Name Three Things - 2018

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Did you post the recipe for the It Won't Last Cake in the Foodie thread? If not will you send me a message with the recipe? Why is it called that?
here's a link to the recipe at allrecipes dot com (can also be looked up at the website by searching for 'It Won't Last Cake') -- It Won't Last Cake Recipe

i'm not sure why it's called It Won't Last Cake, but it's a very tasty and moist cake! i'll also add that it's very likely that you'll have more batter than will fit in a standard bundt cake pan. i think i only filled the bundt cake pan to about an inch or an inch and a half, below the top of the pan. i used a mini loaf pan for the extra batter, and baked that in the oven with the bundt cake pan (though the mini loaf pan was done well before the bundt cake pan). i substituted applesauce for the oil in the recipe. i did add chopped maraschino cherries to mine, an optional may remember that gallon of maraschino cherries that i was working through. :D

today i'll wash the dishes, scoop the litter boxes. after that, i'll continue with a jigsaw puzzle, play computer games, and watch some tv. it's forecast to be cool today, low 60's, so i'll likely have a nice cup of hot tea this afternoon. :cloud9:
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  • #562


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Well, let me see. Rick trimmed the yard and then got the front yard mowed yesterday while I was working in the house. He still has the back yard to do today.
  • Breakfast for the kids, emptied the dishwasher, drinking my morning coffee now
  • Four loads of laundry to get through this morning
  • Time to trim the girls' claws and clean ears
  • Just general clean-up/straighten-up stuff today. I have to work on a grocery list
  • Visit with Rick's mother tonight
  • Do a manicure; time to trim my own nails as they're getting way too long again


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
today i'll move something for dessert to the fridge to thaw, wash the dishes, scoop the litter boxes. i'll work on some planning, too.

after that, a nice cup of hot tea and will watch something on tv.
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  • #564


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
:censored: I've been working on Rick's union local's computer now for quite a few years. Well, the new business rep came in and wanted to use the computer. Not a problem. Rick told him where it was. About 45 minutes he came out to Rick and said, "You're still using Kaspersky? No. I deleted it and installed AVG. I also tried to update and it won't update. You might want to get your wife on that." Rick was :censored:.

And when I started working on it this morning, I hit the roof. Lots of mutterings and :cloudy:. I don't know what that idiot did, but it's not pretty. Took me an hour to get the thing updated. An hour with a lot of cussing. Got AVG deleted and am trying to re-install Kaspersky.

Honestly, if I was within arm's reach of that idiot, he'd have a bloody nose. I swear. Idiot.
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  • #565


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Still working on the local's computer. :rolleyes2: Did you ever get to the point where you wanted to slap somebody silly? The local still had over a year of Kaspersky to use, so, to me, it's such a waste of money. And I think AVG is one of the most invasive programs on the market; it takes forever to get all the little slivers out of a computer.
  • Breakfast for the kids, did a walk, straightened-up, and got ready for work
  • Clarence and I stopped for gas on the way into work
  • Must call to order the cake for Rick's mother's birthday on Saturday. She will be 97 years old. When I suggested a cake for her birthday, Rick said, "But it's only her 97th; it's not an really important birthday." To which I replied, "Dear, the woman will be 97 years old. At that age? They're all important!" And then he agreed and told me to order the cake.
  • I have a Commission meeting tonight
  • Must grab a few groceries
  • Scoop the boxes


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
In dentist waiting room. Waiting for surgery. That will occupy my week.
:fear: and sending you :hugs: 's......

today i'll wash the dishes, scoop the litter boxes, get the wood stove going to take the chill off the house, and will likely strip the bed and put some flannel sheets and a comforter on. i'll see if i have enough to put together a load of bedding and towels, and if i do i'll run the washing machine. i'll move a dinner roll and 2-3 servings of ham and scalloped potatoes to the fridge to thaw, too.
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  • #569


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
artiemom artiemom I hope your mouth is feeling better.

