

I don't know what to advise on the litter box issue, she has seen the vet and was checked, I would not know what to think was the cause.


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Sounds like she's fussy and needs her very own box, which I know is next to impossible with a multi-cat household.  Other than locking her in the bathroom, I can't think of a way to do that.  Of course, this from a woman who has a tortoiseshell cat with her very own room.  NO ONE is allowed in Teresa's room, except her brother, and even he wants out after about ten minutes!

Two other things - make sure you are cleaning the peed-on areas with a good strong enzyme cleaner to get rid of the smell.  She'll just keep "marking" if you don't.  If some other car ever peed anywhere in your home and the smell still lingers, she may try to cover it up with her own pee.  From your description, she sounds like she's marking her territory.  "These clothes are MINE!"

Also, she may be feeling trapped when she needs to go or one of the other cats may be cornering her.  Are there multiple escape routes for each box? 

Other than that -GOOD job!