Name Three Things - 2024


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Winchester Winchester , Have you tried Veganaise ? It is plant based mayo substitute. I have to look up the sodium level. They have an avocado version also. It is hard to find. I really like it. It is in the refrigerated section. I label the date on it, since it does not have a ton of preservatives in it.

I have also seen some sodium free chicken broth in the store. I will have to look further into it.

I think it all depends on what store you go to. I can get some things at one store and other things at another.
*Up early for a cortisone shot at the hospital, done in the Radiology Department. It was my hip.
*No vacuuming or long brushing session or morning cuddles for Geoffrey.
*I did dry Swiffer before I left. I took an Uber in and out of Boston.
*Came home just as my team was beginning the bocce game. They wanted me to play, but I said NO.. I just watched. It was a beautiful day. I was walking gingerly, small, slow steps. Xylocaine is a miracle freezing med.
* Just did minor things around the house.
* Xylocaine wore off-- started to feel some pressure and a bit of discomfort. Took an Arthritis Strength Tylenol when I tried to get to bed. I think I may take another one soon.
* Got the Cortisone face flush-- at least I feel it. It does not look it. Got the extra thirst, along with extra peeing.
sleep was pretty much non existent. Guess blood sugar was elevated a bit.

Today I cancelled a shopping trip with friends. A bit of discomfort. Will hang around here. I do have to go downstairs for a few things. Nothing major. Will do a quick vacuum; Brush and cuddle Geoffrey. Plan to either read or watch TV... and open and close windows due to stuffy warm air and rain.

Sweet Geoffrey Boy. At one point he wanted to lie against my hip, purring... instinctive.. I had to cover the injection site with my hand cuz I was afraid of him walking on it-- all 15 lbs. He still stayed with me, on my lap..

It is really weird about post injection advice. The hospital said to go about my normal activities. Everything I read o the web, said to rest for a 2-3 days.. weird. I have a busy day tomorrow, so I am going to take it easy today.
I think the last time I had a cortisone shot-- knee, I went back to work cuz they were after me to. I think the first cortisone shot I stayed home.. Cannot remember..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Himself and I hand carried the living room banana outside to the deck, up two steps and along to its summer home at the far end of the upper deck. Then moved the heavy coffee table back into place between couch and love seat. The rolling support and plant saucer are back in the garage for the summer. Somewhere in there I fertilized the banana and top-dressed.

I mentioned the rain gauge, Himself found it and I put it out on the deck.

A pork shoulder is slowly cooking in the crock pot: brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, canned crushed tomatoes, liquid smoke, Worcestershire sauce, chili seasoning etc. It takes 8+ hours but there are some things I prefer in a slow cooker than pressure cooker. Or air fryer I expect.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Addendum: Himself said tomorrow is supposed to have storms. And that it was up to me but if it were him he'd move his car inside. So I started loading the 4 wheeled cart with repotted plants, to move them around back. And discovered that it was probably the raccoon who tipped over and dug around in the repotted elephant ear tubers that had previously been moved. Sigh.

Other potted plants moved away from in front of my garage bay. Hastily swept out tool shed. Moved in two wheel garden cart, 4 wheel cart with buckets of wood chips, and hand truck into tool shed.

Straightened up tipped over pots and - should I say casually, or roughly - repotted the elephant ear tubers.

Car is back in garage bay.

And all I can say is it better rain.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Thinking of you artiemom artiemom ! :hugs: So glad you were able to get that shot.

While Rick push-mowed, I worked in the house again.
  • My turn to get up with the girls, empty the dishwasher, make Rick's coffee, and go back to bed. I wish I could stay asleep during the night, so that I could awaken around 8:00 and stay awake. As it is, I wake up at 3:00 to pee, then lay in bed awake for the rest of the night. Come morning, I'm really tired. The girls are starting to move now around 5:30 in the morning, so I might as well just get up and feed them. So no sleep from 3:00 on and, if I don't go back to bed, I'm wasted.
  • Vacuumed, swiffered, etc.
  • Checked the plants out in the WeShed. Watered plants at window boxes (we had rain during the night, but they needed watering today).
  • Ordered a few salt-free seasonings and such from Amazon.
  • Started a grocery list
  • I managed to get over 5 miles in today.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I am going to look for the baby doe who has been visiting lately. She is so beautiful