Got the union computer back to normal and he took it back in this morning. Kaspersky is reloaded, working fine, and I got all the AVG splinters out (I hope!). The Recording Secretary wants to use it, but she couldn't get it updated; she couldn't do much at all since the business rep got his grubby hands on the thing. It should be OK.
  • Breakfast for the kids, did a walk, and got ready for work
  • Scoop the boxes
  • I called the garage to take the Tucson in for an oil change, tire rotation, and inspection. It goes down tomorrow night for Thursday. While I was at it, I called the garage for Clarence to go in next week for an oil change and tire rotation. Somewhere along the line, one of those cars is going to need tires; I just don't know which one (but am leaning more toward the Tucson).
And then I'm off to bed. Yesterday was hectic with work, two meetings after work, running for groceries, working on the computer, etc. It was a long day.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks for thinking of me. This surgery has not been bad. Actually, for dental surgery, it has been pretty good, with pain.

Iced it all day yesterday... taking advil & tylenol, his regimen, and a strong painkiller at night.

It does not feel bad.....

On cold liquids diet for 2 days.. Tomorrow I can start with soft food: scrambled eggs, pasta, baked potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes... for a while..

Stitches come out in 2 weeks....
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  • #571


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Glad you're doing OK artiemom artiemom !
  • Breakfast for the kids, did a walk, sorted laundry, and got ready for work
  • Must take the Tucson into the garage tonight
  • Laundry night
  • Trash night
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  • #572


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
The garage already called me this morning. Evidently, the tires are OK, but the brakes (and rotors) are bad. That doesn't surprise me. They'll replace them, then I can go down tonight and pick the car up. I may wait til Friday night, since Rick is bowling early tonight.
  • Breakfast for the kids, did a walk, and got ready for work
  • Scoop the boxes
  • Do a quick vacuum
Not much on my agenda for today
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  • #573


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I told Dear Richard the car needed brakes and he gave me that look. You know, the look that says, "And why does that surprise you?" He says that, when I'm 90, I'll still be speeding down the road, with all the windows open and the rock music blaring. And trying to stop on a dime. And I'll be still be muttering about all the old folks out there on the road who don't drive fast enough.
  • Breakfast for the kids, did a walk, and got ready for work
  • We'll pick the Tucson up tonight after work
  • Must scoop the boxes
I'm doing an early night tonight. Going to bed with my Kindle for a while.
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  • #574


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Got up this morning at 5:30, fed the kids and went back to bed for a while. Surprisingly, I even fell back asleep; I don't normally get back to sleep after being up. But I haven't been feeling well; lots of indigestion, gas and heartburn that started Thursday. On Wednesday, I started taking salmon oil pills instead of regular fish oil and I'm thinking the change is doing a number on my digestive system. Other than that, I'm Ok and today I'm feeling better. Guess I'm getting used to the different pills. They're a lot stronger than regular fish oil.
  • Breakfast for the kids, emptied the dishwasher, and went back to bed
  • Ran errands in town: banking, hit the bakery for the cake for Rick's mom, hit the grocery store for nice napkins, paper plates, and some plastic silverware
  • We're spending the afternoon with Rick's mother. It's her 97th birthday today. I ordered a birthday cake for her. Rick's sister will be coming in, too. I got a nice room to spend the afternoon in, so we don't have to try to cut cake and such in her room.
  • I need to feed my sourdough starter. I'm going to use the starter discards for sourdough cinnamon-raisin English muffins. I'll make the dough tonight, then throw it in the fridge for an overnight rising. And make the muffins tomorrow morning.
And that's pretty much it for the day.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
Today I went to work. I normally don't work Sundays but we were short staffed and I was promised to get next Saturday off so I'd get 3 days off in a row. I came home and made a shrimp, spinach and bacon quiche that I have been putting off making. While the quiche was cooking I did dishes and wiped down all the surfaces in the kitchen.


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
1. Fought with a giant corn stalk. Learned not to fight with anything that's 9 feet tall, and is therefore, 4 feet taller than I am.

