Name Three Things - 2024


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
The sewer-dude was here. Both tanks are cleaned out. It's definitely been a while since they were here last!
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, made Rick's coffee, and went back to bed.
  • Working on three loads of laundry. Didn't get the bed sheets changed yesterday, so I changed them this morning.
  • "Grocery shopping" in the freezers this morning. Brought up chicken thighs (dinner tonight) ground beef (for hamburgers on Saturday), and a pork loin roast (for Sunday dinner). Also some diced onions, diced peppers and threw them in the freezer in the kitchen. Paper towels to fill the cabinet in the bathroom.
  • I want to vacuum and swiffer at some point.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Today I am working on tomorrow's talk - selecting images, sequentially numbering them . . . usually involves some re-numbering. Very tedious. But I must finish tonight / tomorrow morning so Himself can load them on the card for my digital projector. Push. Shove. Impetus.

Kwik Kwik This talk is in Hunterdon County NJ. I am - basically - retired but like to keep my hand in, so to speak. I do two gratis talks a year for the feed and mercantile. Previously, when I was doing it for money, I spoke across the United States and abroad on horticultural topics.

This morning I went into town as I got an email from the bookstore that the air fryer cookbook I had asked them to order had arrived. On the way I stopped to photograph lilacs in bloom. I always have camera with me, especially at this time of year.

Stopped to say hello to a charming dust mop of a dog on the sidewalk - part husky and yes, one brown, one blue eye. Licked my hand. Picked up book, walking back to car and met three miniature long coated dachshunds. Got my hand licked again.

Now off to IGA for this and that. Left camera in the car. Walked to entrance - you want to hear about the picture I did not get? Kicking myself. Always regret the one(s) I miss more than appreciate the ones I get.

There was an older man loading his groceries into the saddlebags on his motorcycle. And he was wearing a backpack. He had a beagle. Wearing goggles. In the backpack. Absolutely adorable. Should have asked him to wait while I dashed back to my car for camera but there you go, I did not. Perhaps we will see each other again. I can but hope.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I end up spending a good chunk of the afternoon yesterday culling my shoes. I have/had so many good shoes that I love, most of which no longer fit and never will fit again because of my wonky foot. But I just keep moving them around and out of the way of the ones I do wear. Yesterday I did a reality check and finally got rid of them. Yay! Closet space.

I did start deep cleaning the kitchen but need to finish today, and also make a run to the pet store for food.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
1) Finished setting up images for this afternoon's Herbs for Flavor and Fragrance presentation
2) Himself loaded lecturet on flash drive and backup drive
3) Tried it out in the projector - I always have some difficulty getting to the correct starting point
4) Checked laser pointer - it needed one of the two batteries replaced. Domino and Mr Poe were enthralled!
5) Somewhere in there I did a load of laundry. Will remove from dryer and bring upstairs when I go to change my clothes

and that's about where things stand at the moment.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
A lazy day. Rick got up with the girls and Mollipop and I hung out in bed until 8:30. It's raining and is just generally bleak, Rick turned on the football draft. Molli and I joined Tabby back in bed for an afternoon nap.
Tonight, I think we're going to watch Northern Exposure.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
A lazy day. Rick got up with the girls and Mollipop and I hung out in bed until 8:30. It's raining and is just generally bleak, Rick turned on the football draft. Molli and I joined Tabby back in bed for an afternoon nap.
Tonight, I think we're going to watch Northern Exposure.
I just started rewatching this series. So good?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Well, let's see - as anticipated there was a rather modest turnout for my talk. Always is. But to my delighted surprise here came my friend Bill, the man who is extremely helpful when I have issues writing entries for website. Even more unexpectedly, in comes Arlene, still in her mob cap, long skirt, shawl and the rest of her historical outfit as she's just finished a demonstration / presentation of her own across the river in Pennsylvania and decided to come listen to me. Over the moon I was, let me tell you!

So audience (less than a dozen but hey, that's what I get) settle down, I start talking only 10 or 15 minutes late. Sailing right along, getting some good questions, and then the digital projector decides there's a slide it will refuse to recognize. I swap flash drives - same problem. Yikes! Bill calmly talks me through a solution (skip that image) and on I go. Finish, everyone happy, refreshments enjoyed, and off everyone goes.

Bill follows me home, the three of us sit around talking while I mentally run through possible dinner options. We ended up with stir fry of shrimp, asparagus, onion, and red pepper over rice. I used somewhat too much soy sauce so it was a little saltier than I like but the men had seconds so couldn't have been too bad.

