My indoor cat has gone missing


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2015
My indoor cat Marvel has been indoors nearly 2 years and went missing the early hours this morning. From any time midnight on wards. It happened whilst I was sleeping, I always leave my bedroom window open as I have a medical condition that means I get hot and in the whole 2 years I've left that window open, even though they both sit there, I have had no issues. My boyfriend always said "they might fall" but he over worries about these things and I felt confident that wouldn't happen until I woke up this morning for work to find Marvel gone. I found his collar outside the window outside, its one of those collars that snaps off in an emergency so it may be on impact or getting caught on something when falling, it snapped off. There's no way he jumped as some suggested because I'm extremely high up and he's always been very careful due to that. I also tried making him outdoors because he has had issues with his bladder recently and he was terrified of the outdoors so I am puzzled as to where he has gone or why he wandered off, all I can think is he tried to get back in and I was sleeping I didn't hear him. So he just disappeared, I have no clue. I am worried but I on probation at work and I can't leave to look for him, I got a friend to have a look this morning with no luck but I can't look until 6 PM and I hope I find him successfully when I do but I thought he'd honestly be home by now. 

I have so many worries going through my head, for one he's just been diagnosed with a chronic bladder condition and he's currently on daily pain medication, it worsens during stress and he urinates outside litter box, on furniture etc so I'm like what if someones window or door has been left open and as hes naturally a house cat, hes wandered in for safety from the outdoors and he's urinated on their furniture and they've punished or attacked him for it, not everyone is as understanding or knows his back story, I am thinking the worse in every situation. I know that he does this, what if he's in a posh house, wee's on a cream carpet, on a sofa and they go off it at him. What if he's stuck somewhere inside someone has locked him in, also he's very trusting, he goes up to anyone, he's also very unique with his markings (he's part Bengal and Tabby) what if someone has taken him, he's so lovely nature someone could have took him in, he has no collar on obviously as snapped off, so dunno if he'd look stray though I'd hope someone would click from his caring nature and loving nature and how healthy he looks that he isn't and would return him to a vet (he's been microchipped) but I just don't know. I'm also thinking what if hes hidden somewhere and I can't get him home cause he's scared, what if he's been hit by a car or something. What if he's wandered too far and got lost and can't find his way back. Also I live on busy streets so I'm worrying about how street savvy he is. Nobody has reported a cat being hit so far so fingers crossed he's okay in that sense. Stress makes his condition worse and he's at risk of blockages, if he fell (which would have shocked him) what if he hurt himself or what if he got a shock and then cried but I couldn't hear him as I was sleeping (with ear plugs in too) so what if that frightened him off and has caused further stress and worsened his condition. I am so worried and even though I was going to try make him an outdoor cat that was letting him out into a safer area (my back yard area) and keeping all the doors open so he knew he could return but he fell onto the busy street side (front of the flat) and no doors were open so he may have felt especially if he cried for ages for me, that he couldn't get back home. I am very worried. Especially how scared he was of outdoors the other day, seems strange he'd wander off. I also know him, he's very sensitive and can't cope without getting my attention for this long, if I leave him he'll wait at door for me, even when I'm working (i work from home) he needs attention from me. He can't go this long without attention from me, so I expected him to return. I tried to trust he'd be home this morning but the more time is passing, the more my concerns and worries are growing for him and his safety especially with his newly diagnosed medical condition and worrying he's wrecking someones house from it and they aren't understanding towards him. I'm so concerned. I really am. I will be looking for him as soon as I have finished work, told friends to look out for him and if I can't find him after work, I'll be posting lost posts. I really hope he turns up soon. When I finish work he'll be due a feed and his medications so if I can't find him with success after work, that'll be when alarm bells start ringing for me. 

Hopefully I'm over-worrying and he's just fine but knowing his nature and the fact this is first time he's been outdoors in nearly 2 years of his life, I am concerned. I definitely don't feel an indoor cat should stray this long, surely he wants the comfort from me and his home now, surely he'd return to make sure he's still wanted here? I just can't think for the life of me where he's gone. I just needed somewhere to vent my worries in regards to this as everyone else has been less understanding and made me feel ridiculous for worrying like this. I've had comments "Don't be silly, he's just a cat, he'll come back" I've been made to feel stupid for worrying but this is his first time outdoors, I know my cat, he doesn't go this long without attention and of course his bladder condition, I am just worried, I can't help it, its in my nature to worry bout my pets as they become like my children, I love them so much I can't bare the idea of anything bad happening to them so wish people would be more understanding. I just want to know he's safe, even if someone said they spotted him wandering or lounging in the sun I'd feel better, relaxed and stuff cause I'd know he's happily just exploring but right now I don't know what he's doing and I don't like that. 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 8, 2016
When an indoor cat gets out and gets scared, the first thing they do is bolt and find someplace to hide and hunker down. Then, we they finally do feel safe enough to come out, they may not remember how they got there or where home is, so they tend to stay put. Fortunately, they rarely get very far and most missing cats are found VERY close to home!

