My Feral And Rescued Cats

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TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Very sad to see that some people insist on putting clothes on cats, who are just perfect as they are. That's my feelings -- I know others' are different, which is why this happens in the first place.
Wanda Heart is gorgeous! I haven't heard that song/seen those films but she is definitely a graceful dancer!


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Thank you for responding about the traps! :redheartpump:
Kitties are the most graceful dancers! I’ve often thought they move like they are dancing. I suppose others have had the same thought. :)

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 I rolled at your post. Not the Proteus thing. Yuck! Agreed! Truly creepy. The Roomba escape remark was really funny! Run Roomba, run! It must have been a feral Roomba! If I had one, I’d socialize it and do the introductions verrry carefully! The answer about nature disliking vacuums was priceless! Purrfection! :flail:

M maggiedemi I had been waiting to post Mitsy dancing ballet when I got the shots of Banjo and it reminded me of the Hokey Pokey. When she started turning around and shaking it all about I was laughing.

jefferd18 jefferd18 I found some more info on those Havahart traps that I hope will help you. I sent it in a PM. There are some listed that could work and not break the bank.
No problem! Always glad to try to help anyone who cares for cats! I don't go out in the garage much, and my trap is on a shelf in there that's kind of hard to access right now, but it's one of the two extremely tried-and-true brands that TNRers use. And it's definitely helped in saving some precious lives!


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Very sad to see that some people insist on putting clothes on cats, who are just perfect as they are.
I pretty much agree, although I would, if allowed, probably put a costume on Hek, snap a couple of photos, and take it right back off again...that, however, would be worth my life. However, I've known cats who seem to positively enjoy it, and have no problem with them being dressed up. Whatever Kitty wants, Kitty should have! Other than an entire bag of Temptations at one sitting, which is an ongoing argument at my house.

I will NEVER hear the Pink Panther theme song again without seeing that adorable Wanda Heart!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2020
I pretty much agree, although I would, if allowed, probably put a costume on Hek, snap a couple of photos, and take it right back off again...that, however, would be worth my life. However, I've known cats who seem to positively enjoy it, and have no problem with them being dressed up. Whatever Kitty wants, Kitty should have! Other than an entire bag of Temptations at one sitting, which is an ongoing argument at my house.

I will NEVER hear the Pink Panther theme song again without seeing that adorable Wanda Heart!
I've never put clothers on my cats..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
This one looks like a keeper, jefferd18 jefferd18 -- I'd definitely get this one.

I didn't know if it was too large- thank you so much for replying, tarasgirl. :) I will get it tomorrow.
Well, it might be...and it might not. A lot of TNRers use squeeze traps. This one is not a squeeze trap, but it's very similar if not the same as my trap, and my trap has served me well. One thing to note, though, and this is probably EXTREMELY rare: my ex set our trap for a cat at his work, and the little guy did take the bait, but he was probably so panicked that he had heart failure. IDK how long he was in the trap. Obviously, my ex had to work, and he wanted very much to rescue this little guy, get him neutered and innoculated, and adopt him into our outdoor colony. In our years of TNR, he was the only one who did not make it. So I always sat on a trap after that. I know it's almost impossible for people with our busy schedules to sit on a trap. But I felt I had to share this with you, because it did happen and I do strongly recommend not leaving a trap unsupervised if at ALL possible.


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 and jefferd18 jefferd18 I always stay with the traps too. But then, I’ve been known to camp out to guard the ferals. I agree that leaving them unattended can be a risk. I’m so glad that a trap that will work for the situation turned up! :woo: Thanks to you both for caring about the kitties!


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Albus&minnie Albus&minnie Welcome! It’s very nice to meet another kitty lover! I agree! Most cats don’t like any form of dressing up! I think you’ll find we all agree on that. Please do understand that some of us live in areas where there is a leash law for cats. By law we are required to have our poor kitties restrained. In the case here, it would be very dangerous for any cat to run loose because of highways, predators and bad people. Very sad. A leash is something many cats can escape. A harness is the only safe alternative. (Although my cats can escape that almost as quickly) I do find a cute harness acceptable for any cat that would otherwise be at risk. That could be considered dressing up. My cat Lady is the ONLY one of mine that desires to go out and she does wear a harness. Not one other cat here would even allow me to put the harness on them and keep it there.. Lol I would suffer for the attempt.
That said, I have one very unusual fellow who likes to steal my glasses and finds crawling under hats to be a comfortable place to be. I think it goes back to the days he hid as a feral. He stayed under very low braches and shrubs. It often appeared as though he wore hats made of leaves. He seems reassured by having something over him and likes to sleep that way. Since I discovered his interest and desire for these things, I have allowed him to enjoy any of these things as he wishes. I never force anything on my beloved BJ. He has my greatest respect. None of us advocate for forcing any cat to be made uncomfortable or unhappy. I’m very glad that you weighed in on this! It is mentioned on this thread because of Lady and her harness and BJ with his love of having things on his head. Lol As stated by rubysmama rubysmama in the documentation provided, today is meant to encourage the well being of cats and bonding with their human guardians. Dressing cats should never be done in most cases. It should only be done if the cat desires it for comfort or safety. Walking a cat on a harness can be a wonderful bonding time for human and cat if the cat is accepting of the practice.
I also have one cat that likes to sleep under a blanket but she would never accept clothing. Muffin can give a fierce stink eye! :lol:
I thought you might enjoy meeting BJ and Lady. Do you have a kitty too? If so, we’d love to hear about your fur baby!

