Mysterious illness killing cats across Poland


Beeqie - Sly Kitty - 2017
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 26, 2016
Cross posted with specific permission from: RT News - Mysterious illness killing cats

Mysterious illness killing cats across Poland
The country’s veterinary authorities investigating the issue are urging owners to keep pets inside
Mysterious illness killing cats across Poland – media

© Getty Images / Christopher Furlong

A large number of cats have inexplicably become ill over the past few weeks across Poland, with some dying from a mysterious disease, Polish media have reported. Initial tests have found that some of the deceased animals were contaminated with avian flu, according to news outlet Notes From Poland.

The country’s veterinary authorities are now warning owners to keep their pets indoors and thoroughly wash any balconies and terraces that cats have access to, and to prevent them from contacting other cats or wild animals.
The affected felines reportedly suffered neurological and respiratory symptoms, including high fever, loss of appetite, apathy, seizures, and shortness of breath. Experts suspect that the symptoms point to some kind of contagious illness that is spreading through the country.

Paulina Grzelakowska, director of the Tri-City Veterinary Clinic in Gdansk in northern Poland, said that the disease has a sudden onset and progresses rapidly. “The animals die in a short time,” she told TVN24, noting that cats of all ages have been affected, regardless of whether they were kept indoors or outdoors or had been vaccinated against infectious diseases.
She noted that none of the various treatment schemes applied to the cats have had an effect.
Meanwhile, the chief veterinary office for Poland’s Pomerania province has reported that, out of the 28 cats brought into clinics in the Gdansk area in the last two weeks with such symptoms, 25 have died. Similar reports have also come out of other cities.
British pet cats faced Covid-linked extermination

The national chief veterinary inspectorate has revealed that out of 11 cats that have so far been tested nationwide, nine have turned out to be positive for H5N1 influenza – a type of avian flu, but noted that “further detailed testing of the genetic material of the viruses is ongoing.”

The exact number of cats that have contracted or died from the illness remains unknown as not all cases are believed to have been reported. On June 19, however, the SpecVet clinic in western Poland stated that there were more than 70 reports of the disease nationwide.

A similar surge in feline deaths occurred in the UK in 2021, when over 350 cats died from a mysterious illness that investigators later found was linked to recalled cat food. The outbreak in feline pancytopenia – a very low red and white blood cell count – was likely caused by mycotoxin found in pet foods that contained potato flakes, researchers claimed.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I wonder if this virus, or whatever it is, could travel with goods too.
Lots, thousands, of Polish trucks carrying any kind of stuff cross Europe everyday.
I, personally, see at least three trucks a day with a Polish plate, and I don't drive long distances... This can be scary! 😱

Edit: the link in the post won't open. Any idea?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Cornell Feline Health just sent the story a few minutes ago in their newsletter. Their report does not include any information which is not in the first post.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Below I'll provide the search page with several sources on it. Avian flu has crossed to mammals in countries other than Poland, including the US (see post above.) The short form of what you can do to protect your cat and yourself according to Polish Vets- keep your cat inside, do not allow contact with strange animals, or birds, do not wear your shoes into the house or allow anyone else to, do not feed your cats raw food, or eat it yourself - cook poultry and meat thoroughly, this is because there is the possibility of cross contamination in the slaughter houses, wipe your dog's paws off when they come inside.

Here is the page, you may find more.

National Veterinary Institute in Poland, of which 9 gave a positive result for H5N1 influenza. - Search (


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Update -
29 cats had tested positive for H5N1 bird flu.

They were among 46 cats and one captive caracal tested for the virus, it said, adding that 14 of the infected animals were reported to have been euthanised, while another 11 had died.

The last death was reported on June 30.

"The source of the exposure of cats to the virus is currently unknown and epizootic investigations are ongoing," WHO said in a statement.

As of July 12, no human contacts of infected cats had reported symptoms, the WHO said, adding that the surveillance period for all contacts had been completed.
It stressed that the risk of human infections following exposure to infected cats had been assessed as low for the general population in Poland.
The risk for cat owners, veterinarians and others who might be exposed more regularly to H5N1-infected cats without using personal protective equipment was meanwhile seen as low to moderate, it said.

Mysterious Spread of Bird Flu in Cats in Poland, WHO Reports : ScienceAlert