He's probably very scared and not daring to come out of his hiding place during the middle of the day. When the sun starts to go down, cats tend to feel safer and less expose so they might start wandering around then, so dusk is the best time to look for them. Bring a flashlight (aka a torch) and shine it under bushes and if they're there, their eyes will reflect the light of the flashlight and glow and be easy to spot. Walk around and call him or make whatever noise (like shaking a treat bag) that he usually comes running for, so he knows it's you. Keep calling continuously, because if he hears you from a street away and starts heading towards your voice, by the time he gets there you might have moved on, but if you keep making noise he'll be able to follow your voice. Plus, on the off chance that someone has taken him, being as annoying as possible about it is probably the best way to get him back! Knock on doors of all of your neighbors and hand them flyers directly, and don't give up.

If he did injure himself, his instinctive reaction would also be to find some place to hide and stay put, so be sure to look under things in case he can't make it to you. Start with your own back yard and work your way out.

It's perfectly normal to feel worried about your pets, do not feel silly! There is a good chance you'll find him if you're persistent, so don't give up!
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2015
My heart is breaking. I've unfortunately looked everywhere close, garages, bushes, everywhere you could possibly imagine. Hes doesn't seem to be close and I'm already losing hope. He's everything to me. He needs to come home especially for his medication. I don't know where he is or where he could possibly be. I've looked everywhere and in every nook and cranny I could possibly think of and my baby is nowhere to be seen. I've now created a lost post on Facebook and nobody has seen him so far yet its been shared quite a bit. I'm lost already. I wish I'd never left the bedroom window open. I'll look again when its dark but i am extremely worried. He cant cope without even an hours attention and its his dinner time, yet he's not home. I'm hurting right now. He's my best friend. 

Thank you. Hearts breaking right now, I hope he's home soon. 
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TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
My heart is breaking. I've unfortunately looked everywhere close, garages, bushes, everywhere you could possibly imagine. Hes doesn't seem to be close and I'm already losing hope. He's everything to me. He needs to come home especially for his medication. I don't know where he is or where he could possibly be. I've looked everywhere and in every nook and cranny I could possibly think of and my baby is nowhere to be seen. I've now created a lost post on Facebook and nobody has seen him so far yet its been shared quite a bit. I'm lost already. I wish I'd never left the bedroom window open. I'll look again when its dark but i am extremely worried. He cant cope without even an hours attention and its his dinner time, yet he's not home. I'm hurting right now. He's my best friend. 

Thank you. Hearts breaking right now, I hope he's home soon. 
I would put up large posters with his picture.  Call shelters in your area in case someone found him and took him there.  On the fliers/posters I would mention that he needs his medication.  If you can, offer a small reward for his return.

I would also go door to door and ask all of the neighbors.  Here are a few links with some helpful information on finding lost pets.

Is he micro chipped by any chance? 

Since it has only been a few hours, do not give up hope.  Many of us here have had cats go missing for months only to have them return home.  When cats are frightened they will often hide during the day time.  You might sit outside at night with a can of food and something that smells like him. 

I hope you are able to find him soon.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2015
I will contact shelters and make posters. I can't offer any reward as I've spent a fortune on his vet treatment, live alone and struggling with money right now. 

