My Heart Wont Ever Heal. Dont Let This Be You...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 3, 2017
Our most cherished, beloved, tiniest tiny babygirl, Maggie Mae, was the victim of the most horrific tradgedy...and if only I knew..if only I had never decided to open that door to take that garbage out earlier than normal..before sunrise..but I did, and she gleefully darted out with that signature Maggie Mae tortitude "Meuuu!" she was really telling you what for! .. And then it flew down and it took her..and I never saw her again. A California Great Horned Owl silently came down and the nouse I hear constantly ever since is that I will not describe.. But its a life sentence that I believe is mibe to carry and to make other AWARE THAT YES..THE HORNED OWL IS A HORRID PREDATOR AND THEY ARE BRUTAL ABOUT WHAT THEY DO!! Coyotes are nlamed for what the owls do more..its been tested by surveillance thermal cameras. Our Maggie Mae was small but by no means a kitten. ... But just turned 3yrs old. 1p+ lbs. And THEY CAN AND WILL EASILY TAKE ANIMALS UP TO 5 TIMES THEIR SIZE AND WEIGHT...C O M B I N E D. It was believed 3 times.. Nope.. Theyve grown.. Please.. Educate yourself.. THEY LIVE IN TOWNS NOT JUST RURAL AREAS! I BEG YOU ALL... PLEASE ...for Maggie Mae .. Please.. Do NOT live with this horrific pain that
we do.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Words cannot describe the pain you are feeling in your soul, so tears and prayers come your way. Maggie Mae would be the last one to want you to be so sad because of her, she loves you that much. You had no way of knowing this would happen, it was a horrific accident, and no amount of should haves, could haves will change the outcome. I know, I encouraged my little girl to go outside, and she was killed also, so I know the pain of a broken heart. You can't hold blame for an act that was not intentional, you would NEVER do anything to intentionally hurt that sweet girl.
The pain will be with you always, but it does get easier to bear with time. You will follow a new life's order with her now safely tucked in your past, her new path will always parallel your own until the day it crosses again. I relive that day again and again, but know it does nothing but bring heartache to do so. Don't dwell on something you cannot change, the pain is unbearable to an already broken heart. Instead try concentrate on what she meant to your life, what sharing your life's path for a little while brought into your life. That is priceless. Unthinkable to have never known her at all.
She left you a legacy of love, she showed you what love is. Don't push that aside by concentrating on the sadness. Keep your mind occupied by doing good things in her name, it will help you to feel a little better about yourself. You are having a good start by the warning you are passing to others. Your tragedy may very well save the life of another little one and save someone from the pain you are going through, thank you.
The bond you formed with her can never be taken from you, love is spiritual, so eternal. Use that bond and memories of happier times to bring comfort, her love will always surround you and be tied to your very soul. Don't beat yourself up, bad things happen to good people. I'm so sorry for what you are going through, I know it is a crushing blow to our very being. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, be gentle on yourself and take care........RIP precious Maggie Mae, you will never be forgotten, and will always hold a special place in a loving heart. Goodnight, sleep tight, sweetheart!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
So sorry this happened. Thanks for the warning about owls. My cats are always trying to sneak outside.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 3, 2017
Words cannot describe the pain you are feeling in your soul, so tears and prayers come your way. Maggie Mae would be the last one to want you to be so sad because of her, she loves you that much. You had no way of knowing this would happen, it was a horrific accident, and no amount of should haves, could haves will change the outcome. I know, I encouraged my little girl to go outside, and she was killed also, so I know the pain of a broken heart. You can't hold blame for an act that was not intentional, you would NEVER do anything to intentionally hurt that sweet girl.
The pain will be with you always, but it does get easier to bear with time. You will follow a new life's order with her now safely tucked in your past, her new path will always parallel your own until the day it crosses again. I relive that day again and again, but know it does nothing but bring heartache to do so. Don't dwell on something you cannot change, the pain is unbearable to an already broken heart. Instead try concentrate on what she meant to your life, what sharing your life's path for a little while brought into your life. That is priceless. Unthinkable to have never known her at all.
She left you a legacy of love, she showed you what love is. Don't push that aside by concentrating on the sadness. Keep your mind occupied by doing good things in her name, it will help you to feel a little better about yourself. You are having a good start by the warning you are passing to others. Your tragedy may very well save the life of another little one and save someone from the pain you are going through, thank you.
The bond you formed with her can never be taken from you, love is spiritual, so eternal. Use that bond and memories of happier times to bring comfort, her love will always surround you and be tied to your very soul. Don't beat yourself up, bad things happen to good people. I'm so sorry for what you are going through, I know it is a crushing blow to our very being. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, be gentle on yourself and take care........RIP precious Maggie Mae, you will never be forgotten, and will always hold a special place in a loving heart. Goodnight, sleep tight, sweetheart!
Thank you ... I cant begin to put into words how much this did for me to read your reply. She loved the land we have.. She would chase bugs.. And bring home new friends... One time it was a baby King snake.... She never harmed her "pals".. She never knew the harsh hurtful hand of man.. Or anything. She just ..was Maggue Mae. <3 I smiled.. Oh my.. ... Blessings. Ty so much!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 3, 2017
So sorry this happened. Thanks for the warning about owls. My cats are always trying to sneak outside.
I had NO CLUE the severity of these silent and vicious killers. They do NOT drop their prey unlike hawks or even eagles do if they wiggle..they dont wiggle when an owl lands on them from behind.. Crushing them.. Its a truth all should squint to read .. It means ..hopefully.. It'll save someones beloved. Ty so much for reading! Maggie Mae would want no other harmed. <3.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am so sorry that you had to witness something like that horrible incident, that is just awful and if I saw that happen I know that it would bother me immensely for a long time, this might take time and counseling to get over, even talking to friends or people on here about it, but it is kind of you to think of others and warn them.

