My sweet Midnight crossed the rainbow bridge


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 14, 2016
Last Tuesday in the late afternoon I went to check on my sweet 18 year old girl, and found her laying in the hallway, not anywhere near her usual therapeutic bed. She was blind, had a significant hear murmur, high blood pressure and arthritis, and her kidneys were slowing down. I just knew something wasn't right.
When I checked her over, I found her back leg was broken.
My heart is broken. What caused her leg to break, I will never know. I do know she most definitely was not jumped on by my other cat or my dog, nor had she tried to jump, she hadn't in a couple years. The Vet. thinks she had more going on, perhaps a tumour or bone cancer.
The last couple years I have spent quite a bit of time taken the best care I could of her. We had a special bond, she trusted me, and because she was blind I found ways to communicate with her through singing, finger snapping and different sounds to direct her.
On Tuesday night she was forever released from all the pain and discomfort. I like to believe she has regained her sight, and her health, no broken leg, heart and kidneys healed, normal blood pressure. That she has met up with my other pets that have crossed the bridge and they are all playing together. I just had to let my sweet boy cat go 10 weeks before Midnight. Missing my girl, the most gentle spirited kitty I have ever had in my home. Always in my heart forever.

I know I have only been part of the site a very short time, and only had a couple post, as well as only a couple responds, I'm sure due to the question on meds I had.
Thank you for allowing me to share this with you.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Time means nothing when you are grieving, you are a member of our family, the family of those who love cats. You gave that girl 18 years of love and devotion, that is all she ever wanted, and I'm sure she gave you so much joy and love in return. She had the best life a cat could ever want because you were in it. I can see the love shining forth from your post, she will never be forgotten and the precious memories you carry can give you comfort when the tears fall. After 18 years the house is impossibly empty without her presence, but remember that she will be with you through the bond that forged so strong after all those years. She would never want you to be so sad when remembering her, just as you would want for her to go on living and be happy, she also wants for you, because you were everything to her. Be gentle on yourself, everything you did you did out of love, you will be blessed for taking her into your home and your heart. 

  As for her broken leg, in my career as a nurse, I have seen MANY broken bones in the elderly, they become frail and brittle with age, and 'spontaneous' breaks are not uncommon at all, especially if a undetected tumour or cancer is involved. MANY broken bones in the elderly happen first, then the fall occurs, not the other way around. So don't beat yourself up over your precious girl's break, nothing was most likely involved in it's appearance, and there was nothing you could have done to prevent it. 

  Please accept my condolences on your loss, I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Let your remaining babies comfort you, give them a kiss for me, take care.......RIP sweet Midnight, you had a wonderful long life, and now a new journey to begin, your star will shine bright in the heavens! You will be forever held in loving hearts while you run healthy and whole again across the Rainbow Bridge!


What greater gift than the love of a cat.
Top Cat
Jul 13, 2015
I'm so sorry about the loss of your sweet Midnight. They are never with us long enough :(

The love you have for you sweet girl is so obvious and she had a great guardian in you! :hugs:

Run Free Midnight [emoji]128149[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 19, 2006
I'm very sorry for your loss. I think she is running free and happy now. RIP Midnight.

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I am so sorry, You took such good care of her and without a doubt  she lived a longer, happier life because of you