My Meowing Baby


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 19, 2018
Hello, everyone!

So here's the thing. I have two, two year old kitties, Miles and Freddie, and they are my sweet babies. They are super lovely kitties even though a little hyper, but it's okay, they are young and playful. I've been having a big problem for the past few months though...

Miles meows so much at night. He doesn't meow randomly, he meows at my brother's door. He does this sometimes during the day so that my brother will open, but in the middle of the night it's not that great. I adore my baby but he's making me lose so much sleep. My bedroom is next to my brother's, and I don't shut my door because I want my two kitties to be able to come in and out as they please, especially when they decide to sleep in bed with me, so closing my door is not an option. There are certain doors, the ones we always keep open, that he doesn't like when they are closed. The doors that are always closed he doesn't mind, but my brother's bedroom door is always closed too, yet he does mind that one. He also bites on them when he doesn't like that they are closed, especially my brother's even though, again, that one is never open anyway.

I play with the two of them every day, and I read a suggestion saying I should play with them before bedtime so perhaps they will be tired and Miles won't go and meow his lungs out when we're trying to sleep. It hasn't worked at all. I've also covered the bottom of my brother's door in Feliway, especially the parts he bites, and he still doesn't care. I really don't know what to do at this point. I know every night will be a sleepless one now and it's very unnerving. I don't want to be mean and sprinkle some water on him but I've had to do it a couple of times in order for him to stop with the meowing, and to be honest it hasn't worked that much. I really don't want to keep doing it but I have no idea what else I can do. Any suggestions?

Thank you!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 19, 2018
I couldn't figure out how to edit my post so I thought I would add that Miles adores my brother and always wants to be petted by him, so I know that is related to why he wants his uncle to open the door for him, but not in the middle of the night! :lol:

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Your cat can sense/smell that your brother is inside and is probably confused why he can't come in. Can't your brother open his door also, even a bit, at night? I do that also with my cats. They all sleep in the bedroom with me at night but one of them goes crazy in the middle of the night when she wants to leave the bedroom and cannot, so I'd have to leave it ajar.

Are your cats neutered?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 19, 2018
Awww, that's what I was thinking. He's very stubborn (my brother) about wanting his door closed, he's very obsessive about it so I'm not sure he would be willing. :cringe: Yes, they are both neutered.


High Priest of Freya, The Slightly Bitey.
Super Cat
Sep 22, 2016
St. Louis Metro Area
Install a cat flap on his door? That's what I did, and it worked great. That way the door stays closed ( for privacy and to keep sounds out, both of which help a person sleep more peacefully), but the cat can go in and out and won't scream.

She's a witch

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2018
Europe/WA, USA
unfortunately it can be easier to convince your brother than your cat, cats just hate closed door. Especially that your brother open them during a day, cat won't understand why doesn't he do it at night. Can you bribe him maybe? eg offer to take over some house chores he has in exchange for keeping door open? :)
If that won't work, try sleeping with ear plugs. Btw doesn't the scratching&meowing bother your brother?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 19, 2018
Thank you so much for the answers, guys! :) My brother doesn't have the door open, ever. Sometimes during the day Miles meows and my brother opens to set him on his lap, but that aside, he has his door shut all day too. I know Miles still probably wonders why his uncle is not opening the door at night if he's calling him, and that breaks my heart. I wish I could explain it to him. Also, my brother collects things, one of the reasons why Miles and Freddie don't go into his room unless they lie on his lap. Them hopping on his shelves and knocking things down would not be good at all. :oops: So yeah. Last night Miles actually went to bed with me when I went to sleep, I was so grateful for it! Also, he only started to do this (the meowing at the door) the last couple of weeks so I'm hoping it's a phase. But if not, I don't know what else I can do other than earplugs, like you said, Witch!

Oh, and apparently the meowing doesn't bother my brother since he has his door shut, I guess he doesn't hear it as loudly as I do. But the scratching/biting definitely does! :p Because of that he was the one who said we should sprinkle Miles with water but I don't like doing that at all. He's my baby, I did it a couple of times and I feel so much remorse, so... no more! I was hoping there was something else I could do but for now I guess I'll just give it time and see if he gets over this obsession with my brother's door.
