my feet are sooo sore!


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 6, 2007
Austin, Texas
I just wanted to whine that my feet are really, really sore after standing on them for 8 hours today. I actually cashiered today and I just want to park my butt on the couch for the rest of the evening
I am not looking forward to doing it all over again tomorrow, but at least I get paid!


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Been there!! I used to have a pepermint foot lotion that felt sooo good after a day like that! I say park it and put those footsies up! You earned it!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
What type of shoes are you wearing? You may need new ones or some better supports to go in them.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 6, 2007
Austin, Texas
I have some asics running shoes with inserts in them. I love asics! But I bought these back in April or so. I've been walking in them usually about 2.5 miles about 4 days a week and at one point I was running in them. They look to be in really, really good condition, but I know you're only supposed to walk like 300 miles in shoes and then get rid of them so maybe it's that time to start looking for shoes just for work or something. Maybe a walking shoe would be better. I was also told never to get shoes that have the air pockets in them because eventually they will bust being a cashier and on your feet all day.

A foot spa may need to be on my list for Christmas
. That's a good idea.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 1, 2005
On the west side of... of... somewhere.
Originally Posted by Fuzzles

I have some asics running shoes with inserts in them. I love asics! But I bought these back in April or so. I've been walking in them usually about 2.5 miles about 4 days a week and at one point I was running in them. They look to be in really, really good condition, but I know you're only supposed to walk like 300 miles in shoes and then get rid of them so maybe it's that time to start looking for shoes just for work or something. Maybe a walking shoe would be better. I was also told never to get shoes that have the air pockets in them because eventually they will bust being a cashier and on your feet all day.

A foot spa may need to be on my list for Christmas
. That's a good idea.
I also do retail, so I understand what you're going through...

One thing: Have two pair of shoes. Alternate them during your work week. Don't wear the same pair two days in a row. It wears them out even faster and they don't get a chance to 'air out' among other things...

I personally cannot wear sneakers for work. my feet can't take them. They're too soft and spongy for my poor feet. I have a pair of Birkenstocks (pricey, i know, but man, they do the job) mules with a closed toe (brand name is Birkies, but are Birkenstocks), and a pair of old Clarks that I keep putting new insoles into. I'm due for a new pair of insoles and am thinking getting custom fitted ones from a place here in town. the ones I have in there now are also too soft, and they really aren't THAT soft. I need to go find out how $$$ the custom ones are...

Give yourself time to adjust to being on your feet for full shifts... and alternate your shoes. If, after a few weeks, your feet are still screaming at you, you may need to 'trade up' to something better for your feet than sneakers. Some women at our store do fine in sneakers, some wear those evil Crocs (I can't, they're too wide for my feet, and don't give enough arch support) and do fine... I have to wear open heel or my feet get worse... if my feet overheat, I'm done in a few hours, let alone eight.

Drink plenty of water (find out if you can keep a closed water bottle at your register, I can and make no effort in hiding it from customers... they usually understand if we've been slammed). Stretch your feet when you can, rocking back and forth, bringing the toes up, then alternating to bringing the heels up.

Also, after what you describe of how much you've been using those shoes... replace them. Keep 'em for walking, fine for now... but have two pair of shoes dedicated to working. I almost never use my Birkies for non-work... and I never use the Clarks. Just prefer other things.

Welcome to retail!!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
I agree good shoes are the key. I found out my old Nikes were causing half of my back problems; once I got new ones with good arch support my back improved a lot!

When I was a waitress (9 years) I used to actually get nurses shoes to work in. I'm not sure what the difference is, but they seemed to have more support and lasted longer.

Standing in one place, I think, is harder on the feet then actually walking around. It will take time to get used to being on your feet all day. A warming foot (like peppermint or euculyptus) cream or a hot foot bath with epson salt usually helped me.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 6, 2007
Austin, Texas
We have to have closed toed and closed heeled shoes because it is a warehouse, so there goes the mule idea
. I may have been wearing bad socks yesterday as well. I have some that kind of have like an arch support/a little more thicker/padding in the heel area and I will be wearing those today to see if it helps. My feet are still sore from yesterday though so I'm dreading going in at 10am. My sister told me to get some Dr Scholls so I can be gellin
I have inserts but they aren't Dr. Scholls..They were from a shoe place, I think womens' foot locker where I bough the shoes.

I went to the grocery store this morning and looked to see if i could find any peppermint foot cream and I had no luck there. Would Walgreens have something like that or would I have to make a trip to the mall? That does really sound like a good idea to me.