BJ as a long term feral.

Staying safe from predators meant staying hidden.

He still gets a feeling of comfort from being under things and chooses to be under the hat. He’s a very smart kitty.

He enjoys naps under his hat! Lol

This is the harness I use for Lady. She actually comes running if I get it out because she knows it means she’ll be going out to the garden. I can assure everyone that any cat here that objected to anything like this could easily avoid or remove it as once demonstrated by Banjo.


So, on Dress up your Pet day, remember to respect your pet. Love, safety and comfort only!


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Well, M maggiedemi I did ask Lady if she wanted to go out and this is the reaction I got!


So then I turned to BJ. Hat?

Is it nap time?

I thought it was treat time.

I’m not really sleepy right now.

I’d rather play.

This is a good hiding place.

I can watch the other cats from here.

Whoops! Mitsy spotted me!

The girls can’t resist me in a hat.

Hey Mitsy!

Can I have a kiss?


My hat fell down.

So..... without the hat, she left?

I guess she wanted to snuggle down under the hat too huh?

I wanted another kiss!

Did you see that Mom?

So what do I do?

The hat? Okay.

Mitsy! Come back! We could snuggle!

:lol: Well, Mitsy wanted it warm and snuggly. Some like it “hat”? Bj fell asleep waiting for her to return. Lol If I can get a photo of him as he is sleeping, I’ll post it after this.
Have a snuggly night everyone! :heartshape:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2020
Albus&minnie Albus&minnie Welcome! It’s very nice to meet another kitty lover! I agree! Most cats don’t like any form of dressing up! I think you’ll find we all agree on that. Please do understand that some of us live in areas where there is a leash law for cats. By law we are required to have our poor kitties restrained. In the case here, it would be very dangerous for any cat to run loose because of highways, predators and bad people. Very sad. A leash is something many cats can escape. A harness is the only safe alternative. (Although my cats can escape that almost as quickly) I do find a cute harness acceptable for any cat that would otherwise be at risk. That could be considered dressing up. My cat Lady is the ONLY one of mine that desires to go out and she does wear a harness. Not one other cat here would even allow me to put the harness on them and keep it there.. Lol I would suffer for the attempt.
That said, I have one very unusual fellow who likes to steal my glasses and finds crawling under hats to be a comfortable place to be. I think it goes back to the days he hid as a feral. He stayed under very low braches and shrubs. It often appeared as though he wore hats made of leaves. He seems reassured by having something over him and likes to sleep that way. Since I discovered his interest and desire for these things, I have allowed him to enjoy any of these things as he wishes. I never force anything on my beloved BJ. He has my greatest respect. None of us advocate for forcing any cat to be made uncomfortable or unhappy. I’m very glad that you weighed in on this! It is mentioned on this thread because of Lady and her harness and BJ with his love of having things on his head. Lol As stated by rubysmama rubysmama in the documentation provided, today is meant to encourage the well being of cats and bonding with their human guardians. Dressing cats should never be done in most cases. It should only be done if the cat desires it for comfort or safety. Walking a cat on a harness can be a wonderful bonding time for human and cat if the cat is accepting of the practice.
I also have one cat that likes to sleep under a blanket but she would never accept clothing. Muffin can give a fierce stink eye! :lol:
I thought you might enjoy meeting BJ and Lady. Do you have a kitty too? If so, we’d love to hear about your fur baby!

BJ as a long term feral.
View attachment 317681
Staying safe from predators meant staying hidden.
View attachment 317682
He still gets a feeling of comfort from being under things and chooses to be under the hat. He’s a very smart kitty.
View attachment 317685

He enjoys naps under his hat! Lol
View attachment 317684

This is the harness I use for Lady. She actually comes running if I get it out because she knows it means she’ll be going out to the garden. I can assure everyone that any cat here that objected to anything like this could easily avoid or remove it as once demonstrated by Banjo.
View attachment 317683
View attachment 317686View attachment 317687View attachment 317688
So, on Dress up your Pet day, remember to respect your pet. Love, safety and comfort only!
I have 2 kitties!
I've posted a thread about them! :D


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
So well put, Jcatbird Jcatbird , as ever. I can always tell when it's you posting by the thoughtful, considerate and well-thought-out information you give us. Appreciate it so much! As to BJ, I know I'm speaking for many when I say some DO like it "hat" ;) but BJ is always a CATsanova! :loveeyes::redheartpump::runningcat::redheartpump:
And yes, a figure-8 harness designed specifically for cats is the only way to go if your cat will consent to being walked. Our harness occupies space in a drawer. It was bought by my ex, who wanted them to have the experience of snow when we lived in the high desert. So everyone had a chance at it. And since then, the drawer is where it lives.
It is really strongly advised to monitor a trap at all times -- you're right! When you consider that a feral cat has little or no experience of being confined, you can easily understand that being unable to escape from a small space might make a cat very stressed (just as it does many humans).


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
surya surya I would love to be a baby lion tamer again! Lol You know Flowers was originally called Vicious. The before and after can be amazing!



Those kittens look a lot like her babies looked. The flower babies! They were little hiss machines at first but became the sweetest posies ever. I think they were energized! Lol They we’re constantly climbing and into everything. Maybe those babies will respond as the flower babies did. Wand toy! After burning off energy I was able to lure them with canned chicken, after which they were in a much better mood for petting and a nap. Lol I would love snuggling another wild baby! Hiss, spit and stink eye included! :lol:
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