Need Advice Asap! Foster Cat Is Hiding And Not Using Litterbox


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 8, 2018
I have a temporary foster I'm keeping in my bedroom, and this is his first night here. He is 100% separate from any other animals, but the bedroom probably reeks of my kitty because she's rubbed her face on everything in there. The room has been cleaned thoroughly and set up to be as calming as possible - he's a hider/ground type, so I placed all his toys and blankets under the bed. His litterbox is in one corner of the room and his food and water are in the opposite corner.

He's been here for about six hours so far, and has yet to use the litterbox, eat or drink. He went into the box about an hour after we got home and he ventured out of his cage, but didn't pee or poop. I left a plate of tuna in water for him, right by the dresser he's been hiding under, but he wouldn't touch it. I'm getting worried because I don't think he's eaten or had water since around 7 this morning, when he was trapped. This means he hasn't gone to the bathroom in that long too.

He was originally a street cat/semi-feral, so he is very scared of people. He's also had a pretty terrible day so I know he must be terrified. I'm doing what I can by running a Feliway diffuser and playing calming music, but I'm wondering if I should sleep in the living room tonight.

What would you guys recommend? Should I just sleep in the same room with him to get him acclimated to me faster or leave him alone his first night so he feels safe to venture out and eat/poop?


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
That's perfectly normal behavior. A lot of shy cats won't eat, drink or use the litter box the first day, and if he's semi-feral he may revert to only doing so at night for the first few days. For that reason, I'd recommend leaving him alone in the bedroom for his first night at least. Once he's eating and using the box you can gradually lengthen the amount of time you spend in the room and see how he reacts.

The Feliway and soft music are a good idea. When you do go in to check on things, talk quietly and move slowly so he can observe that you don't represent a threat.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Not unusual at all, I had one that spent WEEKS under the bed. They usually come out at night to eat and drink, so make sure food is available. Leave him alone for now, don't force anything. But go in often and sit quietly and talk out loud. Read a book or be on your phone etc. Leave a unwashed shirt for him to smell, and leave treats too. Cats are absolutely terrified of change, so be patient and he will come around!
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 8, 2018
Thanks guys for the quick replies! I followed your advice and slept in the living room so he would feel more comfortable. I checked on him at the crack of dawn and it turned out he used his box, which I'm really happy about :poop:

He doesn't seem to have much of an appetite but I'm sure he'll start eating soon. He's only going to be with me for about a week or two, so I mostly want to minimize stress on him, not necessarily bond. Would he feel safer being left alone most of the time or should I try to get him used to me?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Awe, you slept in the living room, gold star! But I'd sleep in there tonight, unless you snore and toss and turn, you'll be quiet enough for him to start getting used to you. Course if he jumps on the bed and scares the heck out of ya, that might be bad for both of you but its worth a shot. Tons of people pick the bedroom but just fyi, it isn't the best safe room for next time you foster...ideally an extra room or even an extra bathroom, if you are lucky enough to have those options.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 8, 2018
Unfortunately this is the only room we can spare, but I cat-proofed it 100% (no screens or means of escape, not that he's trying lol). It would be heaven to have a little spare room just for foster kitties, though.

So far he's been with me for around 20 hours, and has yet to eat, drink or eliminate. What's especially concerning to me though is that he's gone into his box a couple times and kicked sand as though he had pooped, but the box is empty. Is this normal for a semi-feral or could it be a UTI? He's been under enormous stress and was trapped for 10 hours (with no food, water or litterbox) before I could get him so I'm wondering if that was just too much for him.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 8, 2018
I will definitely get in touch with them and make vet arrangements if he hasn't gone in the box by morning. I'm really hoping he'll make a bathroom trip and have something to eat at night, since that's when he ventures out. I'm heading to the grocery store to get him some baby food - hopefully he'll like that and be tempted to eat.

He's no longer hiding under my dresser though, which I think is progress! He's migrated under the bed and snuggled into his blanket, which seems like a good sign.