light chores

brush and trim Cal.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 29, 2002
I am going to look for the baby doe who has been visiting lately. She is so beautiful

light chores

brush and trim Cal.
We have a herd that come back and forth between our place and the neighbors to the north and east .We've been able to watch their babies from last year grow and I'm sure there will be more this year.Yesterday morning there were 8 of them that meandered up our fencerow,nibbling as they went...such a glorious sight!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I think the flushing along with the hot & cold feelings from the cortisone shot are gone-- at least I hope so.
I have had insomnia since I got the shot. Seems like I cannot get to sleep before 3 AM! and up early.. not feeling tired.. so weird how each individual reacts to meds.... Still having a tiny bit of pressure in the hip joint.. It should be dissipated today. Fingers crossed. It would be so nice to be able to turn, cross walk--side step, sit, and lie on rt side without any pain, or diminished pain.. And to be able to take a walk....

NO Rain!! Hooray!!
* up at 6am, after falling asleep around 3AM...
* cleaned up all the litter from the bathroom floor-- Geoffrey had 'play time' in the litter box. Man, I cannot believe how much he kicked out. I swear, if I kept the floor litter, I could fill up a full litter box in one month!
* Have plenty of time to slowly do my morning chores.. Before I drive into Boston for an appointment.
I swear I am in Boston so much, that I should be working there!
* Also a "Tea Party" in here.. not sure I am going. Last year they had one, and it was very nice. This year, I am thinking it will be a bit lame.. Funds have been cut. We are asked to bring our own tea cups!!! Ridiculous! Last year they supplied everything: Tea cups and saucers, tiny tea sandwiches, sweets, etc.. and hats for us to wear. This year they asked us to buy our own hats!! So, I think it is going to be lame... If I am home in time, I may show up.. I have a Fascinator and some lace gloves.. just wearing a pink shirt.. No dresses for me!

Yesterday was a 'stay in apartment day".. Rain, heavy at times.. windows were closed all day. I put both air purifiers on hight, as fans because it was warm and stuffy in here. I was hot and cold all day long.. When rain stopped, late afternoon.. I immediately opened 2 windows, just a bit.. It was heaven.

Sweet Geoffrey, was with me all day.. sweet boy.. He did vomit early in the morning. I should have given him some mirataz, but... He really needed it; as he ate almost nothing. He is getting it today.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
We have a herd that come back and forth between our place and the neighbors to the north and east .We've been able to watch their babies from last year grow and I'm sure there will be more this year.Yesterday morning there were 8 of them that meandered up our fencerow,nibbling as they went...such a glorious sight!
a whole herd!!!! lucky you!!!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
We have a herd that come back and forth between our place and the neighbors to the north and east .We've been able to watch their babies from last year grow and I'm sure there will be more this year.Yesterday morning there were 8 of them that meandered up our fencerow,nibbling as they went...such a glorious sight!
I occasionally have deer hang out in the grassy alley behind my house. A couple years ago the mama deer was parking her baby under some of my tall bushes and would leave her there all day, I guess while she was off eating. The fawn would be gone in the evening and back under the bush the next morning. It was fun to see the baby but I felt like a nervous babysitter all day.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
So much stuff lately. In late winter my car picked up a good sized dent on the fender, not sure when or by whom. I finally got around to getting estimates for its repair and even with such a small dent they have to replace the entire fender. A big inconvenience factor is being without the car for five days but fortunately there is a good body shop within walking distance of my house.

Yesterday I finally got the first full mow in and was so tired afterwards I could barely move. I think I will be dividing up the mowing into at least three sections and mowing each on different days. Cooler today and I got some gardening done.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 29, 2002
I occasionally have deer hang out in the grassy alley behind my house. A couple years ago the mama deer was parking her baby under some of my tall bushes and would leave her there all day, I guess while she was off eating. The fawn would be gone in the evening and back under the bush the next morning. It was fun to see the baby but I felt like a nervous babysitter all day.
I know the mamas need to feel safe before they'll leave their sweet babies someplace,so she must have felt like your place was it!The does that are in this herd usually wait a few months and they'll bring the babies up the fencerow to a spot where there's soft green grass and timothy hay growing,plus it's in the shade.They bed down for a nap and the littles nibble on that hay and grass,sometimes spending the whole afternoon.We feel so blessed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Deer around here only have a singleton in their first pregnancy. After that, twins. And triplets are also known. More deer eating up gardens, crops, seedling trees and more. Only "predator" is automobile. Forests, already impacted by insect pests such as emerald ash borer, diseases such as oak wilt, are having difficulty regenerating. Ah, if only the deer would dine on multiflora roses, stilt grass and poison ivy - but there you have it, they don't.

