My Male Cat Humping My Female And Hurting Her Back, Need Him To Stop


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 13, 2013
Hi. I have 2 cats. One male and female. Both are just fantastic except one issue. My male is humping my female and in the process has pinched a nerve in her back when biting her and ever sense then when he humps her he puts her in pain for several days. He was 5 yrs old when she arrived at 6 wks. When she turned 4 mns he started humping her. She is the more dominate cat with way to much energy. He is laid back and a gentle giant, as we call him. She has a tendency to get more attention because she asks for it constantly. He on the other had, is just laying around soaking in life. I make it a point to go get him for some lovins. So I think there is some confidence and dominance going on and we are working on that. BUT in the mean time I would like to find something bad tasting and odorless and safe for cats to rub on her back temporarly several times when I know he is prone to humping so he gets a taste and maybe determines its not worth it. I state odorless for if he can smell it, he will know when she is free of it to hump. Anyone know of anything I could us on her back that again is odorless, taste bad but safe for cats? PS I realize this may cause a grooming issue for her but I can deal and correct that over her back issues of pain becoming permanent.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Yes that was my question to. I know some neutered males will hump a blanket or stuffed animal (Like my baby bear Salem does to the foot of my blankets when I'm not looking :angryfire:) However I have not heard of neutered males doing this to other cats, unless the female is heat... they start, look a little confused and stop. So if both cats are fixed, I would ask the vet if it is possible he had a hidden testicle (it was so deep it was missed. A blood test for testosterone can tell you if he has this. If he does it can be removed.)

A temporary fix might be to put a bandana kinda looped around her break away collar, so it can't choke her. That or a Halloween costume. Like this one I got at Petco years ago. (Oh yeah Dante LOVES to wear it :rolleyes: )