We are allowed to have drinks at the register as long as it has a screw top. I asked yesterday so I will be all over that.

They hired me to work what they call "mommy shifts" during the middle of the day during the week, so I'm hoping that it won't be too busy during that time. But they did only hire me as a part timer so I probably won't always be working 8 hour days, but I did tell them I'm available and would love to work 40 hrs/week if they'll let me. As it is I'm getting 36 for this week. Yay money!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2003
Double Springs, Alabama
From a former shoe salesman/repair person....sneakers are good only if they offer enough firm support and fit properly....Asics are pretty good, as are Nike, Reebok and high-end Easy Spirits. From your job description, since you have to wear closed heel/toe shoes, I'd also look into either SAS brand or NurseMate/Soft Spots.....these two brands are designed for people who are on their feet a LOT and although they're ugly, they offer some of the best support around.

Also, as was mentioned, swap up every other day, and replace whatever you're wearing after you've been wearing them awhile. Even I admit to not doing this like I should, and after I put in a 12 hour shift last Thursday, off 6 hours and backed it up with a 16 hour shift Friday my feet and back both were telling on me! Needless to say, I ditched the pair I've been wearing and got another pair out of storage!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 5, 2008
Port Elgin Ontario
Working in kitchens was the worst for that.
Make sure your shoes fit, I had shoes that didn't fit properly and after 12 hours on a hot line or prep station... oww!
Gel insoles are good for about a month. Seriously. Because you are on your feet for 8 hours a day thats a lot of pressure.
And when I hurt my back at work, they gave me a rubber mat to stand on. That helped a lot.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 1, 2005
On the west side of... of... somewhere.
I won't touch the Dr. Scholls inserts... any of them. Those 'gellin' ones sound nice, but they really aren't designed for those on their feet ALL day.

For me, sneakers are too soft. SAS and nurses shoes are excellent. I am only required to have closed toe, so I can get away with mules. I also own a pair of Danskos, which is one of the nursing shoe brands, many have closed heel as well. Mine do, which is why I hate wearing them... but they're excellent shoes. I did sneakers my first week on the current job... will never again. I also cashier, with a little moving around, but mostly staying in one place. it is tough, which is why I recommend doing little stretches throughout the day... it helps, if only for a little bit.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
Originally Posted by Fuzzles

I went to the grocery store this morning and looked to see if i could find any peppermint foot cream and I had no luck there. Would Walgreens have something like that or would I have to make a trip to the mall? That does really sound like a good idea to me.
The best I found (and I'm cheap so I haven't tried the department store brands) is at Dollar General. It's made by Delon and it's called "Coolmint and Lemon Foot Lotion". It is green and yellow with pictures of lemons on it. It's only $1.00 here, but it is a god send! Use that and rub it into your arches and you will be in heaven!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 1, 2008
South Coast, UK
I've been in agony with my heels these past two weeks that I can't have them touch the floor properly

But today mum dug out her old foot spa for me to use for a while, and it relieved the pain for an hour or so. I think a doctors appointment is in order for me!

I even bought a new pair of trainers to wear to work instead of black shoes, as I figured that's what could have been causing the pain, but even with the trainers on my heels still hurt...and working in a care home for 12 hour shifts at a time isn't helping at the moment, I may also need a break soon too. It hurts soo much!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by DeeDeeMay

I've been in agony with my heels these past two weeks that I can't have them touch the floor properly
Both heels? and when is it the worst? Is the pain worse when you try to get up in the morning or out of a chair after sitting for a while? Or is the pain towards the back of the heel?

And do you have any other pain elsewhere, such as joint pain?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 1, 2008
South Coast, UK
It's in both heels, but most of the time my right one. The pain is there when I walk and also when I rest them on a's at the back of the heel. The pain will sometimes go shooting up my leg too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by DeeDeeMay

It's in both heels, but most of the time my right one. The pain is there when I walk and also when I rest them on a's at the back of the heel. The pain will sometimes go shooting up my leg too.
It could possibly achilles tendonitis, though, plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. If you have any back problems, that won't help, and you'll definitely need good supports for your shoes. You could try NSAIDs (if you can take them) and ice until you can get in to see a doctor.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 1, 2008
South Coast, UK
Thanks for the advice
I am grateful for that. I will call my doctor tomorrow morning for an appointment still, and will keep you all updated if I remember that is!