And that was my day.

Today I am hoping to mix potting soil, even get started repotting, but mostly keep it a quieter day.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Man, it's warm around here! We hit the mid-80s today with high 70s tomorrow before the cold front moves in in the afternoon. Rick worked up in the garden all afternoon and is mowing the back yard now. Windows are open and we may keep them open during the night. The girls love sitting at the windows.
  • I had bloodwork this morning.
  • Walked three miles, not all at one time. Baby steps.
  • One load of laundry.
  • A quick vacuum, swiffer, etc.
  • Made a silver white cake with white frosting. I don't bake as much as I used to right now and Rick loved it.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Mostly outdoors work. Found a matching paint color for the shed, picked up the last of the branches and sticks in the yard and mowed my side yard. Went to pick up an Amazon package and found four scratch offs in the parking lot - $15 in winners collected.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Nice susanm9006 susanm9006 !

While Rick worked in the garden yesterday, I worked in the house: another vacuum, swiffer, wiped bathroom, all that good stuff.
  • Since we've been having the bedroom windows open at night, the girls are waking us rather early in the morning now. Rick got up with them. After her breakfast, Mollipop came back to bed with me. Then, around 8:00, I decided to drag my lazy butt out of bed. Got a quick shower, grabbed a glass of decaf iced tea and am back here for a few minutes.
  • We're going to a local nursery this morning. I want Persian shields and dusty miller for my Shed window boxes. They seem to do well at that spot; it doesn't get a lot of sun once the leaves on the trees completely open. A nice, shady spot. I don't know what Rick wants to do with the boxes at his shed. I have geraniums on my list and a couple more coral bells. A few tomato plants, not a lot because I'm not supposed to eat tomatoes. Carmen peppers, if we can find them. We're thinking of digging up the peegee hydrangea in front of the house; it's seen better days, and even pruning isn't really helping it anymore. I'd like to plant another peegee, but Rick is looking for another type of hydrangea.
  • Stop at Lowes for potting soil. Stop at Giant for a few grocery items.
  • Get laundry ready tonight for tomorrow morning.
  • We got a nice anniversary card from Hyundai as we've had our Tucson now for a year.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Picked up new downspout and sump pump extension pipes this morning and put them on. Messy work because both are sitting in mud and you have to fiddle with them to get the old ones off and the new ones on. I was going to also reconnect the front and back hoses but felt like I just needed to come in and wash my hands a couple times first. Might go back out in a bit and do it. Or not. Probably do some laundry this afternoon.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Last night, I got the window boxes at the WeShed planted with dusty miller and Persian shields. And planted 3 coral bells in the flower bed in front of the WeShed.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, made Rick's coffee, and went back to bed.
  • Did one load of laundry and changed the bedsheets.
  • Turned the AC on. The heat wasn't bothering us, but we could tell that the cats were not amused.
  • Going out tonight to plant Carmen peppers.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Today was a kind of weird day...
* Up early for Doctor's appointment; could not cuddle with Geoffrey, or even vacuum since I was up so early.
* Drove a long way in rush hour morning traffic--- jeesh...
* waited an hour for MD... he is so busy and takes his time with each patient.
* got a Dunkin Cold brew with the bagel bites for lunch, on the way home.
* Quick Bocce meeting
* Gave a friend of mine a quick run down of the game; since she never played or had seen a game. We practiced for about 45 minutes
* A friend came down to my apartment to 'borrow' a bottle of wine for unexpected company. We chatted for a bit.
* Went down to supper--blah.. The eggplant parm, was not all that bad; but the oven fried chicken was horrible..
Got a chocolate chip cookie and a salad. The salad will be for tomorrow-- if it stays fresh.

Geoffrey is now on the end of my recliner, cuddling with me.. poor baby. He really missed me. I need to spend more time with him tomorrow.

The wait for the MD did get to me. After a half hour, I had to check on it. I was kind of an add on.. The original appointment had to be rescheduled because he was speaking at a conference. He starts his office hours at 10am.. My appointment was at 9:30. Who knows the reason for the delay. He is the head of orthopedics at the New England Baptist Hospital (a bone/joint hospital where a lot of athletes go to for care. I saw a signed, personally dedicated, autographed picture from Teddy Bruschi (NE Patriots) and another one from a hockey player.. The MD is a man of few words; kind, and does explain things so that you understand them. He even went over my x-rays with me, to make sure I understand what is going on.

so, I am just relaxing... with Geoffrey tucked right up against my lower leg... sweet boy..