2. Bought ingredients to make a pumpkin pie for tonight's dessert, and fed my feral colony in the shopping center's parking lot. Gave up on my plans to walk around, taking in the Autumn season and for baking the pie due to a painful foot injury which made me go home right after feeding the ferals. Fell asleep on the sofa for about an hour, as I went to bed last "night" at 2:00 AM. Propped the left foot up on a pillow, which helped a bit. Watched several true crime Youtube videos, and missed most of them because I fell asleep!

3. Made dinner: 10-hour slow-cooked shredded beef (made yesterday), mashed potatoes, and roasted Brussels sprouts. Managed to bake a loaf of chocolate chip bread (from a muffin mix), which was easier than pumpkin pie (less standing on my sore foot). Folded and put laundry away.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
margecat margecat -- i hope your foot is starting to feel better! :alright:

today i sliced the 4 Dutch Apple Bundt Cakes, wrapped, labeled, and froze them. i folded and put away the load of laundry, and have scooped the litter boxes. i'll wash the few dishes i have, after dinner. i also spent a little time with my budget.

i finished putting up the apples -- 2 1/2 bushels of them! i made 5 (unbaked) pies, 9 quarts of apple pie filling (will use those for making crisps and cobblers), 4 Dutch Apple Bundt Cakes, and 19 quarts of apple sauce -- all in the freezer now. :D

i haven't posted my auction purchases for the last few weeks, so here's everything i bought: four bags (of 5 large) sweet red bell peppers for $1.75 each, one bag (weighed 6 lbs) cortland apples at $2.25, two dozen large eggs for $1.25 per, a gallon of 2% milk for $1.75, five half-bushels of apples (ginger gold and macintosh) at $4 each, a 'flat' (8 quarts) of yellow plums for 50 cents (for the whole flat of them), one #10 can of lemon filling at $1, and two 4lb jars of strawberry jam for $1.50 per.

the bell peppers have been frozen, all the apples have been put up in various forms (and 7 extra apples set aside for eating raw), the milk has been frozen in pint jars, the yellow plums were made into 'golden plum freezer jam' (lots of it) and are in the freezer, the lemon filling and strawberry jam will be used moving forward -- lemon filling to be used in making a lemon pie(s) and to flavor yogurt, while the strawberry jam is destined for use in my thumbprint cookies and in making bars. :yummy:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
today i'll wash the dishes, scoop the litter boxes, and move a container of Heluva Good Jalapeno Cheddar Dip to the fridge to thaw. i'll spend some time on some planning. i've got a phone call to make, too.

and our Punky was given a dose of her medication this morning.

i'll find a recipe for bars using strawberry jam, and for lemon pie.

after that, i'll watch something on tv.
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  • #580


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
micknsnicks2mom micknsnicks2mom Wow, you were busy with apples! Tomorrow is our apple day. We're going down to the Gettysburg area for our apples. And then I'll be doing my apple thing! Do your pies turn out OK when you freeze them unbaked? My MIL told me to always par-bake my pies, meaning bake them about half-way through, let them cool, then wrap and freeze. I'm planning on doing both smooth and chunky sauce, pies, dumplings, and fritters. If I have enough apples (last year I ran out), I'd like to do more apple butter and experiment with an apple BBQ sauce that I've been thinking about. I'll buy about 30 pounds of Grannies, just so The Beast and I can share them....I always look forward to the Grannies from the orchard; once you've had an orchard Granny, it's really hard to go back to the ones from the grocery store. Those 30 pounds will only last The Beast and I about a month and, as much as I'd like to blame it on The Beast, it's pretty much my fault. I dearly love my Grannies.

I love reading about your finds at the produce market. You always come up with such good buys.

I've been sick pretty much all week, but came back into work yesterday (Thursday) and things seem to be pretty much getting back to (whatever passes for) normal around here. I pretty much spent this past weekend and up until Wednesday in bed. "But I'm feeling much better now!" (John Astin from Night Court)
  • Breakfast for the kids
  • Rick brought me into work this morning. Clarence is in the garage for an oil change and tire rotation (faithfully every 3,000 miles). He'll come in for me after work and we'll pick up Clarence and go home.
  • Must scoop boxes when we get home
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