my senior cat sometimes sleeps in front of her water bowl

peanuts mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 22, 2013
My baby girl, Peanut, who is now 15 years old, has been sleeping in front of her water bowl at times, as of late.  She does not hover over it, but when I wake her up, she purrs and will sometimes take a few laps.  I think she has allergies and wonder if this could all be related. I know I should take her to the vet, but God, I'm so afraid of what they might say. I lost 3 of my feral kitties in July, and it's been a horrible year for health between my folks and myself. I can't handle any bad news, as irresponsible as that sounds. But, she does eat pretty normal. She plays with her string. She had issues this time last year and the vet gave me some med that is pasty and I put in her mouth. One night, this week, she did a lot of vomiting up little spots of white foam. She is a constant groomer, and some had fur in it. But she did lay pretty low for most of the day after that, but ate that night and was fine. She's still acting fine, but this water dish thing is new. I am gone a lot, so maybe it's not real new. But I'm noticing it and I'm nervous about it.

Anyone have any suggestions? 


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
When was the last time you cat has had a check up with a Vet?

Sounds as if she needs one now..

It could be anything with a senior cat. The Vet really does have to be involved. This is not something we can diagnose on the internet. 

I know it is a very hard thing to do, but your kitty really needs medical care.

Try to think of the positive.. It could be something very simple which can be an easy fix.. Please think of your kitty before you think of all the bad things which have happened to you..You kitty needs you to be clearly thinking about her ... and not the emotional part of you thinking of you...

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I have been there and kind of know how afraid you are of any more bad news.. but sometimes we have to put the well being of others, ahead of our own fears....



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 29, 2013
My cats drink toilet water and there is no problem. They ignore bowl water.
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