* need to wash dishes
* Give Geoffrey his evening meds


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
waiting for grocery order to arrive and my coffee from Amazon


looking for my sweet baby bunny who has been living in my backyard


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Today is Dear Richard's birthday! He is 73! :redheartpump:
The girls (with a little help from me) ordered two cornflower plants for him. Not sure when they'll get here. I'm taking him out to dinner tonight. My brother and SIL are joining us.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, made Rick's coffee, and went back to bed.
  • I have one load of laundry in the washer; the rest can wait until tomorrow.
  • Still working on Northern Exposure.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Today is Dear Richard's birthday! He is 73! :redheartpump:
The girls (with a little help from me) ordered two cornflower plants for him. Not sure when they'll get here. I'm taking him out to dinner tonight. My brother and SIL are joining us.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, made Rick's coffee, and went back to bed.
  • I have one load of laundry in the washer; the rest can wait until tomorrow.
  • Still working on Northern Exposure.

Have a wonderful time tonight!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Today was weird:
* Geoffrey woke me up, around 5am with barfing. I did not get up.
*Geoffrey was kind enough to wait until the sun was fully up, at around 6:45 to wake me. I stayed in bed until 7:30, cuddling with him.
* Regular morning stuff-- Including: dishes, playing with G; breakfast for both of us, vacuum, shower.
* Did 2 loads of laundry--- ugh-- took a few hours.. by the time I clean out the washer, load the stuff, wash it for 30 minutes; then clean out the dryer before I put my clothes in it-- then wait 50 minutes of the load to dry.. I really wish I had my own washer/dyer in this apartment. Have to use the laundry room. The washers are so gross. I clean them while wearing gloves and using disinfectant..
* Got an iced coffee from store.
* put laundry away
* did one errand
* returned phone call
* walked next door to get supper: roast beef, lettuce, tomato, mayo, and some fries
* medicated Geoffrey
To do;
Wash dishes
Geoffrey evening meds.

Weird day-- started out sunny, but cool. Now it is cloudy, windy, and feels like March-- cold.
Geoffrey is standing on my leg and with his back paws on the chair arm... He wants Mama... he wants me...
sweet boy..


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick had a bad headache this morning, so we both went back to bed for a while. Got back up and he mowed the yard. I worked in the house.

I'm really trying to watch how I cook now: no salt, no foods with potassium or phosphorus. I put a list inside one of the kitchen cabinets with foods that have a lot of potassium or phosphorus and need to stay away from them or use them sparingly as a treat. It's a learning experience. I can handle no-salt ketchup. Still haven't found a decent alternative to mayo or, esp mustard. I love, love, love mustard. I use low-salt soy sauce and still thin it down with water. Even low-salt broths have too much salt, according to the nephrologist. I'm going to take a day and make chicken and beef broths for the freezer in the pressure cooker. Working on a couple low-salt bread recipes. Not allowed multi-grain bread or brown rice, so am working on white bread. I need to get white rice; I haven't used that in years.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Winchester Winchester A quick Google turned up this information - Mustard powder made up with water is the lowest-salt option – a 2g portion is virtually salt-free. Ready-mixed versions contain more salt – one teaspoon of English mustard from a jar contains 0.43g of salt. One teaspoon of wholegrain mustard contains 0.26g of salt.

Hope the information is helpful.

Yesterday morning Himself saw a bright blue sparrow size bird on the front lawn. I'm pretty sure it was an indigo bunting. Then the rabbit showed up in that afternoon.

That same evening as he was about to put his dishes in the dishwasher he hollered for me. Cat was staring out the kitchen door into the dark. Himself turned off kitchen light, turned on outside light . . . and there was a good size raccoon checking things out under the bird feeder pole. Turned and waddled away uphill before I reached the kitchen.

Today was basically a quiet day. Stop at the post office to drop something off. Then the IGA for this and that. Stopped here and there on the way home to photograph flowers around town - masses of wisteria here, a horse chestnut in full bloom there, some lovely Victorian style houses with various flowers. I'll put a selection up on my web site after I finish a book review for Sarah Raven's "A Year Full of Pots: Container flowers for all seasons" Tomorrow . . . perhaps.