My cats suddenly aren't getting along anymore.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2015
I have three cats all of which are brother and sisters, but two of them are from the same litter. My first one, Olaf, is a boy and he is 11 months old. My other two, Calliope and Amethyst, came from the same litter and they are 7 months old. Amethyst is a girl and Calliope is a boy. All of them were fixed when they were old enough to be fixed.

They have always gotten along and played together until about a month ago. They always played and wrestled, but about a month ago Olaf started being mean to Calliope. Instead of play wrestling with him, Olaf would pounce on Calliope and bite at him hard and pull his fur. He would do this to Calliope hard enough to where he would cry, and when Calliope got up and ran away Olaf would chase him and do the same thing. He didn't do it often though, about once a week.

Now though, it is getting worse. Olaf is starting to do it to him almost constantly. They stay downstairs together at night and during the day I let them outside to play. Olaf does it to him downstairs and outside and Calliope is starting to run from Olaf any time he sees him. Olaf isn't like this to Amethyst though, he still wrestles with her like he always has.

Earlier today I was outside with them and Olaf attacked Calliope and bit him toward his bottom and he cried. I yelled at Olaf, but it didn't phase him. Olaf then proceeded to bite Calliope's face near his eye. I was afraid he might hurt him because Calliope was crying. I made a commotion and Olaf got off of Calliope and Calliope took off running. He attacked him like this about 3 or 4 times today and anytime Olaf looked at Calliope, Calliope would take off running.

A few minutes ago, Olaf was running after Calliope and they ran up a tree. Olaf was behind Calliope and started trying to pull him out of the tree by biting his back and pulling. By this time, I had enough and Olaf was making me so mad I picked him up and made him go on downstairs for the night.

It just doesn't make any sense to me because Olaf is a very gentle cat. He has never scratched me, bit me, or hissed at me. He lets me give him a bath and everything, he is very gentle. They also choose to sleep together. For instance, this morning I went downstairs and they were all on top of each other curled up sleeping together. They all also lick each other a lot, and earlier before Olaf randomly started being mean, him and Calliope were laying beside each other outside basking in the sun. Then, he just randomly decided to start being mean.

I give them all equal attention, I just don't understand why this has suddenly started happening and I don't know what to do to help the situation. At first I thought maybe Olaf was just trying to play with Calliope but was getting to rough with him, but he plays with Amethyst without getting to rough, so I no longer think that. Calliope and Amethyst also wrestle and play. So another theory I have is that Olaf thinks Calliope is being mean to Amethyst when they wrestle and Olaf attacks Calliope to protect her.

Oh yeah and they all eat out of one big food bowl, but sometimes Calliope won't eat until Olaf and Amethyst get through then he will.

And they never hiss or growl at each other or anything. During their "fights" there is no noise except when Calliope cries from Olaf biting him.

I just don't know what to do, can anyone offer any advice. 
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Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I'm sorry you haven't had any responses to your situation.  Is it still going on?  Is Olaf acting normally otherwise--sometimes cats get aggressive when they don't feel good.  

Have there been any strange animals around?  It could be redirected aggression--Olaf taking it out on Calliope because of other animals bothering or scaring him.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2015
Its still going on sometimes but not as bad as it was. Olaf is acting normal besides these outbursts. I can't figure out if he's just being mean or if he is playing and gets to rough, since he's bigger. Olaf has a lot of energy and maybe he just gets to rough with Calliope. Today they were wrestling and Calliope didn't cry he just wrestled back. However, yesterday Olaf was wrestling with him and he cried and got up and ran away. After that though they were laying together and Olaf was licking him. Sometimes I think Olaf is being mean, but sometimes I think he's just getting to rough. And no, there hasn't been any strange animals around.