Name Three things - 2023

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Clean the living room
Clean the kitchen
Vacuum entire house
Do a couple loads of laundry
Get myself mentally prepared to return to work tomorrow :lol:


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We finished de-Christmasing the house yesterday. It's just the snowmen and winter stuff out now.
  • Breakfast for the cats, running the dishwasher on the one-hour cycle as there's not much in there, and sitting back here with my coffee
  • Just did a Penzey order. They have the best cinnamon. I ordered Vietnamese cinnamon, nutmeg, and peppercorns. Got some Vietnamese cinnamon for Rick's BIL. And got the free January 6 TRUST box, too, with Justice, Outrage, Seasoned Salt, and Penzey Cinnamon. I am dangerously low on cinnamon and peppercorns.
  • Trying out the King Arthur 2023 Recipe of the Year: Cinnamon-Crisp Coffee Cake. I talked to Rick's BIL yesterday about the Penzey order and he said I definitely needed to make this coffee cake! General straightening-up this morning in the kitchen and bathroom.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
not sure yet the er is so packed they just have her on a bed in the er. i guess the day before yesterday gf's dad called her telling her that her mom couldnt stand or walk any more and that he couldnt manage being the care giver any more which is understanable. its not easy so they talked about getting her into a convalescent home to give her the 24 hour care she needs now .then 2 am last night he called saying her eyes are rolling back into her head and she is shaking. sad thing is her mind isnt totally gone yet she still knows her family etc. can eat still if fed but it might be a mercy if this is the end for her since her quality of life will be rock bottom nearly if she gets discharged to return home she will have to be carried to the bathroom to shower etc. as well as be just bed ridden now .even placing her into aconvalescent home. will be stressful for her since her mind is not that far gone that she wont be aware its not her home. thx for askin about her gf probably will go see her later in the day
I hope you're gf mom will be okay. My father also can't stand or walk. My sister is caring for him, and for her the worst part of it is being very uncomfortable having to leave him even for a short time, because she can't really find anyone to stay with him. His mind is fine. His health is not bad considering he is 93. I think she's a saint to be doing what she's doing, and I can't do anything to help except provide moral support. I'm 650 miles away and can't even go up there anymore because of my husband's health issues. I was looking for assisted living but no chance any of us could afford those places.

game misconduct

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2020
westcovina california
I hope you're gf mom will be okay. My father also can't stand or walk. My sister is caring for him, and for her the worst part of it is being very uncomfortable having to leave him even for a short time, because she can't really find anyone to stay with him. His mind is fine. His health is not bad considering he is 93. I think she's a saint to be doing what she's doing, and I can't do anything to help except provide moral support. I'm 650 miles away and can't even go up there anymore because of my husband's health issues. I was looking for assisted living but no chance any of us could afford those places.
thank you she did find a place her nom is able to speak again semi clearly .standing or walking no one knows yet she will probably get discharged on momday straight to a skilled nusring facility then be transfered to to assisted loving place a few days later. i hope everything works out for you stay strong easier said than done i know dont ever think your alone there's plenty of us on here that will cheer you on or just listen should you need to vent. my gf said i am getting better at keeping my mouth shut when she just wants to vent :biggrin:


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Odds and ends cleaning, microwave, stove top, vent filters. Made a run to dollar store for Kleenex and a few other things and will work on my foot stool this afternoon. I got it taken apart yesterday but it needs some repairs before I can replace the cover on it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
thank you she did find a place her nom is able to speak again semi clearly .standing or walking no one knows yet she will probably get discharged on momday straight to a skilled nusring facility then be transfered to to assisted loving place a few days later. i hope everything works out for you stay strong easier said than done i know dont ever think your alone there's plenty of us on here that will cheer you on or just listen should you need to vent. my gf said i am getting better at keeping my mouth shut when she just wants to vent :biggrin:
I'm glad to hear she's getting better. Did they find out what happened? Did she have a stroke? I hope everything works out for her.
As for keeping your mouth shut when your gf just wants to vent...too bad I haven't been able to teach my husband that one. She's a lucky lady.

game misconduct

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2020
westcovina california
I'm glad to hear she's getting better. Did they find out what happened? Did she have a stroke? I hope everything works out for her.
As for keeping your mouth shut when your gf just wants to vent...too bad I haven't been able to teach my husband that one. She's a lucky lady.
guess her glucose nnumbers were way up along with her sodium she is being released today i believe if she can pass her pt eval. :lol:far as your husband goes its not an easy thing to learn if its opposite ofthe way you deal with things.we both picked out phrases or key words she could use to get me to keep quite that wouldnt hurt my feelings or start an agrument etc. :lol:thats afer her explaining multiple times whats going on and the best way to be supportive of her.just recently i learned about a few resentments she has against me still for the stroke i had that left me feeling pretty badly over it but all i could do is say sorry for things and own responsibility of it.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick's mom was admitted to hospital last night, after spending the day in the ER. After all kinds of tests, she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. She had gained quite a bit of weight in fluid over the past couple of weeks. They have her on meds to try to get rid of the fluid as much as possible and then they'll take her back to the nursing home. Rick was with her and came home once she was admitted last night. His sister is having breathing problems and couldn't be there. Rick wouldn't let me go with him because the ER is just crazy anymore, filled with people with all kinds of colds and viruses and everything else. We should know more today. She is 101 years old, still quite cognizant, and not amused that her body is failing her.

