Name Three Things - 2020

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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
But dang, this is frustrating!
Audio books instead? In other words dispense with the Kindle entirely since I'm wondering if the slow internet connection is possibly contributing to her issues, where something is too slow, and she thinks it's not working so she tries something else...

My three things; cleaned fish tank, went to the tennis court, need to put in a complaint to see if the city will do something about the incredible sheet of ice that's in front of the mailboxes.
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  • #23


Mother of one and numerous ferals
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Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
But dang, this is frustrating!
C catapault How was your dinner party?

I bet it is. I have a Fire and it can be tricky when you have multiple books downloaded. Does she get all her books from Overdrive?
When I have a book reserved from our library, 99% of them are from Amazon Kindle, I click on the box that says Read with Kindle and it takes me to the Amazon site. Maybe that is what she is doing an once she gets into Amazon, there lies the problem?

  • Boxes
  • Very cold so 2 cups of English Breakfast tea and now I'm drinking Chamomile. It's Honey Chamomile from Celestial Seasonings and so tasty.
  • Still doing some laundry.....will probably read


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Jemima Lucca Jemima Lucca Feel better!

For Rick's mom, I download the books in epub format from the library, using the Overdrive app. When I'm finished, she has five books on her Shelf, ready for her to read. They're all downloaded and ready to go. She only reads library books, nothing bought from Amazon. I do think that the Special Offers thing is messing things up, too, although that doesn't explain how she got a trial subscription to the Washington Post. And her eyesight is simply horrible now. I have suggested audio books for her and I'd buy her some good headphones that would help with outside noise (it's never quiet in a nursing home, lots of yelling and screaming). She was adamant that she didn't want to listen to books. I think it may come to that, though.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, must scoop the boxes and raise the blinds in the shed.
  • We'll take the living room tree down this afternoon. I have the kitchen back to normal (except for the Winterberry dishes, which I'll keep out until the end of February). The living room decorations have been put away. It's just the tree.
  • And then a good vacuuming in the living room and kitchen
  • I need to work on a grocery list. At this point, we need everything (except for meat and such; the basement freezers are still fairly full)
  • Rick spent yesterday in the shed, watching football, while I was doing stuff in the house. Maybe I can go out tonight for a while.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Mia6 Mia6 -- i'm here! :biggrin: i've been doing my usual stuff......'fighting the good fight' daily to get things done.

Winchester Winchester -- i've watched the first two seasons of Jack Ryan. it's a really good series! :agree: in fact, i've enjoyed almost all the Amazon Original series.

today i'll wash the dishes, and scoop the litter boxes. i'll wash the basket from the (new, Xmas gift) deep fat fryer, to get that ready to use tomorrow evening -- will be deep fat frying some butternut squash fries, to have along with some meatloaf. :yummy: i'll keep the wood stove going, too.
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  • #28


Mother of one and numerous ferals
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Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
micknsnicks2mom micknsnicks2mom Good to have you back, I was worried and missed you.
Winchester Winchester Sounds like Rick loves the Shed as much as you!!!
I read about a new med for migraines.
From the FDA site
"Allergan’s Ubrelvy (ubrogepant) tablets received the FDA’s approval for the immediate treatment of migraine with or without aura, a visual disturbance or sensory phenomenon caused by the condition.
The novel drug, which is not indicated for preventive treatment, is the first drug in the class of oral calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor antagonists the FDA has approved for acute migraine treatment."

  • Boxes
  • Tea
  • Will make a list for Sherry, I need meds picked up and a few other things. Lots of throws need washed.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We had a bit of snow last night. Nothing major, a scant covering. Still it was nice to look our the window, see the white stuff and think "I don't have to drive anywhere this morning!" :yess:

Mia6 Mia6 , Rick's friend told me about Ubrelvy and I'm going to ask my doctor about it next time I go to see him. When I was reading about it, I noticed that it did not have a specific requirement for the number of migraines in a month. Many of the migraine meds say "Only for those who have 14 or more migraines a month" or something like that. Although I don't have that many in a month, when I do get one, it may put me down for several days at a time. I didn't see that for Ubrelvy. It's not a preventative, but it might help with the pain. And I think it's worth a shot. Thanks!
  • Breakfast for the girls, walked 3 miles, raised the blinds in the shed, and am sitting back here with my morning coffee (Rick's turn to empty the dishwasher and scoop the boxes)
  • I had loaned the first season of Outlander to the wife of one of Rick's friends; she's bringing it back this morning and she wants season 2. She's not a big reader, but she fell in love with the first season on TV. She wants to get caught up with the series and then she'll come visit with me in February to watch season 5 episodes with me.
  • Finished my grocery list yesterday, so we'll grab groceries this afternoon. We're OK, but the cats have enough food for today and that's it. They would not be amused.
I had planned on attacking one room every day this week, starting with the bedroom today and working my way through the house. A good vacuum, Bona the floor, clean and dust, wash the windows, all that good stuff. I wanted to start today, but I don't think that's going to happen. Hopefully tomorrow I can start in on the bedroom.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Mia6 Mia6 Yes, Rick is enjoying the shed. He went out yesterday afternoon to watch Jack Ryan. Came in for dinner and then went back outside again. He has a couple episodes yet, then he'll have to wait for season 3 to start airing. He'll probably go back out this afternoon.

