Name Three Things - 2021

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In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Having trouble with Discovery+ again. It no longer works properly in the WeShed; I just get a gray screen. It won't work in the bedroom properly; it just wants to buffer. I've done everything I can do to the Samsung in the WeShed. They tell me that it's because my speed is too slow and we're using too many devices at one time. But the internet works fine for everything else. It's cable internet. I can call the cable company and upgrade to a faster speed. But that's just more money. I cancelled my subscription. I really didn't want to as I've been enjoying it. I have it until the end of the month.
  • Wash the sheets and put them back on the bed
  • Baking cookies this afternoon
  • Rick is bowling tonight. I think a very, very hot shower, followed by an early bedtime would feel wonderful.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Having trouble with Discovery+ again. It no longer works properly in the WeShed; I just get a gray screen. It won't work in the bedroom properly; it just wants to buffer. I've done everything I can do to the Samsung in the WeShed. They tell me that it's because my speed is too slow and we're using too many devices at one time. But the internet works fine for everything else. It's cable internet. I can call the cable company and upgrade to a faster speed. But that's just more money. I cancelled my subscription. I really didn't want to as I've been enjoying it. I have it until the end of the month.
  • Wash the sheets and put them back on the bed
  • Baking cookies this afternoon
  • Rick is bowling tonight. I think a very, very hot shower, followed by an early bedtime would feel wonderful.
Maybe the WeShed is just too far away from the router. If you haven’t tried a Wi-Fi extender you will want to do that. It just extends and strengthens the signal.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
did a couple loads of laundry at the laundry mat
mailed off a handful of letters and some christmas cards
relax while doing online stuff

(later ) write some military letters
try to put laundry away
do some more latch hooking on my latch hook rug


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Maybe the WeShed is just too far away from the router. If you haven’t tried a Wi-Fi extender you will want to do that. It just extends and strengthens the signal.
We already have an extender. We installed it when we installed the Wi-Fi, just to be on the safe side. Evidently, it's not working for D+


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Up with the girls this morning. I could go back to bed.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and Molli and I back here. I put Muffin in the bedroom with Dear Richard because she kept gnawing on the tree.
  • More cookies today. I'm a little tired of cookies, to be honest.
  • A bit of vacuuming and swiffering this afternoon.
  • Heading out to the WeShed tonight for a while.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Not much on the agenda today except work (which I might head home early) and picking up dinner.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
My turn to get up with the girls. They ate breakfast and Molli, Muffin, and Tabby went back to bed with Rick. Amber is sleeping under the couch.

This year, the cats received an electric throw for Christmas and they got it early. We'll keep it on the back of the sofa because they like to lay there anyway. Tabby discovered it first. She pawed and kneaded and, when it warmed up, I could hear her purring from the kitchen. I went into the living room and asked her if she'd consider moving over to make room for other cats. This is the look I received. It was one of those, "Oh, I don't THINK so!" looks. She loves warmth. Last night, she was literally stretched out all along the back of the sofa with her paws hanging over. When she's that stretched out, she's warm!

Today, my list consists of....not much:
  • Breakfast for the girls, running the dishwasher, and am sitting back here with my coffee. I need to scoop.
  • The first of two loads of laundry will be in the washer when the dishwasher has finished.
  • Work on a grocery list; we're hitting the grocery store tomorrow morning. I'm down to two dishwasher tabs and we all know that I do not wash dishes!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick kicked me out of the house yesterday. He finished up the laundry and gave the girls their supper, while watching football. And me? I went out to the WeShed, stretched out on the sofa and spent the day from 1:00 til around 7:00 with my nose in Bees, No phone, no iPad, no TV. Just me and Bees. Nice! I'm not making a lot of headway into Bees, even with reading glasses.
  • As soon as I finish my coffee, we're going for our monthly grocery run.
  • A bit of vacuuming and swiffering in the kitchen and living room. Nothing major.
  • Pick up sticks and branches from the weekend's wind. And we're grateful that that's all we have to do.
  • Make the batters for peanut butter/kiss cookies (for Rick) and coconut/kiss cookies (for me) and the batter for white chip and macadamia cookies. And that may finish the cookies. Although, at the rate things are going, I may need to make more choc chip cookies. Rick needs to leave the cookies alone, so they at least last until Christmas! I also need to figure out what day I want to make almond brittle. And maybe some peanut brittle. Gosh, but I do love brittle.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
write 3 pen pal letters and 2 military
computer stuff for a little while
continue on with my latch hook rug hobby later on


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Made a large pot of beef soup stock yesterday. Today I need to finish and pack up quarts for the freezer.

Some shopping today. Gallon jugs of distilled water for the two humidifiers and other assorted bits and bobs.

All the leaves are pretty much down. And raked up. Today I want to mow the lawn and some scattered leaves on the grass, catching the shredded bits in the bagger.

And must work on baking holiday cookies. Chocolate mint, cardamon almond, bankstaff . . . . I found an intriguing recipe for chocolate dipped fruitcake balls - chop fruitcake in Cuisinart, shape into little balls then chill or freeze before dipping in melted chocolate.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
UPDATE - got the shopping done. I did find a block of guava paste. Which I was looking for because I found a NYTimes recipe for an interesting cookie which uses a cream cheese butter flour dough (no problem here with finding cream cheese, 8 ounce blocks in ample supply) wrapped around a piece of guava paste and then baked. I use a cream cheese dough for making rugalach, this will be similar dough, different filling.