We were going to Costco today, but don't really want to be in a position where we have to race back should anything happen. Staying close to home for a while, until she is discharged.
  • Vacuum and swiffer a bit, just do some general cleaning about the house
  • Straighten some kitchen cabinets from the mess everything has been since cookie season
  • Get laundry ready tonight for tomorrow


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Long drive for my mammogram this morning but the roads were great and visit was quick. Back home I cut up a bunch of chewy and Amazon boxes and got them in the recycling bin. Spent some time chopping ice off the walkway and garage apron. It will take a few more day of salting, sanding and then chopping to get it clear.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Rick's mom was admitted to hospital last night, after spending the day in the ER. After all kinds of tests, she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. She had gained quite a bit of weight in fluid over the past couple of weeks. They have her on meds to try to get rid of the fluid as much as possible and then they'll take her back to the nursing home. Rick was with her and came home once she was admitted last night. His sister is having breathing problems and couldn't be there. Rick wouldn't let me go with him because the ER is just crazy anymore, filled with people with all kinds of colds and viruses and everything else. We should know more today. She is 101 years old, still quite cognizant, and not amused that her body is failing her.

We were going to Costco today, but don't really want to be in a position where we have to race back should anything happen. Staying close to home for a while, until she is discharged.
  • Vacuum and swiffer a bit, just do some general cleaning about the house
  • Straighten some kitchen cabinets from the mess everything has been since cookie season
  • Get laundry ready tonight for tomorrow
🙏 🙏. for Evelyn. and Rick.. and you

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
went to laundry mat to wash some laundry
went to dairy queen to get lunch for the hubs and i
took a good long nap
checked the mail
will chat with mamanyt1953 in a few hours
waiting for my driver to call me and let me when they picking me up for a dr appt


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
susanm9006 susanm9006 Hope your mammo went well.

Thanks, guys. We spent Monday afternoon with Rick's mom at the hospital. It's definitely heart failure. She is feeling better, though, and doesn't have that bad chest pain. They got a ton of fluid out of her in the past several days, but her legs are still bad. We walked in just as they were starting the echocardiogram, so we just sat quietly and waited. (Wuss that I am, I had to leave the room because the sounds of her heart and blood flow gave me the heebie jeebies. :running:) Once that was finished, we were able to talk with her. She was lying in bed for the echocardiogram, but other than that, she spends her time in a chair. She walks to the bathroom with her walker and a nurse to help. And she walks around the room as much as she can. She's a walker and used to walk everywhere. She wants her hearing aids and her Kindle. I've contacted some of their relatives (on FB and such) and told them, but did not mention it on FB per se. Rick is going to the nursing home to get her hearing aids this morning; I'll get the Kindle updated for her and he can take that as well.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am sitting back here with my coffee.
  • The first of three loads of laundry is in the washer. I'll change the sheets when Dear Richard gets out of bed. (We have spent years awakening around 4:00 or 4:30 in the morning because of cats needing breakfast at that time and because of getting ready for work. Since Amber passed away, we don't do breakfast now until around 7:00 or at whatever time Molli and Muffin start arguing. Sometimes that's not even until 7:30. And that's unheard of around here! Rick and I take turns getting up with the girls. And now? Well, on our "off" days, we might sleep in until 8:00, 8:30, or, in Rick's case, even 9:00.)
  • Get some things done today that I didn't do yesterday.
  • Call for a hair appt. My hair is getting fairly long again and I prefer it right to about my shoulders. Time for a trim.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Thanks Winchester Winchester , just a routine, but past due mammogram and it seemed to go great. Very quick, which isn’t usually the case if they see something.

My mother had heart failure amongst her myriad of other issues and it was managed and fairly stable with diuretics. You can tell whether she is doing okay or needs more meds by whether she gains weight so I am sure that will be part of her daily routine when she returns to assisted living.

Update: Spoke too soon on the mammogram. Being called back for more checking due to something they are seeing in one breast.
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
susanm9006 susanm9006 It is probably nothing.. nothing at all.. ((Hugs)). Sending good :vibes::vibes::vibes:

Winchester Winchester I do not know what to say. Both my parents had CHF. I know.. that is all I can say.. I will be sending prayers and all the best wishes I have to Rick, his sister, family, YOU and the kids... (((Hugs))). Hopefully they can adjust meds, to get her comfortable..... (((hugs)))). love..
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