My girl Samantha

missing sammy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2016
In April of 2002, I found myself in the dwelling of Emma, a shelter volunteer who had literally hundreds of cats and kittens in her small two bedroom apartment.  The shelter she worked for had closed and she was doing her best to get every animal she could a forever home. At first I could not believe my eyes  but in retrospect she truly was a cat lover. Having never had a cat of any kind - I was a dog person for sure - I was reluctant to adopt. As I sat on Emma's couch watching what seemed like an endless parade of animals passing around me, a scrawny looking rather ugly 4 month old female came and sat down in front of me. We locked eyes and she jumped on my lap, purring like crazy and bumping my chin with her head. Well, the rest is history. I immediately knew her name would be Samantha but always called her Sammy.  For over 14 years, my little girl Sammy provided unconditional love. I lost my little girl suddenly last night to an apparent heart attack. She died in my arms and the grief is overwhelming. I am here now as a way to cope and reach out to others who have dealt with or may be going through the same thing. I have a hole in my heart and wonder how I will cope with this loss. I hope to be able to write more later about all the wonderful experiences I have had with Sammy and maybe speak with others.

Hello everyone. So its been a hard few days. Constant reminders around the house of Sammy. Frequent meltdowns come out of no where. I find myself constantly looking at pictures of Sammy I have on my phone. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad but I just miss her so much and need to see her face. I think I hear her  meowing sometimes  and I find myself checking for her at the bottom of the bed. I am starting to remember all the cute things she did and how she would follow me around like my shadow but there are certain things that I miss so much - the way she meowed like a maniac when I came home from work, how she would lay on my chest every night until I went to sleep, and sit of the arm of the chair in the morning and insist on me petting her. I miss that so much. I miss her. I have moments where I feel as though it will get better but then its not better in a heart beat. My heart truly goes out to everyone here who has lost their precious animal and I guess we all react in different ways. I know it will get better for each and every one of us with time but the void now is sometimes overwhelming. Hope to hear from everyone soon about how they are progressing. We are not alone here and at the very least can find comfort in expressing our feelings and loss. I downloaded a picture of Sammy and the more I look at it the more beautiful - to me - she becomes. But in my mind she was always beautiful.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 21, 2016
What a lovely post so moving but you obviously gave your feline friend a happy life full of love and cuddles so well done you
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missing sammy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2016
Thank you. I miss my little girl!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
I am so sorry for your loss.  This is a very wonderful site with so many members who have also lost a best friend.  

Sammy sure sounds like she found you when she came over to you and your eyes locked.  I met my Speedy in just the same way and remember when our eyes met.  I am glad she had a wonderful home with you and gave you  all her love.  Please let us know how you are doing.  May Sammy now run free and be by your side in spirit.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2016
Portland, Oregon
I am so terribly sorry for your loss. You gave Sammy a long, wonderful life full of love and everything a kitty could ask for. And you gave her the comfort of your loving arms as she passed. Though she is no longer with you physically, I know her spirit will live on with you in your heart.

[emoji]128149[/emoji]RIP Sammy [emoji]128149[/emoji]

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
The loss you are feeling is equal to the love you feel for that little girl. You both bonded together on that day long ago, that is something that can never be taken from you, in that way she will be a part of you forever. Try not to dwell on the end, I know how hard that can be, but it brings nothing but heartache and pain. You were with her at the end to comfort her, she will be forever grateful to have the one she loved the most there to help her through those final moments. Her earthly body may be laid to rest, but the 'essence' that was Sammy will be with you always, your precious memories will one day bring you comfort. That hole in your heart will eventually heal, but the scar will remain behind to fade with time.  It hurts so bad to lose her, but she brought so much into your life it is still better to have known her then to never have known her at all. She would never want you to live on in sadness because of her, celebrate what you did get to share and use that legacy of love she left you to pass it on so that she may live on in your heart. I'll pray for you both, take care......RIP sweet Samantha, you will be mourned by many now as you so richly deserve, know you will be held forever in a loving heart, please comfort the one who misses you so very much!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
I'm so sorry about your dear Sammy.  I've lost 3 pets as an adult and many more as a child and it's just difficult.  There's just no way around the sadness.  It's not healthy to ignore it and keep it in.  Now's the time to cry.  

I would say be careful who you tell because others may not understand or will tell you something stupid like to get another cat.  This is a safe place to vent because most of us here have lost pets and understand what you are now going through.  So, if or when you feel like it, you could post a tribute to your sweet girl with pictures.  That helps.  Or you could just vent and tell us how you are feeling day to day.  It's a process.  You will eventually get to the place where it doesn't hurt so much, but that will take time.  Hugs.
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missing sammy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2016
Thank you so much. I find true comfort in the kind responses and amazing support I can find here. I am trying my best to get on with life but everyone where I turn is a reminder. Its tough as I am sure many of you know. I can still hear her meowing and this morning I was looking for her at the bottom of the bed. She would sit in front of me every morning and lightly tap my face with her paw. Sammy was my alarm clock. There are just so many triggers and reminders. I miss her so much but I know I have to move on. I am so happy I have found this place and to everyone who responded to my post, thank you so much!
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  • #10

missing sammy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2016
What a wonderful and supportive place I have found here. Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. It means so much to me at this time. I miss Sammy so much but it has only been a few days. I sometimes think I still hear her meowing in the hall and this morning I was checking for her at the bottom of the bed. She would always sit in front of me every morning while I slept and lightly tap my face with her paw. Sammy was my alarm clock. I cant stop thinking about her. It is amazing the bond we form with our animals. The little things she did every day are what I miss so much - all wonderful! I will try to focus on these for now.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Sorry for the loss of your dear Sammy.  She sounds like she was a wonderful cat and it must be so hard to have lost her so suddenly.  

When you are feeling up to it, please post a picture of her so we can put a face to her name. Rest in Peace Sweet Sammy. 


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
My condolences on the loss of your dear Sammy. It sounds like she was a very decisive cat that was determined to make a cat person out of you, and that will be her legacy. RIP,Sammy. :rbheart:


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
Sammy was a beautiful girl.  Reading your post, I could see the story so vividly in my mind.  I am happy you chose each other; it sounds as if it was meant to be.  I am very sorry for your loss.  