Thank you. He is microchipped but I'm worried in case someone takes him and doesn't give him back as hes very unique and friendly. :( 

I wish he'd never got out. I hope hes home soon. Yeah going to go back out once its dark, still quite bright right now. Thank you. 
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2015
He's due his three medications now to manage his condition.. And if someone feeds him they could worsen his condition, need my baby home, we just diagnosed him and started him on medication, he's still awaiting further treatment too. I'm so worried :( 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
If he eats wet food carry a can while you look and see if he will respond to the sound of opening the can. He might move enough for you to spot him. Or if he eats dry, carry it in his bowl and rattle it - only if you think this won't attract other animals. You know your area best. I hope you find him soon!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
south Georgia
When you get him back, please, please put a screen up on all windows that open.  They do not have to be expensive, and keep cats safe and bugs out!
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2015
I've done all as suggested, been around shaking food, been in the dark but absolutely no sign. I can't cope with the overwhelming pain I feel, he's a child to me, my best friend and I've lost him. And to top it off my boyfriend is making me feel horrendous for it too. Swearing at me this morning when I told him saying he told me bout those windows. I have left them open for a year with no issues before so I didn't know this would happen, he is now ignoring me even when I plea with him not to, the one person meant to comfort and assure me just isn't at all. I feel completely lost, if I could turn back time if i knew this'd happen I wouldn't have left the window open, I didn't expect this to happen and I'm scared and hope he comes home soon. He means too much to me. And I just can't take people pointing fingers and blaming me on top of it, I have had that window as it was for a year and absolutely nothing bad has come of it before, I did not see this happening. Whatsoever. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
Gosh I'm so sorry, I was so hoping for good news.  I hope he comes home soon!  

Here's what some people do, you could tell your manager at work you have a family related emergency - if you are sure they won't find out what it is and you feel comfortable doing this.  Then you could look for him in the day light tomorrow morning.  Cats can hide anywhere.  Once or twice I've not located my own kitties in my own house - and I looked every possible place, then they returned later.  Who knows where there were while I was looking for them.  They'd never left home but I could not find them and I looked everywhere.  Hopefully your kitty is watching you search for him in some very small space and will soon come out.  

Is there any kind of service that could help you where you live, like Animal Control?  Can you set a trap for him with his favorite food?  Humane trap, of course, but that would keep him safe, until you could get him inside.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
Is it possible he climbed back in the window and is hiding in the house?  Could he be hiding in a culvert?  Possibly could he have fallen in a hole?
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2015
No there are no holes. He got out the window. My cat is not a scared cat. And of course I have checked everywhere in the house. His collar was outside, he's outdoors. 

I'm under probation at work, so I can't do it unfortunately. :( 

He's not a scared cat, he would come home if he knew where I was, I know he would. I've looked everywhere round the house, every bush, nook and cranny. just no sign of him
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2015
No absolutely nothing. I've posted posters through doors, going to do more over the weekend, put posters in shops, vets etc and going to go looking again later and call his name. I really just want him home now and my other cat misses him terribly! I miss him so much too! I hope I get him home soon!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 31, 2015
I know you have already mentioned a few of these, but it's easier for me to just start tossing out the ideas. Sorry for any repeats, :)

Knock on doors and talk to everyone. Leave your #, so they can call should they see or think of anything. The posters everywhere, and I do mean everywhere. Leave those posters, for sure at every shelter, vet clinic, police dept (if they let you) and animal control. If the animal control keeps animals on site and the shelters and any rescues- GO IN PERSON. I have heard of cases that people called every day only to find out the pet had been there most of the time and nobody had put it together. The microchip is excellent! I wish there weren't multiple brands and some don't get read by different scanners. Not probable, but don't assume anything.

Do you live in an apartment or house? Do you have your own yard? Keeping a litter box, not cleaned out, has been known to tempt kitties home; something that smells like him and something that smells like you.

You keep repeating that your cat is not a scared cat, well even very brave kitties have gotten scared by being in a place that's not familiar. He is going to, instinctively, want to hide from predators. Yes, he will be a scared cat in very many ways.

I will be thinking of you and your kitty a lot and praying for you both. 
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2015
I've posted posters through so many doors and will be doing so again over the weekend. Already contacted animal control, got vets so share posters etc. I feel like I have exhausted every avenue now and I've been out every morning, every night calling for him as well as obsessively looking out my window every 30 minutes despite working, got the yard door open too, I'm so exhausted now. He's been missing 5 days and its like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. Its very hard. I live in an upstairs flat, so he has no access to get in unfortunately. Thank you. I really want him home I'm finding it more difficult than I can explain. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 31, 2015
I'm so sorry! Having a pet go missing is a pain all by itself, like none other.. The not knowing is unbearable. I hope the people you have talked to have all been friendly and helpful. Is there a pet finder type group where you live? You stay in my heart and prayers.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
My heart really goes out to you.  I've heard stories from others who've lost cats for a time and when they found them they were in a spot close to home where they had searched before.  I can only hope your situation turns out the same way!  