Need Advice About Neighbor’s Cat


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 25, 2016
Jacksonville, FL
(If this is in the wrong forum, please re-post). I live in a nice apartment complex and there’s a young cat that I’ve taken in a few times. I thought he was a stray - he was skittish; left out in the rain and he’s unneutered. Once I befriended him and brought him inside, he took to my apartment like he was home. It turns out he belongs to my upstairs neighbors. I went up to make sure; knocked on the door; nobody answered. I left it alone and didn’t see him outside or in the window (which is how I figured out where he belonged) for a couple of weeks.
This past Sunday, he was at my doorstep again. He was starving, sneezing and his 3 eyelid was half-closed & watery. He also had diarrhea. He was very sick; sleeping when he wasn’t eating. He would go outside to use the bathroom and then come right back in. (He also used the litter box.) He seemed to have no interest in going back to his home and I wrestled with leaving them a note. I was angry that they’re so unresponsible to let an unneutered male roam the neighborhood and that the poor little guy came to me as sick as he was. I don’t drive, so I made arrangements to take him to the vet today. He seemed to be feeling better but I felt he has an upper respiratory infection that needs checked out. He wanted out, so my roommate let him out & didn’t watch him. (I always supervised him while he was out.)
He’s back upstairs now - I saw him in the window. And I’ve been trying to write a note to his owners but I’m not sure what to say. He needs to see the vet; he needs to be neutered and he needs to be fed (he’s underweight). I am having a hard time overcoming my anger at his negligent treatment to effectively advocate for him, which is why I’m reaching out to this community for advice.


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
The legal answer, is to call animal control about his condition. Pay attention to what happens, if they take him from the owners inform them that you are interested in adopting him.

You can always write a note to the owners that you’ve seen him around and he is a lovely animal. You noticed the last time he was out that he looked in bad shape and probably needs to see a vet. If the problem is money, you’d be willing to take him to a vet but would want them to relinquish ownership OR just that you are willing to take him to a vet for them. Just word it in a non-aggressive manner so that it is clear you aren’t judging or blaming them but worried about the cat.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I can't add a thing to that, other than I really hope you end up with this kitten in your care! He certainly deserves better than he is getting.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 25, 2016
Jacksonville, FL
Thank you for the replies! I would just “keep” him, which is how I acquired my old guy. (Lived in a condo; saw a random kitten who followed me home. Kept him for a night. A few weeks later, found him frightened & crying in the parking lot. Kept him permanently.) I legally have 2 cats, plus a stray tabby that someone left behind. As much as I adore this little tuxedo guy, I can’t realistically keep him. He’s currently in my house. He was ravenous and his eye is looking better, plus he’s not sneezing as much.
It worries me that he is so hungry when he comes to my house. I don’t know if it’s because I feed him cans of wet (little guy can polish off a 5.5 can and then wants more a half hour later) or if he is truly malnourished. I do feel bad for his owners not knowing where he is but I feel worse for a sweet kitten not getting the love and attention he deserves.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 1, 2015
You definitely saw the cat inside their apartment? If it were me, I would flat out ask them if I could have the cat.
I too would just keep him. People like that are why I have a colony of cats. Their cats are my job (but instead of getting paid I have to spend all the money. Trying to get each of them fixed, deal with litters and vet bills and food costs oh my the food costs!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I do feel bad for his owners not knowing where he is but I feel worse for a sweet kitten not getting the love and attention he deserves.
THEY are making a choice, either to have a cat that they cannot afford to care for, or to simply NOT care for a cat that they have. Sorry, but I think that they would recover from his loss far, far easier than he can recover from their neglect. My advice? Thinking it over? Keep him. The next time he shows up, bring him in, feed him, take him to the vet, get shots, etc, MICROCHIP him and REGISTER THAT CHIP! The installation of the chip will be on your vet bill, and will go a LONG way toward proving ownership if it comes to that.