And a store announcement of a special had me scurrying to the spice aisle. McCormick's 2 ounce bottle of vanilla extract on sale for $7.99 AND a digital coupon for $4.00 off - which means the final cost was $3.99. I bought two bottles and am now wondering if I should have been greedy enough to buy another one. Or two. Or more . . . No, no need to be greedy, 4 ounces of vanilla extract above and beyond what I already have is sufficient. I do like the little bottles, means the extract won't oxidize / degrade as I work through it.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
listening to youtube music while on the computer
role playing on Gaia game site
might nap before my appt this morning


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
C catapault The cookies you are making made my mouth water!
Winchester Winchester Pam, Tabby is so beautiful!! SHe looks so adorable stretched out on the heated throw.
Your cookies sound amazing as well.🥥

Appt at Painful, hee, hee Clinic yesterday. The law may change in January where there will be no virtual visits if
you are on Schedule II narcotics. That means I will have to go up every 60 days instead of going up every 120
days as I receive 2 months worth of Rxs. They have put the Ketamine infusions on hold till the new construction
is done because they have determined that the Pain Clinic has to be an Ambulatory Surgical unit in order to administer
the infusions. I am on the list for that procedure. If successful, I would receive about 3 months of intractable pain relief
but would still need something for breakthrough pain. Not a cure but I'll take it. 👍

On Monday I did about 4 loads of laundry, took out 5 bags of rubbish and swept the kitchen floor! I know that it doesn't
sound like much but it was for me and I am proud of myself. I am paying for today but I need someone to pick up the new
litter container, 22 pounds, and pour some of it in another container.

Connie and Robbie have been enjoying the warm weather. Robbie only lets me pet him in the dark. Wonder why? He has no
right eye and a deformed; dirty left ear. He has allowed me to clean it several times and purrs while I am doing it.

Just did a load of colors and will wash a duvet cover and some throws,

Rest from the trip.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
  • Work outside a bit, nothing big. Rick is taking a truckload of brush to the borough's mountain area. People are allowed to dump off brush (no trash).
  • Water the plants in the WeShed.
  • The mail guy came back with a package for our grandson. At this time of the year, the mail guy delivers packages; our mail lady can then concentrate on just delivering the mail.
  • Work on a shopping list for tomorrow.
  • Took ground beef and sausage, two quarts of tomato sauce, and a quart of tomato paste out of the freezer to thaw; that's my base for my lasagna sauce for Saturday. Made pizza dough and it's rising for pizza tonight.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
  • Muffin and I went for a walk this morning. It's considerably chillier out today than it was yesterday.
  • As soon as I finish my coffee, we're going to do a bit of shopping, not necessarily for Christmas, but things that need to be done. Hit the butcher, the cheese maker, Target, go for raw peanuts and cashews for us to roast, etc. I want to go to the candy maker in town for chocolate-covered pretzels for Rick's mom for her Christmas box.
  • A quick visit with Rick's mom, pick up her Kindle, give her some cookies.
  • Rip through the house with the vacuum, dust mop, and polish.
  • I'm making three pans of lasagna tonight. One pan for tomorrow, two pans for the freezer. If I do the lasagna tonight, all I need do tomorrow is make my cake and yeast rolls for dinner tomorrow night.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Tired this morning. We got everything done yesterday, except for the candy shop; it was simply crazy in town. Got two pans of lasagna instead of three, but they're deep pans, so it works. And for one, it all came together; usually I have too much sauce or too much ricotta. This time, I had nothing leftover. One pan is in the freezer and I'll use that for my birthday dinner next month.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am sitting back here with my coffee.
  • The tangzong mixture is cooling for my rolls and the lemon cake for tonight is in the oven. Still have to put it together, make the rolls, and make my salad dressing. Clean the bathroom and the kitchen and then I'm done. Dinner is at 5:00....c'mon in!
  • Enjoy friends tonight. I'm really looking forward to being together.
Rick said that, after the holidays, we're going back into lockdown for a while. People are not wearing masks and then they wonder why our county has such high levels of Covid. We use our masks right along. We put the N95 on first, then our regular cloth masks over that. Big sign in the butcher window: No mask, no service, NO exceptions!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yes, we have a case of covid in my building. There has been none since September.. so....
Back to testing.. Will have a test clinic on Tuesday.. People are crazy.. walking around massless.. ridiculous!

Today, Saturday is my only day to sleep in... long story...

It is going to be a lazy day for me and Geoffrey.. Staying away from stores, traffic.. just staying in...
I did my laundry yesterday afternoon.. It was quiet in there~~ just the way I like it.

Going to do just regular morning stuff today..
Cuddle and Brush Geoffrey.. Play with him, a few times.. I ahve been kind of neglecting him.
Watch some Christmas movies, which I have on DVD.
Christmas music while I do my thing, in here.
Decide on what to have for supper.. It will be easy and quick.. perhaps tuna ? or a salad with tuna? or popcorn....

We are getting a rain/snow mix today. It will be messy for Sunday Mass, tomorrow.

Still not certain about plans for Christmas Eve... My cousin usually has entire large family and friends over for a kind of 'open house/buffet' . Last year, it was cancelled.. Have not heard about this year.. it may just be immediate family.. but who knows... He may even prefer not to have me due to the Covid ... but he works in a grocery store. Him and his family had Covid earlier this year.. He was very sick.
I do not want to invite myself over... yet, I am kind of wanting to just stay put, and decrease my chances of Covid or the Flu....

sigh, Decisions in the time of Covid....

Going to enjoy the day.. lazing around...


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Nothing today. And I mean it.
  • I need to scoop.
  • I need to put audiobooks on Rick's mom's Kindle.
  • And then I'm going out to the WeShed for the day.
Things can wait until tomorrow.
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