Tired this morning. Rick had to go into work for union stuff, so we got up at 4:45 (that used to be our normal drag-ourselves-out-of-bed time). We're not used to that anymore; he had a nice vacation from union stuff over the holidays, so we could manage to stay in bed (even with howling kitties) until fairly close to 7:00. We got used to that. So did The Beast; I walked into the living room and she was still all curled up in her bed. I walked over to her, bent down, and brushed her head and ears; the eyes opened and she looked up. And then the tail started thumping on her bed. And another day began. I swear the entire time that girl is awake, her tail is going. She must be a happy dog.
  • Breakfast for the girls, walked 4 miles, and am sitting back here with my coffee. Since he's at the union office, I'll scoop the boxes when I'm done with my coffee.
  • Work on cleaning the computer room. Vacuum, dust, Bona the floor, wash the windows, and do some organizing (I did manage to get the bedroom done yesterday, other than washing all the bedding. I'll work on laundry tomorrow. Once I get the comforter washed, we'll fold it and put it away. And I'll get the snowflake bedding out for the rest of the winter.) The computer room is a bit of a mess from the holidays.
And that will probably be it.
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  • #31


Mother of one and numerous ferals
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Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Winchester Winchester Awwww.....sweet Beast..yes, she sounds like a very happy, contented little girl.💖 What does Bona mean? Is Jack Ryan the character created by Tom Clancy? He's FBI or CIA?

  • Boxes I think Cal needs a larger box. I don't think the ones she's been using are made for Maine Coons.
  • Tea
  • Laundry, have Sherry make breakfast and tuna salad, mop floors. She is so up and down. She was so crabby yesterday and I told her so. She complained because the pharmacist didn't have my meds ready when she got there at 9:03am. I've told her several times that with the new laws that took effect in November of 2017, Schedule II narcotics can only be filled every 30 days, not even a day or 2 early like other meds. I don't expect them to come in 15 minutes early to fill my Rxs. I can only imagine what they think of her whining. And here I am, whining, ha!!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
No installer today so to the gym this morning and now I heading out to buy door and window trim for the bathroom. When I get home I want to do some cleaning up from all the crud that has been tracked through the house by the installer. At this point mid next week is target completion date except for shower glass which will take a couple more weeks.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
1) Put away the last of the holiday decorations (what I mean to say is it is all boxed and down in the under stairs storage area but need to be organized until needed late next November)
2) put away the cleaned, folded laundry. If only I had a laundry fairy to take care of this!
3) everyone has had breakfast and lunch. Dinner . . . dinner still needs to be decided


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Mia6 Mia6 When I say "Bona the floor" I mean to use Bona to wipe down the floor. I take everything out of the room that I can do by myself, vacuum the floor well, then wipe the floor down with Bona.
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  • #36


Mother of one and numerous ferals
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Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Winchester Winchester Thank you, have never heard of it.
  • Boxes
  • Lots of tea
  • So cold.. Cal wanted to go out for a bit. I put a warm blanket on the deck in the mornings so she can sit on it while she scopes things out but she didn't last long today. It's so cold and very wind, so she's now sleeping, dreaming, snoring, and cooing right beside me on her blanket, sweet baby girl.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Mia6 Mia6 Your Callie sounds like she's a real sweetie. :redheartpump:

Well, I did the bedroom on Monday and the computer room on Tuesday. That means the bathroom will be cleaned today. I've been ripping things apart as I go, putting items that I don't want anymore in totes for a summer yard sale, putting other items in a junk pile to go to the landfill. I was going to take the drapes down in the computer room and take them into the cleaner, but it's too cold outside yet to be removing drapes. The computer room looks good (except for Rick's desk, which always looks like a hurricane hit it and I refuse to even think about cleaning it). Same with his bureau in the bedroom, same hurricane and I'm not going there.

We had a little over three inches of snow yesterday afternoon into last night. The road looked slick and I was glad that I didn't have to drive home from work in that stuff. Boy, I hate driving in snow. Rick was in the shed, watching the last of the Jack Ryan episodes and I was sitting in the living room with Mollipop on my lap, watching the snow fall. Mia6 Mia6 Jack Ryan is an Amazon Prime series, but I don't know if he's FBI, CIA, or what. I tried watching the first episode and fell asleep about ten minutes in. There are 21 Ryan books, written by Tom Clancy and I think I've read a couple of them. The Hunt for Red October was the movie that first introduced Jack Ryan, I think, and I enjoyed that movie. I should try to watch an episode again. Now Rick is watching the first season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I had seen the first season, so when he's ready to watch the second season, I'll watch with him.
  • Breakfast for the girls, walked 2.5 miles, and just threw the second load of laundry in the washer. Sitting back here with my morning coffee.
  • Attack the bathroom today. And I just realized that I forgot to wash the windows in the computer room yesterday, so that's on my list.
  • Finish the laundry.
  • Tonight is trash night
And that will be my Wednesday.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
possibly tennis this morning

may go along to another sporting hobby today - there likley won't be many, or any, other people out there and it's always good to have at least one other person there in case something goes wrong.

ummmm, not sure yet about the third thing ...:)
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Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Yesterday turned out to be much more than three things since the installer told me in the afternoon that he intended to put in the trim I had bought in the morning today and could I please have it all painted for him. So off to the paint store and afternoon spent painting nine eight foot pieces of trim. I started on second coats this morning and have otherwise spent the morning drinking coffee and admiring the bathroom progress. He might or might not get all the trim in today but after that it’s just plumbing and electrical final work and then a few weeks waiting for the glass shower doors to be put on.
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