Today I moved another large pot outdoors.

We went out to lunch, and a very tasty meal we each had too.

Next I went off to the dentist and had my teeth cleaned.

Came home and mowed the front lawn and the side past my greenhouse.

Then my new, very basic cell phone was delivered. Spent more time than I wanted with tech support. Didn't get very far with the first person.. Called back and spoke to someone else. She was better, more helpful. BUT while I can now turn the phone on and it is connected to WiFi still cannot make or receive a call. I get error 403. Feh! Will try tomorrow after I get back from PT.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Deer around here only have a singleton in their first pregnancy. After that, twins. And triplets are also known. More deer eating up gardens, crops, seedling trees and more. Only "predator" is automobile. Forests, already impacted by insect pests such as emerald ash borer, diseases such as oak wilt, are having difficulty regenerating. Ah, if only the deer would dine on multiflora roses, stilt grass and poison ivy - but there you have it, they don't.

Today I moved another large pot outdoors.

We went out to lunch, and a very tasty meal we each had too.

Next I went off to the dentist and had my teeth cleaned.

Came home and mowed the front lawn and the side past my greenhouse.

Then my new, very basic cell phone was delivered. Spent more time than I wanted with tech support. Didn't get very far with the first person.. Called back and spoke to someone else. She was better, more helpful. BUT while I can now turn the phone on and it is connected to WiFi still cannot make or receive a call. I get error 403. Feh! Will try tomorrow after I get back from PT.
Did it come with a SIM card from your telephone carrier or do you have to switch out the card from your old phone to your new?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
susanm9006 susanm9006 New phone came with its own sim card. We (that really means Himself) swapped in the sim card from my old phone. Still doesn't work so put sim card that came with new phone back. From his phone he can call the house land line but not my new phone. From the house phone he can call his cell phone but not mine. And from my cell phone - nada, nothing in or out. It's got to be something to do with the phone.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
susanm9006 susanm9006 Himself called the company. Not sure who hung up on the first call, Himself or the tech. Himself called back and this time that tech decided it was better to switch Himself to a manager. Who knew what Himself should do with the phone - and now my phone works!

But neither of us can understand why it took so much time, uselessly, yesterday and so much time today.

But what the he double hockey sticks, now it works.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We had rain pretty much all day yesterday. I managed to walk in the house; Rick didn't get a walk in yesterday, but he's out this morning. We tried to see the northern lights last night, but it was too cloudy.

Not much going on today.
  • Get Mother's Day card and some chocolates for Rick's mom for tomorrow. Rick will take them up to her, but he won't stay as there's Covid going 'round there. Again.
  • I downloaded a couple books by Andy McDermott from the library last night. Part of the Nina Wilde and Eddie Chase series. While Rick is watching paint dry (golf on TV) this afternoon, I'll read for a while.
  • Amazon order should be here today.
I found low sodium Miracle Whip at Giant the other day. I don't mind MW at all (I know some who despise the stuff). Ordered some low sodium mustard as well as no-salt lemon pepper seasoning from Amazon.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Sad stuff. Working on the aftermath of Willow’s sudden passing this weekend. Dropped cat food that Lola doesnt like off at the food shelf. Picked up a bucket of toys - she did love her toys. Cleared out Willow’s multiple sleeping/hiding spots and threw all the bedding downstairs. I know I dont need it all now, just need to decide what I should keep. Lola finally ate after not eating for 24 hours which is a relief.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Sad stuff. Working on the aftermath of Willow’s sudden passing this weekend. Dropped cat food that Lola doesnt like off at the food shelf. Picked up a bucket of toys - she did love her toys. Cleared out Willow’s multiple sleeping/hiding spots and threw all the bedding downstairs. I know I dont need it all now, just need to decide what I should keep. Lola finally ate after not eating for 24 hours which is a relief.
I am so sorry about the loss of Willow.. I know you loved her very much... (( hugs)))


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Mowed the lawn, exercise is good therapy. Ordered candy for my sister’s birthday and for the wonderful people at the vet’s offfice. Laundry this afternoon.