My Sweet Little Sadie Blue


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 1, 2018
Today makes one month since you crossed the Rainbow Bridge, and I still cry when I think about the sudden decision I made at the vet office, when they told me you had something incurable, that treatment might or not work... and although you still looked OK, I decided to let you go... I will always wonder if it was the right one or not.

Sadie Blue, a shy orange tabby came to me when she was 5 yrs old. I remember the day I went to the shelter to get another kitty to keep Kia company, and saw all these people looking at the cute kittens, then I noticed this scared small pretty one, hiding in the further corner of her cage, I read the card and I realized she was "an old cat", I moved away to look at one kitten that had caught my attention, but I turned my head and saw Sadie so sad and scared, I decided to take her instead.

I asked a bit about her history and I was told, she had been there a long time (I can not imagine being in that small "cell" so long), that she was brought there because her poop stunk too much, (their words...), she was afraid, shy, didn't want to be held or petted... but had the softest fur I have ever touched, almost like silk.

After a couple days at home, I took her to the vet for a check up, concerned because she was vomiting a lot, almost after every meal. The vet told me nothing was wrong with her, that she was one of these cats that eat too fast and the food comes right back up, gave me a couple ideas of how to try to minimize it.

I will make the next 10 yrs a short summary, countless messes, a husband ready to "kill her" (his words), because the carpets have been all ruined, even with me cleaning immediately, etc.. dealing with a respiratory infection for a whole month that nothing seemed to cure, and the vet and me almost giving up, with a cat that went from 12 to 4 pounds and I thought she would be gone, but she fought and I didn't give up either and she got over. Another year and some digestive problems, trying different foods that at one point caused diarrhea on both cats, for several days... Oh the joy! Now my husband that doesn't like pets, wanted both cats out, more fights.... but all passed and for the last year Sadie was healthy (I thought), gaining weight, playful, loving, fighting with Kia for a spot on my lap, giving me kisses, laying belly up for a rub...

Then all of the sudden I saw her behavior changing, I called the vet the next day and I was told to bring some urine for a test, it came back as an UTI, no big deal just some medicine and she will be fine (I though), but first they wanted to make sure it was nothing more serious, so I took her in for more tests and it was bad news... she had renal failure.
They told me about all the possible help I could give her to go on, but there was not cure.
Unfortunately I knew about all that, as I lost another kitty Abba when she was 8, to the same illness, with her I did everything, the fluids, meds, trips to the vet... and what I accomplished was to make her miserable, just to live 3 more months, hiding from me, not letting me touch her, because she knew what was coming, to force her to take meds, to eat... I said never again, I would not torture other cat to make them live a few more months in fear...

So I said to the vet, I was going to let her go in peace, no waiting to see her suffering, and the vet told me surprisingly that it was a good decision, may be to make me feel better I don't know.

I said goodbye to her, when she looked as usual, that's why it was so hard, I want to convince myself I did the right thing "for her", but I will never be sure.

It took years but Sadie Blue was happy and loved at the end of her days, no matter the messes, the fights with my husband and the money spent. I hope she knew that I never regretted to get the "old cat".

I will miss you my shy little girl.



Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
the vet told me surprisingly that it was a good decision
Often it is suggested to owners to ask the vet what they would do if the cat that is ill was theirs, in order to try and get a better grasp of what to do.
You and your baby Sadie Blue fought the good fight in spite of it all, and she had that year with you of love, joy, belly rubs, kisses.
You gave her an enormous, unselfish gift.
She knew.
I know it's late and hopefully you'll let me slide this time as a "better late than never", sweet Sadie Blue, RIP. You were a one in a million orange kitty. :rbheart:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Love and Duty are sides of the same coin, one may dare to say.

What called you to bring home Sadie Blue, what prevented your husband to "kill her", the same force called you to let Sadie Blue go. We are not Masters of our life, although we may think so. Some of us just the happy ones selected to see Love and therefore called to perform the Duty as humans.

My tears to old Sadie Blue and honor to her human!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Yes, you gave her the greatest gift of all, your unselfish love. You let her go with her dignity intact, knowing full well she wanted nothing more than to be at peace, that she received a home and your love, she was content and tired of fighting, depending on you to find the strength to not let suffering rule her life.
It hurts, it hurts so very much to not share our lives with them anymore. The silence, the emptiness dominates our thoughts at this time, and all those should haves -could haves that come with grief make us question ourselves and our motives. What you did, you did out of love. You did what you did because you loved her and you could not stand to think of what the future would bring. When living becomes existing, when the joy of being alive turns into endless tests, endless fear, endless pain.... because you could not put that precious girl through that, because you loved her.
Because love is spiritual, it is eternal. It can never be taken from you, you will share a bond with her tiny spirit forever. "Death cannot take that which never dies" and you know the love you have for that shy, scared little girl will be in your heart and she will be forever near as your thoughts and prayers.
You were her advocate, her champion, her hero. So send her thoughts of joy to let her know you will be OK, that although she is no longer in your home, she will always be remembered and loved. She would never want you to be so sad. Just as you would want for her if you were the first to go, go into the future and pass on that wonderful legacy she left you, so that it can feel the warmth of being alive, so it can grow and spread and bloom, not be hidden in the cold and darkness of grief.
Time is the only thing that helps, that allows us to heal, that helps us to put our lives back in order. To help us celebrate sharing our life's journey with these precious little angels instead of mourning what can never be changed. We are left behind to keep their memory alive, to keep the love alive. To take one day at a time to work through the anguish. To make their lives, and the love they gave us, to be elevated above the pain their death brought us. Because those lives are infinitely more important and precious. As they want for us, because of love.....
Take care of yourself. It is too easy to let grief rule your life. But with the help of people who understand, and holding on to Sadie Blue's love, you WILL get through this. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, and ask God to bring you comfort. To hurt so bad from loving so much is a burden best shared.
RIP sweet Sadie Blue. You will be forever held secure in a loving heart, you will be dearly missed. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until the day you meet again. Good night, sleep tight, little Princess!


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
All I feel when I read this post from you is love and my heart smiles, you did a WONDERFUL thing for her many years ago, made her life the best that it could be despite your husband's "threats", and she lived as well as she could all those years and is fine now, just fine. You were an Angel that day that you chose her to take home out of that shelter, and now she is an Angel waiting to see you once again one day down the line so she can say "thank you" for what you did for her.

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I am sorry for your loss but you did a wonderful thing, I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, God Bless.....:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Sadie Blue, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

Oh, Darling...I know about that second-guessing. I do. But this is what I've come to understand...we are far, far kinder to our cats (and other creatures) than we are to ourselves. We do not have to allow that slow decline, that descent into dire illness and infirmaty when no healing can happen. And I am convinced to the depths of my soul that our precious cats bless us daily from the Rainbow Bridge for that last act of ultimate, unselfish compassion.

Love does not die, you know. It only changes form and continues on, still Love. Love abides, and Sadie Blue will walk with you always.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 1, 2018
I thank you, every one that took time to write your caring words. I appreciate very much your understanding, compassion and encouragement. I am glad I found this site, as nobody in my family really care about pets, nobody understand the love that we can share with our furry companions. I know you all do.