7 of our 9 were outside cats, thank God nothing bad ever happened to them, but we watch everytime we go in or out so they don't get out, but not many of them want to anymore, they know they have it good inside now!

I hope your heart heals a bit each day, so sorry. God Bless......:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, MaggieMae, dream you deep. All of the bad stuff is over now, so comfort your mama, who loves you always.

She was, and is, a lovely girl. She reminds me so much of Hekitty. Let your heart rest knowing that you did NOT do anything wrong. She was just...faster, and determined. One day, some day, the memories will be more happy than sad, and know that is what she would want for you.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 3, 2017
I am so sorry that you had to witness something like that horrible incident, that is just awful and if I saw that happen I know that it would bother me immensely for a long time, this might take time and counseling to get over, even talking to friends or people on here about it, but it is kind of you to think of others and warn them.

7 of our 9 were outside cats, thank God nothing bad ever happened to them, but we watch everytime we go in or out so they don't get out, but not many of them want to anymore, they know they have it good inside now!

I hope your heart heals a bit each day, so sorry. God Bless......:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:
Bless you for these caring words. I didnt think of counceling...but after reading this I googled it... I had no idda how much help is out there. Thank you! Im starting Thursday.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I'm deeply sorry for this horrible incident!
I think this is the worst of all the ways to say good-bye to a furry friend, it's something that I wouldn't heal from.
My heart is truly aching for you, Maggie Mae was a real beauty, she didn't deserve this fate.
I can't even imagine your incredible pain and I don't want to think about what she was feeling in that tremendous moment. No, it's too much for me... I would die instantly for such a thing...
I'm sorry I can't do more for you, I'm devastated by this story, I've never read such a thing.
RIP beautiful Maggie Mae, you're an Angel among Angels.
Hugs to your Mom!


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Bless you for these caring words. I didnt think of counceling...but after reading this I googled it... I had no idda how much help is out there. Thank you! Im starting Thursday.
Years ago Sebastian got sick and one night when I came home from work I found him with his right arm tangled in the mini blinds, he must have known that he was dying and maybe was trying to climb them or try to climb out the window or whatever, the vet said they do strange things at the end, but I rushed over and freed him but he passed away in my arms within seconds; let me just say that it really affected me mentally for quite awhile, so sudden and catastrophic and I talked to my pastor about it and also a friend who is a psychologist, and they both said it would take about 1.5 years to deal with and they were right, I can look back on it now and it still hurts and is painful, but I don't have that overwhelming anxiety and bad feeling anymore, I know that he is in a much better place and I am now glad that I got to hold him at the end, but I think what happened to you and your kitty is even worse than that, so horrible because you felt helpless to do anything, so yes I would encourage counseling and/or pet counseling which can help you.

Please let us know how you are doing, God Bless....


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 24, 2017
This is truly a heart wrenching story. All here have lost beloved cats, but no illness or accident can compare to this tragedy. The pain you must be feeling now is indescribable. Maggie Mae is a beautiful girl who in her all too brief life, gave love and knew the greatest love--you.

I admire you for having the strength and courage to tell this story as a warning to others. Although you are writing through tears, you story is an all to real reminder of the dangers in nature just beyond our doors. Hopefully, other pets lives will be saved by this warning.

This summer, I learned of a similar incident that took place in the hills just outside San Francisco. A couple had retired for the evening and had left the French doors to their patio, just outside their bedroom, open for some fresh air. They were awakened in the middle of the night by their little dog barking. They awoke to see the shadow of a mountain lion and heard the terrifying howls of their little dog as the mountain lion ran off with it! They called police who identified the tracks of the mountain lion in the fresh soil just outside the patio. The helpless feeling in both yours and this incident is indescribable.

With time, my earnest hope is that you will be able to replace this sad memory with memories of all the good times you and Maggie Mae shared, the love she so generously gave, her sweet and gentle nature, and the blessing of her life with you.

My prayers go out to you for healing and peace. Thanks for sharing and warning.