My Cats So Needy For Attention,,


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 12, 2018
My cat is so needy for my attention, he meows and follows me around. I love him, but it's getting to the point where I can't take it. I managed to get him off of me for long enough to type this, but he's usually standing on my desk and stepping on my keyboard meowing in my face. I've tried ignoring him, and I am seeing a bit of progress, but he jumps on my lap and kneads my thighs. Once he's on my lap he headbutts my neck and digs his nails in my shoulder and I try to ignore it but it hurts a lot. What else can I do, especially when he's kneading me? It's so hard to ignore him when he does that because it hurts and I have to move him away from me. When I pet him, he's completely quiet and I've tried to 'reward' him for being quiet by petting him when he is for a few minutes, but he happens to do things that I can't ignore like circling my legs and ankles which are extremely ticklish, he digs his nails into my skin. I don't know what to do, please help :(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
This doesn't sound like a cat willing to be ignored, so that strategy may not work. Get some type of basket by the keyboard and put the cat in it EVERY TIME he goes on the keyboard or attacks your legs, even if he doesn't stay there. Start using some sort of call noise if you don't already, and only put him in the lap when you feel like it, summoning him with the call noise and tapping your lap. If he attacks legs when your walking around, a loud enough to be startling "no!" is the usual remedy.

I had a cat stalker myself a year or so ago. The key is just to be consistent. Don't allow them on the computer desk unless they are willing to go in the basket. And never pay attention to them if they attack you -- just the loud no


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 13, 2018
Congratulations! You have got a very loving cat.

Recently, I heard of an amazing trick to stop them doing whatever they are doing. Simply 'hiss' at them. Thats what Mama cat does to them when they are being pain in her hinds or generally being dangerous to their own safety.

The trick really works. I have an idiot who is so full of energy that he is most destructive to my plants. After a bit of hissing he has learnt to leave the plants alone - at least when I am around. There is some othet member in one of recent threads who got his cat to stop jumping on boxes. Imagine that!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
Welcome to TCS and sorry for the questions. How old is your cat and how long has he lived with you? What do you know about this cat's background from before you adopted him? I am asking these questions because they will be helpful to others trying to provide advice. Some of these issues could be happening because he is still adjusting to his new home or came from a situation where he was recently separated from siblings. This is why I am looking for more information.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 13, 2018
Hello catlover73 catlover73 , I got Bruce when he was 7 weeks, he was with his brother who was his littermate. After some trouble, Luke went back to staying with the lady who had their mother - he escaped me and was happier outdoors than with me, still is. Bruce is currently 5 months, absolutely healthy and insatiable ball of infinite energy.
I have no issues with Bruce whatsoever - we are very happy -, especially since I can talk to him now via hissing. If I have to complain, i'll say that he has taken to biting me lightly now, but what is a few bites from an energetic cat once in a while.
Actually, it was @Mamanyt1953 who suggested the idea of hissing to me and it has nade wonders.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 13, 2018
Hello catlover73 catlover73 , I got Bruce when he was 7 weeks, he was with his brother who was his littermate. After some trouble, Luke went back to staying with the lady who had their mother - he escaped me and was happier outdoors than with me, still is. Bruce is currently 5 months, absolutely healthy and insatiable ball of infinite energy.
I have no issues with Bruce whatsoever - we are very happy -, especially since I can talk to him now via hissing. If I have to complain, i'll say that he has taken to biting me lightly now, but what is a few bites from an energetic cat once in a while.
Actually, it was @Mamanyt1953 who suggested the idea of hissing to me and it has nade wonders.
Sorry, I thought you were asking me, as I was last responder. Makes more sense that you would ask OP this question. :)
Y ytommu2233 , the stage is all yours